The resident brooding powerless member of the Utopian alliance, this tall-dark-and-edgy character spends most of his time roaming the dark alleyways of Wonder-City, beating up common thugs (i.e. extras) and only occasionally meeting the eyes of a superfan Guest.
A relatively easy job as far as Actors go, but the spotlight never shines quite as brightly in the seedy underbelly. Plus, they have to deal with Brighteyes…
The Wondertainment-mandated perky sidekick to Nightcowl, this role is the most malleable of all of WonderWorld’s! Depending on the direction that the Writers decide to take the plot, this bushy-tailed being could be a girl, boy, tall, short, any ethnicity under the sun, smart, dumb, etc.
Of course, Wondertainment would never shell out the amount of money it would take to hire separate actors for each one, so whichever sorry sap gets the role has to spend quite a lot of time in a Meconstruction booth.
Ergo, most Brighteyes’ are a bit… unstable. You don’t get a turnover rate that high without a reason, after all.
The first thing that someone might notice about Captain Capable’s own sidekick — alter ego dubbed Audrey Palmer — is how darn cute she is.
Five feet three inches of cuddly dynamite; the smattering of freckles over her face; the bit-too-bulky black boots and gloves; and, of course, the black pair of super-underoos over her bright yellow spandex costume. All of it ties together to create one of the friendliest faces of Wonder-City! (Behind the Captain himself, of course.)
Those who are looking with a more lasivicious eye, perhaps, might notice the set of flotation devices anchored to her chest.
It was a little in-joke pulled by the artist of her issues: drawing her chest just a litttle bigger each issue to see what he could get away with — executives only noticed when her endowments were near-head-sized. By then, the sales were too high to justify any rollbacks: a spandex-clad pair of baps skyrocketed demands among the teenage demographic.
The curvy coed was put in WonderCity for much of the reason as Mighty Maid: another soft body for monied Guests to grope, but fate had a different idea in mind for the Golden Girl of WonderCity…
It turned out that ages 4-9 just loved the Lass. Maybe their eyes were drawn to the overabundance of nonthreatening yellow; maybe her short stature seems to be a common denominator for the precocious picknies — the reason didn’t quite matter. All that Wondertainment was able to suss out was that she made an excellent daycare manager while the parents were off engaging in salacious superheroics.
Even the most twisted tycoon balks a bit at feeling up the lass you're leaving your kids alone with.
So, just pop the most motherly graduate in the overbuxom form of Audrey and you’re off to the races, right?
Of course not.
Wondertainment wants its roles — and consequently, the actors forced into them — to be flexible. What’s the point of just having a simple babysitter when you can have her work double-time as an understudy?
It’s well-known that only one graduate gets to be the star of the show, the Captain himself. But, of course, you’re going to have a runner-up or two. So, shove the second bananas into the sidekick, and bang, presto, you have a perfectly personnel-efficient part! It’s a bit on-the-nose; both actor and their sidekicked-role learning at the Captain’s side.
What’s that? Placing some of the most ambitious graduates in a bit part that’s only made of sweet smiles, endearing naiveté, bending over backwards for rich brats, and near-constant backpain might create a deep-seated resentment towards their more-successful Captain counterparts?
That’s ridiculous.