You looked up in fear from your helpless position as you saw the back of Shannon's legs facing the toilet. Almost all you could see were her thick, yoga-pant covered thighs and the bottom of her enormous ass hanging ominously over the bowl. From the sliver of daylight you could make out past her legs you saw your mom reading something on her phone and chuckling to herself. You attempted to scream up and make sure she remembered you, but from your current position your voice fell woefully short. Shannon quickly shimmied her yoga pants down her legs, practically peeling off the tight fabric from her skin, until they reached her ankles. You felt the hair on the back of your neck stand up as you trembled at what might be about to happen. Without a second thought, Shannon squatted herself down and plopped down hard on the toilet seat. Her thick thighs pressed together and blocked out any light that had been shining into your cave previously. You whimpered, praying that something would stop this from happening before you were mentally scarred for life.
Far above you Shannon was exhausted. Cleaning the entire bath tub had proved to be a more difficult task than she had originally hoped, consuming almost 40 minutes of her time. By the time she had finished, all thoughts of having help in this bathroom cleanup had fled her mind. In fact, the only thing on her mind was the fact that she now had to use the now spotless bathroom herself. Grabbing her phone for some entertainment in the meantime, Shannon opened a message from her friend at work before laughing and pulling her pants down. Sitting down on the toilet, Shannon was totally wrapped up in her text conversation and didn't have a care in the world otherwise. However, one small itch underneath her right cheek caused her enough of a disturbance to drag her eyes away from her phone, all the way to the toilet seat where she saw... a string? Shannon peered past her thighs and saw this string tied onto the toilet paper holder and running down to what appeared to be in the toilet. "What the hell?" Shannon said to herself as she grabbed the end of the string outside of the toilet and lifted her right cheek no more than a millimeter off of the seat. She yanked strongly and felt something whack the underside of her ass. Puzzled, she yanked again and produced the same response. Shannon repeated this 3 or 4 more times until finally she sighed and lifted her ass all the way off the seat, giving the string one last yank. Finally, the string came all the way out from under her, and she glanced at the end that was under her butt before her eyes shot open wide.
"OH GOD SAMMY" Shannon nearly shouted down at you, quickly untying you from your harness and holding you in her hand. To be frank you were a bit delirious from being yanked against your mom's ass cheek so many times in a row, but you could at least understand that you were free from the toilet. The repeated blows against the bottom of her behind, despite how soft it is, had squashed your head slightly and it took you a moment to reform. Once you finally did you looked up at Shannon's obviously repentant expression on her face.
"Mom come on! I seriously can't believe you almost used the toilet while I was still in there! Especially after it was your idea to put me in that position in the first place! Seriously, I feel like you would forget your own head if it wasn't attached to your shoulders." You were annoyed with your mom to say the least, but you managed to keep a relatively lighthearted tone while you talked instead of outright berating her. This seemed to backfire on you as Shannon smiled and giggled slightly, interpreting your tone as understanding.
"Hehe, sometimes I think you're right, Sammy. I wish I could be less forgetful but it's so tough! I wish I could communicate with my butt somehow because it seems like it always finds you before I do!" Shannon had almost immediately brushed off the near-therapy-inducing accident she had caused with you and had already moved onto joking about it. You breathed into to rebut your mother and tell her that this was something she should take seriously, but she spoke up before you could.
"I'm really sorry, Sammy, but I kind of can't wait any longer to go to the bathroom so I'm going to set you down." You grimaced as you now realized that you would be forced to be in the room as Shannon did whatever she needed to do. As Shannon released your body onto the countertop you began to sprint as far away from you as you could, trying to distance yourself from this gross predicament. You plugged your ears and attempted to mentally block out this entire situation. By the time you reached the other side of the counter you heard a flush through your plugged ears and looked up at your mom standing up from the toilet. You wiped a little sweat off of your forehead, relieved to be out of the woods in regards to Shannon and any sort of toilet use. Shannon approached the sink and washed her hands before scanning the counter, looking for you. Her face skimmed over every part of the counter, including what seemed like right over you a few times before she finally recognized you. Shannon's face broke into a relieved smile before she spoke up,
"There you are, Sammy. I almost couldn't find you again! It's almost like you're extra teeny today because I'm having the hardest time keeping track of you!" Shannon's words stung a little, even though she didn't mean any harm by them. Nevertheless she continued, "Alright, the bathroom is all done! Great work! Now I say let's..."