Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2187771-The-Cresent-Flower
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Rated: E · Interactive · Other · #2187771
As we think of flowers as the embodiment of our emotions , there is another

As we think of flowers as the embodiment of our emotions , there is another

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
As she strode down the half empty hall , lights shinning from the ceiling apertures , neither in her ardent strode or her half fervaent pause did her shadows appear from underneath gleaning light beams , nothing to give away her position or her thoughts. But that everyone who passed never uttered any alarming chant, as if she were a she panther on the forest floor of some secluded mountain jungle, stalking its prey woth confidence and stealth, all the observance creatures in nearby trees and afar listened to vast intricate warning chatter and demoaned for the hastitly retreat to higher and safer stockades for she was a hunter , stlaker , protector and guardian of all that was in her realm, thus everyone creature dare not chirp , chatter in definance least of all being dispatch eith the utmost precedence, they looked waiting for her disappearance from her gaze and appeance to a safer distance. Finally she reached her destination , the doorknob even securely mounted on the door gave a tone of submission as she grip the handle turnedit. with both dexterity , strength . But the door gave way suddenly almost causing her compulsure to necome strained as she posed hetself and as she looked into the dark room gazing pondering the tiny figure laying on the sheeted mattress , with blankets covering his body up to his chin , as she stared a t him , the tiny body waz immense in the blankets occassionally putting up a breif struggle for independence, then the certsin burst pf confusion coming from his mouth, at first she thought he Instantantly recognized her , his protector , his confident like am animal of wild instantly derives comfort succling from its mother. As she approched closer the i fant seemed restsrt his escape from his. blankets, frantically kicking then suddenly sudsiding ,tiring from his attempt to unleash his bewilderment. Hia legs were short ahd studdy , arms thin and long , body typically of that of a newborns coming into tbe world premature, as a result of the ravages
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2187771-The-Cresent-Flower