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Rated: XGC · Interactive · Action/Adventure · #2208113
A resurrected story of change and being changed where anything can happen.

A resurrected story of change and being changed where anything can happen.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:

Your life was decidedly dull. That was fact you couldn't escape. Average house, average family, average looks... just average everything.


You name is Alexander J Tucker, or more commonly, just Alex. You're, unsurprisingly, a pretty average kid of seventeen, 5'11, slim but sinewy build. You're a bit of a misanthropic shut-in with a few close friends, love strategy and racing games and have a mild obsession with messing around under the hoods of old classic cars. Despite your rather cynical outlook, you're an annoyingly average and unremarkable brown haired, brown eyed kid.

Heidi Tucker nee Hewitt (Your Mother) - A 39-year old mother of three. She had apparently been a bombshell when she was younger but the strain of giving birth and raising 3 children all on her own while having very little time for herself lead her to put on a lot of weight. She's a kindhearted woman, if a little clingy towards her children, who does her best to provide for her family. She's the very image of the Hewitt-clan, pale skinned, green eyes, and deep red hair. She's fairly short at 5'2 with a thickly set, pear shaped figure with a very generous bustline (https://i.pinimg.com/736x/83/94/90/839490247f5a64205c95340dd2baba3d.jpg)

Victoria Tucker (Your Elder Sister) - 19 years old, a freshman in college, and queen bitch. You and Victoria, or Tori as she prefers to be called, have never really gotten along. There might have been a time you two could be in a room together without devolving into verbal sparring but ever since she got to high school, those days had long since come to an end. To you, she's the very image of a spoiled, stuck up, hot girl with a nasty attitude that could curdle milk. Like her Mother, she is the very picture of the Hewitt genes, with the same eye color, skin tone, and red hair as your mother with none of the extra weight. She's hot and she knows it. (https://thumb-p9.xhcdn.com/a/3t0ZoW7UgHLtDIWA5QjsyA/000/229/267/249_1000.jpg)

Susanna Tucker (Your Younger Sister) - 10 years old and a hyperactive little hellion. She's a mischievous little imp who's deceptively intelligent behind her childish bearing and knows how to wind your mom around her little finger. She's strong with the Hewitt genes with the same red hair, pale skin, and greenish blue eyes as both Victoria and your Mother. She's a tiny thing, only 3'8, but already showing signs of the same sort of beauty as your Mother and Elder Sister. (https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d8/f8/04/d8f80414e89807ee6e32a22e7a5ab68f.jpg)

Adrianna Newman nee Hewitt (Your Aunt) - A deceptively youthful looking woman of 42, she hardly looks her age, appearing in her early thirties. She has the typical Hewitt-clan vibrant red hair and creamy pale skin, though she is unique in the fact that she's heterochromic, with on brown eye and one green. She has a bombshell hourglass figure with the perfect amount of curves, and large breasts. She inherited the old Hewitt family manor and all of its mysteries. Her teasing nature hides her true motives (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DrIEBzhW4AArihu.jpg)

Christina Newman (Your Aunt's Daughter) - The very image of a breathtaking example of fine breeding, your 21-year old cousin Christina could certainly turn heads. Unfortunately, like your sister, she has a fair bit of Queen Bitch Syndrome, though to a lesser extent. While she never goes out of her way to bother you, neither does she treat you particularly kindly, preferring a standoffish and distant attitude. She has the typical Hewitt family red hair, pale white skin, and green eyes. She's arguably more beautfiul than Victoria with her hourglass fiugre, lovely face, and D-cup breasts. The sort of beauty that turns heads without trying. (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CXwBrl0WkAQtyCf.jpg)

Daniel Newman (Your Aunt's Son) - The sole exception to the rule, your 19 year old cousin Daniel is the only male in your mother's side of the family to have the Hewitt red hair and green eyes. He's a notorious shut in and has a disdain for most of humankind. He is incredibly intelligent, having graduated from MIT when he was 15. You and him get a long fairly well, being the "family rejects" with bitchy sisters. He's a good looking, if scruffy guy and always looks like he'd prefer to be anywhere else. (https://outsons.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/546160b5f156006abb854a261a5ee145-...)

