Laura made the long trip down from her office down to the building's parking garage, when her headset rang. That was the emergency line.
"Fuck." She picked up. "Talk to me, rookie. What's going on?"
"Ms. Oko, ma'am!" gasped a voice on the other end. "This is Surveillance Intern Melissa Stephens! We've got a situation here! Oh god, things are bad, ma'am! Two of the contestants ran into each other and--and--"
"Calm down," said Laura. "Just tell me who the contestants are, what powers they have, and what the situation is."
[Given the length of each possibility, Ms. Stephens possible answers are presented below.]
1. "Tara Michaels and Paula Jameson, ma'am! Michaels is at level 4 already! She gave herself minor hypnosis and removed the cooldown timer for her gun! Jameson gave herself a second gun for simultaneous fat transfer! Tara got the drop on Paula and convinced her to team up. They're downtown and have barricaded themselves on a rooftop. Tara is growing Paula's breasts while Paula transfers the new growth to pedestrians down below. We've got 3 people who are already immobilized, and the two are projected to be at level 7 within the next half hour!"
2. "Lindsay Crowe and Tanya Morris, ma'am! Crowe gave herself level 1 personality manipulation, but Morris gave herself the bimbo-control option! Lindsay managed to get herself an entourage of 5-story women, but Tanya's managed to bimbofy half of them already. The contestants keep losing control over their minions, so we have a bunch of horny, 50-foot-tall women pumped up with a metric ton of silicone running around downtown and wreaking havoc! Both contestants are on the verge of leveling up again!"
3. "Paula Jameson and Lindsay Crowe, ma'am! Lindsay gave herself the self-enhancement suite, and Paula gave herself the memory-alteration option. Operations didn't account for the proportion of fat transfer when calculating point totals for Jameson, but R and D based her gun on a percent system. Lindsay is ten stories tall and on a rampage downtown, and Paula has been transferring fat from the giantess' ass to her breasts. Jameson's transferred a couple tons of fat already, so she's nearly at level 8! Crowe is uh. Still a giantess. I think she's wearing the town's elevated train system as a necklace right now."
4. "Tara Michaels and Lindsay Crowe, ma'am! Michaels got rid of the cooldown timer on her gun, and Lindsay Crowe made the mistake of pissing off a 70-foot tall bodyguard!" [The situation is similar to option 3. However, Lindsay's bodyguard Allison has been grown to the point of immobility by Tara Michaels. Tara has gained enough points to get to level 8. Lindsay has willingly transferred control of her gun to Allison, who is attempting to outgrow tall enough to hoist her own breasts.]
5. "Paula and Tanya, ma'am! Tanya gave herself the sustained bimbofication option. Paula got up to level 3 and gave herself the power to convert one type of ammo to another and the power to transfer strength between people. Tanya had converted a gym's locker room full of women into bimbos, then used her power to turn them all into mindless, lust-driven monsters who have so much silicone in them that it looks like both their breasts and asses each are twice as heavy as their old bodies! They were immobile, but Paula swooped in after Tanya left, and somehow she managed to absorb an entire Weight Watcher's group of excess fat into her ammo stores. She saw them, and well, she used that ammo to give Tanya's victims enough strength to stand up and break into a dead sprint. There's a pack of superhumanly strong bimbos who can't think of anything other than their own horniness on the loose! They got the rest of my surveillance team, ma'am! I think they turned Johnson's pelvis into dust!