Chapter #2The Beginning (Part 2/3) by: Bulletin  As much as he wanted to contemplate this weird looking dragon, reality called for his attention right at the moment he heard the dragon speak.
“Master?” They asked.
“Huh?” He answered in confusion once he came to his senses.
“I said, I am so glad that you are ok” They said with a face that expressed concern while they approached him.
“Oh, yeah that uh” The way this dragon’s voice sounded was so strange, he was hoping to identify their gender after hearing their voice, but it was indistinguishable from male and female. It also sounded quite young and now that they were getting closer, he could notice that they didn’t seem to be older than fifteen years old. He didn’t know how to approach the situation until, he saw the scarf they were carrying in his right arm, his scarf. Something clicked in his mind. “Wait, you” He said in a cold voice, pointing a finger to them.
The dragon suddenly stopped, taken by surprise for the way Oswald addressed them. “You are responsible for this, aren’t you?” He said in an accusing tone while getting up. “Somehow you were in that weird rock; you grabbed my arm trapping me against my will and you made me fall to my death”
The dragon made a sharp gasp, bringing his hand to their mouth and taking a step back. “Master, I-I d-didn’t meant for this to happened” They said in a broken voice. “I just…”
“Oh no, let me guess” He interrupted with anger building up inside him. “You are someone who happens to have magic of your own and you thought it would be a great idea to use such gift to pull pranks on people in the middle of nowhere. But this time your plan backfired when you were about to be responsible for homicide, am I right?”
“No!” They yelled.
“No wait, I get it. You think you are so special for having something not many have. And developed a superiority complex, believing you had the right to treat people like your personal entertainment doing petty things like scaring someone to death” He said almost in a mocking tone. “Is that way you go around naked?”
“I swear none of that is the truth. I was just acting by instinct; I wasn’t conscious of what I was doing” They said getting on their knees and bringing their hands together in an apologetic gesture. Their face was the epitome of remorse “I never meant to cause you any harm, I swear!”
By this point Oswald couldn’t bring himself to keep putting pressure on the dragon. It seemed they truly were sorry for their actions. But he still had some questions he needed to be answered.
“You stopped it, didn’t you? You stopped me from falling to my death” He said quietly.
The dragon slowly raised his head to look him in the eye. “Twice. The first time I failed to save you. The second one, I resorted to my powers” They said while wiping their tears off. “I’m so sorry”
Now he was starting to feel bad. This person never meant any harm, they continuously showed concern for his wellbeing and even made it up to them by saving his life. And there he was assuming the worst of them.
“H-hey, I… I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed those things about you” He apologized sincerely.
The dragon tilted their head. “No master, you had every right to be mad at me. I almost caused your death by accident. I don’t deserve forgiveness for that”
“N-no I don’t think that justifies…” Suddenly he realized something. “Wait a minute, why do you keep calling me like that?” He asked
The once again tilted their head. “Call you like what?”
“Master, you keep calling me master. Why?”
They seemed puzzled by the question. “Because you are my master?”
“Uh… no, no I’m not your…” He couldn’t help but rub his temple. “Listen, I think we started with the wrong foot, so let me introduce myself” He pointed to himself with both hands. “My name is Oswald, what’s your…”
“Oswald!” The dragon said loudly, interrupting him. “Os-wald, Oooswald, Ooouswaaald” They said his name in different pronunciations. Once they stopped, they drew a big smile on their face, revealing sharp fangs. “It’s a pleasure to meet you master Oswald” They said with a reverence.
Oswald for his part couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable for the way this dragon addressed him. “A pleasure to meet you too… Anyway. What’s your name?”
With that question the smile erased from their face. “Name?” They said bringing their hands together. “I don’t have a name; you still haven’t given me one”
With this answer Oswald remained in silence for a few seconds before answering. “You are the strangest guy I’ve ever meet; you know?
The dragon once again made a concerned expression. “W-what do you mean master?”
“What do I mean? Where to even begin” He said looking to one side and then back to them. “To start, you have magic of your own, then you caused me too to fall to my death only to save seconds after, you keep calling me master for no reason and now you are telling me you don’t have a name” Then he gave them a quick look. “And that’s not to mention how weird you look. What kind of dragon are you?”
Now the dragon seemed perplexed. “Master, I think you are very confused about what I am, and I cannot blame you. I just can’t expect that everyone to know about my existence”
“Your existence? What do you mean? He asked.
“Master, do you recognize this mark” The pointed with a finger to the symbol on their forehead.
He would be lying if he said he hadn’t seen that mark before, but he couldn’t remember what in meant. “More or less. I remember having seen it before but not what it meant”
“Mmm” They were rubbing their muzzle. “Do you recognize the mark at the back of your left hand” They pointed to him with a finger.
“Mark? I don’t have any mark at the back of my…” His words faltered when he realized that indeed he had a symbol at the back of his left hand. It looked very similar to the mark the dragon had on their forehead, with the difference that this one didn’t look like a rose but like a hydrangea with lines that resembled thin stems accompanied with petals that extended all across his forearm, as it were a tattoo, a tattoo that glowed in a cyan color. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t realized of the presence of this mark on his arm before. “It had been there the whole time! I didn’t either realized about the condition of my left sleeve, it is all teared apart! Am I really that blind?” He thought to himself. But the most shocking part about this revelation was that… he recognized this mark and what it meant.
His blood froze and a very uncomfortable feeling invaded his boy. Upon looking back at the dragon, he immediately backed away, holding his left hand. The fear was building in his heart.
“Master?” Once again, they showed concern for him. “Are you ok”
Many thoughts were flooding his mind as he came with an explanation about this, but all lead to one answer, one he couldn’t accept unless he confirmed his assumptions.
He looked at the dragon in front of him and asked. “Are you the Enori?”
With a very quiet voice the dragon answered “Yes”
Oswald’s entire world began to collapse in front this revelation. Like a lighting striking his head, everything came back to him. This strange dragon, their ambiguous gender, their powers, the way they addressed him as “master” the strange rock that trapped his arm, the mark in the dragon’s forehead and the other one in his left arm. It all made sense now, he finally remembered all he learned in he learned in school and in books about this creature. The rock they were hiding in wasn’t such thing, it was a capsule, containing their inert body and this thing wasn’t a dragon, it was something far more unique and so much more special. It was the Enori. The first lifeform to have ever existed in the world, who possessed the greatest power in the galaxy. And as the first lifeform to have ever existed in the world they didn’t have a specified gender and any resemblance to dragons was pure coincidence. Actually, it would be more accurate to say the dragons looked like them. He couldn’t let their appearance fool him, in just a blink of an eye this creature could become an enormous titan that could stomp entire countries with just a couple of steps, shot lasers from their eyes that could destroy entire planets, create empty dimensions, control the minds of anyone, cure any illness, move anything with their mind and more, so much more. However, this creature couldn’t live nor desire on their own. Due to the great amount of power contained in their soul, it kind of messed with its stability forcing it to remain uncomplete and because they were a being who always had so much power nothing ever challenged them, they never had to make an effort accomplish anything and thus the never developed a desire of their own. That’s why they needed someone else to give them the rest of the soul they lacked and the desire to move their actions towards some purpose. In short, someone who would become their master. Without one the Enori would simply remain in a vegetative state inside their capsule, waiting for someone to free them from their prison. You have the following choice: 1. Continue |
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