Jenny Williams (Teacher) - Your 28-year old chemistry teacher, as well as your favorite teacher in school. An expectant single mother to be, she still does her best to teach her classes to the best of her ability despite being heavily pregnant. She has a bit of a soft spot for you and often relies on your help in class given her reduced mobility. A lovely woman with a beautiful face, warm brown eyes, and silky blonde hair, she's the subject of many a crush from her male students, yourself included (https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/jizzbanger/3927509/962886493/Pregnant3686.jp...)

Lindsay Riker (Classmate) - 17 years old and a rare exception to the hot/popular girl has to be a stuck up bitch stereotype. Lindsay has been your classmate for a long time, she's pretty, and a member of the school dance team, and has been one of the few popular kids to treat you kindly. She's the very image of a high school beauty with tanned skin, soft blonde hair, a slender figure, and modest C-cup breasts. (http://www.imagebam.com/image/d172871328152985)

Stephanie Adams (Classmate) - 17 years old and one of your few female friends. Both of you have been the butt of ridicule from the popular crowd and it became a way for you two to bond as friends. A sarcastic girl with strong country accent and a pension for getting her hands dirty, you two had been friends since freshman year. She's of average height, about 5'5, a slightly chubby and busty figure, and strawberry blond hair. She wears braces to fix her bad teeth and becomes quickly agitated when they're mentioned. (https://cdn5-images.motherlessmedia.com/images/65EF1AB.jpg?fs=opencloud)

Sophia Talbot (Neighbor) - 19 years old, Sophia and her family moved in next door not long ago. Sweet and good-natured, Sophia has that girl-next-door charm to go with her good looks. She's quite literally Victoria's polar opposite in terms of attitude, which has you nursing a not-so-tiny crush on her. She's a somewhat short thing, about 5'1, with a very busty figure with just a hint of chubbiness to her, long glossy black hair, dark brown eyes, and glasses (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/39/f2/f3/39f2f33be8aba26a6fd71f34d887667a.jpg).

Carolina Fortes - 19 years old, and your sister's best friend from college, Carolina, though she prefers to go by Carrie, is a bit of an odd fit. A half-blooded girl with a Filipino father and American mother, she's quite the looker, with copper toned skin typical of Filipinos and long, thick and silky black hair, slender, supple figure, with legs, ass and hips that you've not-so-secretly ogled many times. She tends to dress in snug clothing, usually tank tops and yoga pants, that's easy to move around in given her place on the University's cheerleading team. Unlike Victoria though, Carrie seems to be a genuinely friendly and outgoing person, making her friendship with your elder sister a bit of an odd thing. She's at your house quite a bit with school being out for the summer (http://www.imagebam.com/image/7397161333700134)

In your humdrum life of woe and misery, summer vacation has just begun. The weather is heating up and school has come to and end. All things considered, it's a normal summer for a normal kid.

Fortunately for you, however, your life as you know it is about to change drastically.


Welcome to the story! I only have a couple of rules for those that want to add to the story. The subject matter is TG TF related but it can realistically be anything you want, just no smut and such, m'may?

#1: Use proper grammar! Try and keep the nonsense speak and crap spelling and punctuation out of here, m'kay? I'll be watching, children. If things get too nasty I'll likely edit them up.

#2: Try and refrain from overly simplistic changes and additions. So none of "Suddenly he had tits and stuff, da end" m'kay? This is a place where a well written change is appreciated and encouraged. Unless its a chapter solely for choices, keep things longer than a sentence.

#3: Don't intentionally dead-end chapters, I'll step in and edit them up a bit if need be.

#4: Go nuts! Have fun with it!

Other than that, go crazy.
Warmest Regards

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