Lunch had just finished, and Susie was slumped back in her chair, after having enjoyed a massive meal which left her a little winded. Jess took the chance and began laying down her trap.
“Yes, Jess? What’s up?”
“Have you noticed that lately, you have seemed to have reached a plateau in regard to your weight? I mean, we weight ourselves each night right after training and yet, your weight isn’t changing that much…”
“Yeah…I noticed. I actually wanted to ask you about that, because I don’t get it what’s going on.”
“Well, I did a bit of research and I probably figured out what the issue is. You see, each person has its own metabolism, this body mechanism is managing the way your body react to calorie consumption and storage. Usually, to speed up your own metabolism, one need to do plenty of exercises and eat less, forcing its own body to reduce the intake of energies and manage with what little it receives while keeping the body fit.
But, in truth, it’s not always like this.”
“It’s not?”
“No. There are a few cases where the body will not speed up its own metabolism even though more exercise and diets are carried through. That’s because, the body tries to keep its own balance by slowing down as a result of an increase of activities. That’s seem to be your case.”
Jess, as she kept explaining, knew perfectly well that all this discussion was a boatload of crap, still, Susie had never been the smartest of girls, and in some regards she was a bit of a derp, and Jessie just loved her more for that.
But in this particular case, she was truly exploiting this weakness of hers.
“So, what I’m getting at, Susan, is that we can try to slow down a bit on your exercises, while having you load up on energies and getting you hydrated. This way we can try to force your body to reach its ideal balance to get you out of this plateau, then we will steer it toward speeding up again.”
Susie nodded a few times. She hadn’t really much knowledge in this field but, if Jessie said it, it had to be true. She was, after all, a known fitness guru so she surely knew what was going on and how to address this kind of situation.
“Alright, love. So, what should I do?”
“Well, for starters, I would suggest you stop exercising every day, just do it one or two times a week. Then I’ll arrange your meals so that you can manage to get a bit more of energy from each meal. Oh, and you can start having a few of these each day.”
As she said that she brough forward a one-liter bottle of homemade shake, Susie grabbed it gingerly and tried to get a sip out of it. As soon as she tasted it, she couldn’t refrain herself from moaning in pleasure. After a few, quite long, sips, she managed to let go of it and turned her tare toward her lover.
“This is so good. But, are you sure? Wouldn’t be better to just drink more water, throughout the day?”
“Normally, that is true. In this case, there’s a chance that water wouldn’t remain long enough in your system to let your body metabolize it, and without any metabolization, your body would still try to overcompensate, despite your efforts. The shakes, instead, will remain longer within your system so…”
“So, my body will have more time to make sure that is hydrated, right?”
“Exactly so.”
Susie smiled at that, even though she hadn’t understood much, she was still happy of all the support Jess was giving her with this issue.
“Alright then! To the speeding up of my metabolism!”
Now that Susie had been integrated completely into the plan, Jessie knew that her dream girl was one step closer to becoming real. All she had to do now was to let her gain weight and, keep her in the dark about it.
Not the easiest of tasks, but, doable.
Starting from that day Susie meals grew larger and more filling, often Jess encouraged her to have seconds, and in rare occasions even thirds, and Susan did her best to comply. In truth, as days turned into weeks, and her meals kept growing longer and larger, Susie was starting to actually enjoy this kid of diet. It wasn’t only her meals that were getting bigger, though. In those days that she usually went to the gym, Jess pushed Susie to simply stay at home and laze about, having quite a few snacks to help her in her ‘loading up of energies’.
At first, these snacks were only a few candy bars and, maybe a couple donuts but, as time carried on and Susan get used to those, she herself began to give herself more and more snacks, until she almost had some mini-meals, right before dinner time.
Then, to hammer down Susie’s growth, Jessie made sure that throughout the day, whether she was at home or in office, Susie kept drinking no less than nine or ten of those shakes, just to be sure she kept herself hydrated. Moreover, even though once a week they went together to the gym, Jessie made sure that Susie would pass most of her time sitting down on a bench, slurping down shake after shake, having her do only a few basic exercises, and even those for just a handful of minutes.
Susie, in truth, was enjoying all this a bit too much. She knew it was just a temporary thing and, for this exact reason she swore to herself that she would just enjoy it until it lasted. She couldn’t imagine the consequences of her own free enjoyment of this different diet.
As Jessie dreamed about the perfect Susie, she soon realized, that she wasn’t dreaming anymore, she was just remembering how the last weekend had gone with Susie stuck in the apartment with her.
As memories flooded back, so did her arousal.