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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2204803-Shrunken-At-Your-House/cid/2744341-Whoops
by Brute
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Adult · #2204803
What happens when you shrink inside your own home?
This choice: You take the chance and dive out of the purse  •  Go Back...
Chapter #7


    by: Brute
you feel a jarring smack from an external force. you can tell that the purse is falling over. your mind goes back and forth between thinking it's a good thing because you'll out and a bad thing because something could fall on you. the bag hits the floor with tremendous force and you are thrown out along with several other objects.

Aunt Tara sees this happens and says "SHIT." under her breathe. Cathy overhears this and says "WHAT IS IT?". you're a tiny bit stunned from the impact but you can hear the two giant women's voices overhead. you see Aunt Tara uncross her sky-scraper legs as she turns to your Mom and answers "I JUST KNOCKED MY PURSE OVER AGAIN." the two continue to talk for a second about where you could be and why you aren't around at the moment.

Cathy then leans to the side to take a glance at her Sister's mishap. you stagger to your feet and start jumping and yelling "AUNT TARA! HELP ME! HELP! HEY!" but she can't hear you at your pathetic size. she then looks back down at the spilled contents in a motion to sweep them back into the bag once again. "NOOOO! NO AUNT TARA! STOP!" you yell once more but she just continues. her hand comes down to the floor and begins to sweep the scattered pieces back to their place.

you don't want to be thrown into her purse again and have the chance of being squished by something, so you make a run for it. you sprint for about 10 seconds and then you hear "EW. YOU HAVE A BUG IN HERE CATHY!" from your Aunt. you spin around quickly hoping she was talking about something else, but she is looking directly at you.

you hear a creak from the other chair and see your Mom leaning over to look at what Tara is talking about. you then see her lips move and her thunderous voice say "YEAH, JUST SQUISH IT." you wonder to yourself just how your Mom could be so cruel! how could she sentence her own son to death via her sister? Tara then pushes out her chair and you see her massive structure take a two steps towards and and stand over top of your body.

"AUNT TARA DON'T DO IT! IT'S ME SCOTT!" you scream up to her, but to her you are nothing but a nasty bug needed to be killed off. on either side of you, you see her huge feet in those stilettos you loved so much. Tara then picks up her right foot and it seems to hover above you for a short period of time. "UGH. NASTY LITTLE THINGS" Tara says before she lowers her foot onto you. "NOOO-" is all that you get out before she sets her weight on top of you and crushes you. you die almost immediately.

Tara gives the "bug" a few twists to grind it down for good measure. some of your remains stay on the floor while some stick to the bottom of her stiletto. she then leans over and picks up her purse. Tara looks to your Mom, Cathy and says "THOSE LITTLE THINGS ALWAYS ANNOY ME SO MUCH. I GOT HIM GOOD THOUGH. I NEED TO GO HOWEVER, LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU SEE SCOTT."

Cathy responds with "YEAH I HATE THEM TOO. THANKS FOR KILLING IT. I WOULD HAVE BUT I'M IN BAREFEET RIGHT NOW. GOOD TO SEE YOU." your Aunt leaves without a second to thought, unaware that she just ended the life of her nephew. Cathy finishes off her tea and grabs a kleenex. she actually unknowingly steps on your remains on her way to get it. she walks to your remains and wipes them up and throws them out. she too unaware that she had sentenced her own son to death by her Sister's foot.

a few days later your Mom calls the police worried, but nothing is ever found out and within a few years you are forgotten.


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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2204803-Shrunken-At-Your-House/cid/2744341-Whoops