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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2220982-Shrunk-In-The-Pokeworld/cid/2838924-Lost-at-the-Lake
Rated: E · Interactive · Activity · #2220982
You get shrunk in the Pokeworld by Mew, and you have to go find it to get your height back
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Chapter #4

Lost at the Lake

    by: Unknown
You were left undisturbed, staring at the sky in the direction Mew took off for a long time, your mind processing what just happened: Mew, a supposedly sweet and playful Pokemon, had shrunk you down to size and left you in the middle of nowhere.

Well, that wasn't exactly correct.

You were currently by the lake shore of Lake Verity, where you had been napping until Mew showed up and did... this. So now, you were basically stuck in the wild, shrunk and alone; even if Twinleaf Town was near, you weren't even sure you could reach by night at this size, and that was assuming you didn't get lost in the forest of grass!

Realization dawned on you.

You were no longer a human being, but an insect barely bigger than a speck of dust on the Sinnoh region.

Panic began settling in as you felt your legs shaking, forcing you to sit down to think of a way out of this; okay, being this tiny would seem admittedly somewhat cool, but the perspective of what could happen to you while you were like this... scared you. A lot.

You sat there for a long while, trying to calm the beating of your heart while also trying to calm yourself.

There had to be something you could do, you just had to keep calm; slowly, very slowly, your heart stopped rattling your chest and your breathing became steady.

What you had to do was pretty clear: you had to find Mew. There was one major problem though: you had no idea where Mew went or if you could even get out by this patch of grass by the lake.

Daunted, you turned to face the same lake, trying to think.

But, as much as you tried to focus, you couldn't find a solution that didn't involve finding Mew, a task that was currently impossible since you had no Pokemon or help whatsoever right now; the only thing you had was your PokeKron, which you used to take a picture of the mischievous legendary.


You briefly wondered if the pink Pokemon was happily waiting for you, to make your move maybe watching you from somewhere nearby, in a twisted game of hide and seek. Or perhaps she had already forgotten you moments after she took off, really leaving you to fend for yourself in a world of giants.

Once more, fear rose in you, nearly causing you to hyperventilate.

You had to get out of here. You had to find help. You had to avoid ending in the stomach of a Pokemon or on the bottom of someone's shoe.

As you began realizing the true danger of the situation you were in, you felt tempted to cower back down and cry; the world around you began looking much scarier all of a sudden, starting with the 'trees' around you that were starting to tower over you menacingly.

It was all too much to bear.

So, you sat down, hidden as well as you could in the grass, and didn't move.


You sat for a very long time.

At first, you tried to convince yourself that this was all a dream, just a dream, a dream you could get out of by simply waking up, a feeble illusion caused by your subconscious, a mirage... but, with how much you tried, you couldn't wake up, and you eventually had to accept that you were living in hard reality.

Upon realizing that, you sank back into thought, but your brain was a maze, and you were stuck in the middle of it with the solution to this situation at the end.

Eventually, you managed to get a headache without having found a way to improve your situation.

Enough, enough! You had to stop thinking and start moving, or else you were going to stay here forever!

You got on your feet and, without thinking anymore, you began running. You at least had to get out of this patch of grass, then... you decided cross that bridge when you came to it.

It took you a while, but eventually managed to emerge from the forest of leafless trees; luckily, there were no Pokemon around.

Small victories, you guessed as you began pondering your next course of action.

Of course, getting back to Twinleaf Town seemed the best thing to do right now, also because you really saw no other option.

You bitterly realized that, had you had a Pokemon, they'd help you out... and maybe you wouldn't even be in this mess to begin with!

You shook your head, knowing you didn't have the time for regrets.

It was decided: you had to get back to the town!
*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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