At first you don't want to grow, but then you have seconds thoughts. After all, it would bepretty cool to tower over everything and be super strong too.
"Ok, make me big", you yell up to Dan. Unfortunately, the two giants seem to be ignoring you, as they talk amongst themselves. Thinking that they don't hear you, you tug on the hem of Tim's jeans and say, "Hey, I thought you were gonna make me big too".
Still they ignore you. This time you yell louder, "C'mon guys make me big". It suddenly occurs to you that your roles have reversed, because now it's you trying to get the big kids to pay attention to you; still though, you persist.
Finally, Dan looks down at you with disgust and says, "We heard you the first time pipsqeak, but me and Tim aren't sure if we should make you our size or not". "Yeah", Tim adds, "you need to prove that you're cool enough to be giant sized".
"Ok, what will it take", you ask. The boys think for a second and then Tim says, "Hop around on one leg until we tell you to stop". Without hesitation, you follow their command. It's embarrasing, espeacially since both kids are laughing at you, but you don't stop until they tell you to.
"That was pretty good, but now we want you to spin around in circles really fast", Dan says with a smirk. Again, you do as your told and spin around until you get too dizzy. You hear the guys' giant sized laughter echo all around as you stumble up against Tim's foot.
While you rest against the massive foot, Dan calls down, "All right little guy, your last job is...smell Tim's foot!"
"No way", you yelp. "Thats totally gross". Dan shrugs in responce and says, "well I guess you wanna stay small then".
Those words make you change your mind and reluctantly you take a quick smell of the huge foot and look up at the boys expectantly.
Dan and Tim aren't impressed, though. "You'll have to do better than that...take a great big whiff in between his toes", Dan says. Desperate, you perform even this humiliating task. You walk in between his big and second toe and take a deep breath. Before you can step back, though, Tim traps you between his big and second toe.
"Look", Tim laughs, "I got a big piece of toe jam stuck down there"!!