Path to this Chapter:
  1. This is for Max
  2. May
  3. The beginning
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Rated: E · Interactive · Adult · #2210121
Characters from Pokemon get diapered
This choice: May wears them to help Max who wears them  •  Go Back...
Chapter #3

This is for Max

    by: Charizard43
(Authors note: for reminders, all characters are ages up to at least 18. Max is now 18, making May 20.)

"Come again soon!" The pokemart lady said cheerfully, as a woman wearing a red bandana nervously, yet briskly walked out of the blue-roofed shop.

May's face had an anxious expression, slightly pink with embarrassment about what's in the shopping bag slung over her shoulder like a purse. She was trying to not look suspicious, as she speed-walked out of the center of the small town, towards the small inn she and her brother, Max, were staying the night.

Unlocking the front door to their temporary lodging, May immediately signed in nervous relief as the oaken door slowly creaked closed.

She wasn't in the clear yet, however. Far from it.

The inn's rooms were quite good, despite it being a small town. The one May and Max rented out had two bedrooms, plus a small lounge and kitchenette. The shared space was complete with a couch, dinner table, and a couple chairs.

She tiptoed to her room, trying not to alert Max if he was even here at all. He can be really nosy when he wants to be.

The door to her room closed, thankfully quieter than the front door.

"Finally…" May sighed, leaning slightly on the door. Now to get things unpacked…

She slung the slightly opaque bag down her arm, letting the cheap plastic sack and its contents land on her mattress. She then began to rifle through the bag, unloading the contents onto the bed. The bag only contained one thing, but it was insanely embarrassing and hard to explain, hence her earlier anxiousness.

The item was a vaguely rectangular package, pink in color and plastic in material. On the front, was text in bright bubbly letters. There was also cutesy art of a motherly Gardevoir holding a diapered ralts in her arms like a baby. There was what to be assumed to be the two Pokemon's trainers next to them, only exclusively wearing a matching diaper and pink shirt. The Gardevoir's other hand was on the trainer's diaper's seat, checking if it's trainer had used the badding. The trainer looked both embarrassed, and confident.

"Pokepamps: Trainer pants, Heal ball pattern. For the trainer who isn't trained." The text read, making May's face red when she read it.

"Why did I get ones that are so… childish?!" May muttered to herself, hiding her face with her hands in shame. "These are humiliating!"

She gingerly opened the package, pulling out one of the humiliating objects contained inside the infantile packaging.

If it wasn't obvious enough already, she had bought diapers, one that could easily fit her. They were patterned like a Heal ball, with four magenta colored tapes.

She removed everything she was wearing from the waist down, including her underwear. Laying down on the bed, she held up the infantile underwear up to the light.

"Remember, it's for Max. It's for Max." She thought, trying to calm her nerves and swallow her pride. She remembered exactly why she bought these humiliating garments as she unfurled the pink padding, starting to put in on…

You see, for as long as May could remember, Max has had a problem with bed wetting. She remembers him crying when their parents even suggested that he goes back to diapers during the night to cut down on laundry. Eventually he relented, and has been reluctantly padded during the night ever since.

Max almost never wakes up dry, which he triumphantly announces when he does, and that seems to be the case even up to modern day. In fact, his accidents have been getting worse. May doesn't remember any dry nights in at least 8 months, when it used to be every 2 months or so.

To make things worse was something May noticed about a week ago. Max's shorts looked puffed out, which is the signature barely audible rustling that Max's night diapers make when he moves. Max started to wear diapers during the day!

Did Max's bladder problems start happening during the day? Why else was he wearing diapers?! He didn't even say a word around it, so he must be too shameful to say anything. Which is strange, since they've grown especially close in the last few years… they tell each other everything! She's even changed him out of his diapers before when he's been especially depressed!

The last tape of the Pokepamp was pressed down, snugly sealing her private area in the fluffy walls of the diaper.

Which is why she bought these. If he's so ashamed of his continence issues, the least she can do as his older sister is make him feel less alone. She'll even gladly… "use" the diapers if it makes him stop being so sad about it.

She looked down at her new underwear, all embarrassment replaced with brave confidence.

"These diapers are actually pretty comfortable…" May remarked, with the initial embarrassment about her new underwear melting away.

The diaper was quite thick, the soft fluffy interior must've been at least 2 inches thick. It made an audible crinkling sound when she did… pretty much anything. Despite all of the embarrassing cons, she felt oddly secure, like the diaper was there to make her feel like everything was ok. It was a weird feeling, but not one she's against getting used to.

She quickly slipped on a knee high skirt (no way were her shorts fitting over them, at least without making her pokeball-themed pampers obvious to onlookers). The diaper luckily didn't peek out from under her skirt, but crop tops were maybe off the table for the foreseeable future, because the diaper's top rode up to just under her belly button. The shape of the diaper would be obvious if she bent down in a specific way, but that was expected. May slinked over the door, the diaper making a rustling noise that seemed 50x louder to May than it actually was. Was this what Max deals with?

She took a deep breath, then opened the door.

This is for Max.

This is for Max!

She casually walked into the living space, and saw something that was quite surprising.

In the living space was Max. He was in the kitchenette, popping leftovers from yesterday into the microwave. It looked like he was microwaving enough for the two of them. There was now a notebook, and Max's Pokedex on the dining table. There was also what looked like groceries.

He never goes grocery shopping on his own! He's always felt awkward shopping on his own, especially getting his diapers!

"Hi!" Max said, giving a slight smile "I just got back from getting food. I didn't want to bother you, so I'm just heating up some leftovers. Sorry if you had anything planned.

"No! No! I didn't have anything planned!" May replied, right when the microwave beeped. "I'm surprised you went shopping! I'm happy that you did!"

"Well, thank you!" Max said, his smile getting a bit wider and more sincere. "I felt like I haven't been pulling my weight recently, so I felt like getting us stocked up. I was getting low on diapers, anyway."

That last sentence reminded May of her predicament. Should she just tell him now? There's no point to being diapered unless he knows…

"Hey, uh, Max? I really need to talk to you about something…"

"Yeah? What is it?" He answered, playing the now heated food, then walked over to place the two plates down.

May held up one finger, then walked back into her room. She then returned with the package of the infantile diapers, setting them on the table.

"Oh, did you get me more?" Max asked, giving an extended glace at the pink packaging. "These look really girly though. And why's one missing?"

"I know you're now wearing during the day."

Max froze, his smile quickly turning into shame. He just stood there, his eyes then started to glisten with tears.

"I wanted to let you know that you're not alone."

His eyes were still teary, but his expression was completely shocked.

"Wait, is that why the package is open?!"

May lifted her skirt, showing where the missing diaper is.

"I'm wearing these now, I just want to make your situation feel better." May explained, Max just being wide eyed "You don't need to be alone. I'll even use them if I have to."

Max's eyes were still teary, but not with shame this time. He quickly grappled his sister in a tight hug.

"Thank you…" Max said, ending the hug and letting out a deep breath to calm himself down. "You deserve an explanation. Here, I'll explain after you sit down."

May sat down, preparing herself for a hard talk.

What was Max's explanation?

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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