Tom looked up from his menu, and felt weird, as couldn't quite place himself. He was in some restaurant that he'd never seen before, completely alone. Well not completely alone, as he heard a conversation going on in the back kitchen. He looked out the window to see if he could tell what street he was on, but all he could see was a vast ocean of waster, and waves crashing against a cliff. There was no entrance to the restaurant, which caused Tom to really sit and think about what was happening. "I gotta be fucking dreaming, Tom said to himself, "either that or I'm dead". He heard a laugh come from a distance in front of him. "You're not dead, you dork". The voice sounded familiar, and Tom looked up to confirm if he knew who it was.
It was Jojo, and Tom realized that he must've been at the restaurant she worked at! She was carrying a tray of raw meat that Tom could cook on the grill at his table. "Hey stranger" she said, "you following me?". Tom laughed, "Nah, I was feeling a bit hungry, and I was in the neighborhood, so I stepped into this hole in the wall, and you just happen to work here". Jojo laughed at that, and set Tom's tray down. "Do you know what your'e doing? We're supposed to ask every customer ever since a month ago when a customer burned all his pieces and wrote a bad review online". Jojo said to Tom. "Well, I think I got the hang of it, but why don't you stick around in case I fuck up and start hating on this place on some blog?" he joked. Jojo laughed at Tom's comment, which served as a small victory for him. He knew that if he could make this girl giggle, then he had a pretty good chance of making her cheeks jiggle. "I'll go grab another pair of chopsticks, I'll be right back" Jojo said as she headed back to the front of the restaurant. As she walked away, Tom caught a full view of Jojo's magnificent ass. It seemed as if she moved in slow motion, and one cheeked moved at a time. Her ass looked good in her uniform, which was practically a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt. Tom was thankful for the restaurants casual dress code.
She returned, and sat down right across from Tom. She grabbed a piece of meat from his plate, and tossed it onto the grill. The meat sizzled as it was being cooked, and Jojo said "All you really gotta do is make the meat a light brown, and then you're in the clear. Red is too raw, and when it's black, that means you fucked it up." Tom laughed, "Well that seems like tough. Thank god I have a teach like you Jojo". Jojo smiled at Tom's comment, and then looked to see if anybody else was near. She whispered to him, "Hey, you wanna try somethin intense?" Tom became confused about the question. You don't exactly asked somebody about wanting to try something before they eat, or even while they cook for that matter. Jojo continued, "Well, for like a new employee initiation, the owner has you burn a piece of meat, and swallow it whole in one gulp! I tried it but I couldn't do it because it burned the hell out of my tongue. I wanna see you try it!" Tom was conflicted at this point. He wanted to go along with Jojo's little game, but at the same time, didn't want to deal with blisters. Then he remembered, it's just a dream, he can't get hurt burnt by some hot food. "Fuck it, I'm down" Tom said willingly. Jojo cheered gleefully, and threw another piece of meat onto the grill.
About 5 minutes passed by, and the meat was finally ready. Well sort of, in this case, it was absolutely ready. The meat had become completely black and charred due to it being overcooked, and looks very unappetizing. Tom grabbed his chopsticks and stared at the piece, and then at Jojo. She had a huge grin on her face, as if she couldn't believe Tom was actually going to do it. He picked up the piece and tossed it into his mouth.
Immediately, his entire mouth got blistering hot and his eyes instantly watered. He tried to play it cool, but all he could do was put his hands in front of his face. He didn't want to spit it out, and puss out in front of Jojo, so by the grace of god, Tom mustered the strength to force the meat to the back of his throat, and swallow it as quickly as he could. He let out an exhale as he breathed out all the hot air that was just inside of his mouth. Jojo clapped for Tom, and said, "Wow, and now you get your wish!". Tom frowned, "I went through all that from a "wish?". Jojo nodded, "Yeah! In Korean folklore, this task had been passed down throughout generations, and those who pass get a wish granted!". Tom laughed at the thought of it, and then looked up at Jojo. She had an eager look on her face, almost as if she was waiting for Tom to make his "wish". "Whelp" Tom thought to himself, "When in Rome".
Tom closed his eyes, and thought to himself "I wish real life would be like my dreams". He opened his eyes and seen Jojo with the same look on her face. Tom looked side to side, almost as if he were expecting something to happen. "Well?" he said to Jojo. "welllll, what did you wish for?". "I think the famous rules of wishes is that I'm not supposed to tell anybody Jojo" Tom joked. "Hmph, fine. Be that way" Jojo pouted as she crossed her arms across her chest. Tom didn't want to upset her, so he joked, "I asked that you be blonde, haha". Just after Tom had said that, the hue of Jojo's brown hair had lighted up, and became blonde. Tom was immediately taken aback at what had just occurred in front of him. "Uhhh, earth to Tom, I've been blonde my entire life" Jojo said jokingly. Tom wasn't too sure of what had just happened, but then he realized that he must be in one of those lucid dreams, where the dreamer had control of everything around them. He looked back at Jojo's hair, and envisioned it reverting back to how it was. Her hair changed back just as quickly as it had become blonde. "Well, I've had blonde highlights in the past, but it just wasn't for me". Jojo answered, in response to Tom's "fake" wish. Tom then understood that he could do what he pleased, to whomever he pleased in this dream world of his, and the looked over at Jojo with a mischievous grin.
Tom set his eyes on Jojo's flat chest, which was practically the opposite of her curvaceous ass. He already thought that she was beautiful, but it was time to make her perfect. He imagined a pair of perky, DD's sprouting from her flat chest, replacing her A-cups. Right after he finished his thought, the "KBBQ" on Jojo's uniform begun to jut outwards, slowly. Tom noticed that the sides of the K and the Q began to bend, and the BB became more prominent on her chest. The plate that she set in-front of herself was being pushed away due to her expanding rack. Her breasts plopped onto table, and sat there in all their glory. It looked like she had stuffed two grapefruits into her shirt, just because of how firmly they sat on her chest. It was a complete 180 from 15 seconds ago, when they were pushing against her uniform instead. Tom's jaw dropped at what he had just done. He transformed her into the perfect partner for himself, and he was in utter disbelief (pun intended). Perverted thought soon filled Tom's mind, as he was ready to take his dream to the next level with Jojo, when suddenly, he heard it.
His alarm.
Tom's eyes shot open as his glaze met his phone. 8:30. He didn't have class until noon, but this alarm was still set to when he would wake up in high school. Tom groaned, and hit snooze. He set an alarm for 10:45, so he would have adequate time for breakfast and a shower before his first day. Tom set his phone back down and set his head back upon his pillow and closed his eyes. He remembered his dream and said to himself, "If they were real like that, then dreams really would come true".
(Meanwhile at Jojo's apartment, right after Tom had said that)
Jojo laid asleep in her bed, asleep in only a small white tanktop and a red thong. She dressed for comfort when she was at home, due to the fact that she lived alone, so she had free reign. The thong wasn't really able to serve it's purpose, as her huge ass cheeks ate up the backside, so anybody who seen them got a free show. Her tanktop did it's job, but not for long.
Jojo's nipples hardened and begun to poke through her tanktop. Her chest started to grow as she continued to sleep, completely unaware to the change that was happening to her body. The fabric of her tanktop stretched and stretched until it partially ripped in the middle of it, exposing her now vast cleavage. Jojo now had a full, hour-glass figure and she didn't even know. | Members who added to this interactive story also contributed to these: |