Kiran plopped back into her bed, a loud yawn leaving her mouth. What a day! Managing all these heroes from the various realms could be really exhausting! Sure, for every noble, upstanding, helpful and supportive hero like Chrom, Ike, Eirika, or Lyn, there were plenty more who were... harder to get along with.
But none of that was important right now. What was important was the thought drifting through Kiran's mind as she slowly drifted off to sleep.
Boobs, huge, soft, and mountainous.
Butts, firm, tight, and springy.
Hips nearly doorway wide.
Thighs wide enough to crush watermelons or provide heavenly lap pillows.
These were the kinds of thoughts Kiran kept to herself, the kinds she didn't want her comrades to know about. What would they think, if they knew that she was noticing them like this?
Right now, the woman she saw in her dreams was Robin, the legendary tactician of the Shepherds.
With her absurd curves and towering height, she cut a very distinctive figure. Kiran had always thought herself to be a pretty tall girl, but... damn! She had to crane her neck to look up into Robin's face! If she was to stand directly in front of the white-haired tactician, the top of her head would be just under Robin's nose.
Now, Robin was a curvy woman. There was no ignoring that. Kiran admired the way Robin's chest stood out from her shirt, a pair of perfect, soft pillows that she longed to bury her face between, to squish and squeeze and need like the huge, doughy balloons they were.
But she restrained herself. She would have to keep herself content merely imagining the feel of those wondrous, plump pillows in her palms, dreaming of Robin's massive breasts being presented to her...
Tonight, Kiran's dreams were particularly spicy. Not only did images of Robin's giant breasts and massive ass fill her mind... but those giant assets of the towering tactician's swelled and bloated within her mind's eye...
A smile spread across the dreaming girl's face as in her dreams, she saw a flustered Robin desperately trying to cover herself as her gigantic breasts outgrew her top, the flimsy spaghetti-straps of her beige shirt quickly snapping as her bra grew more and more pronounced under the increasingly tight shirt.
Robin's pants, usually baggy enough that even her massive thighs were concealed slowly stretched them out more and more... and hips and an ass that threatened to burst the seat of her pants apart had the dreaming Kiran practically salivating in her sleep!
"Mom? What's wrong?"
"O-oh... it's nothing, Morgie! I just thought I felt a pinch all of a sudden," Robin stated, frowning. She stopped herself from actually reaching one hand down to rub her butt, where it felt like her pants were strangely snug.
"Ugh, Mom! Don't call me 'Morgie' when we're out in public! I'm 15, I'm not a baby!"
"Aw, you'll always be mommy's precious little baby!" Robin cooed, wrapping her future son up in a tight hug from behind.
"Mom!" Morgan yelped as the huge woman's giant chest billowed around the much shorter boy's head, leaving him sunk into his mom's cleavage up to the ears, muting the sounds of the busy street around him. Morgan felt his cheeks burning as the townsfolk around him and his mom giggled at the 'adorable sight' of the huge woman snuggling her son in broad daylight.
Morgan yanked himself free, leaving the deep depths of his mom's clothed cleavage with a muffled *pop* while the statuesque woman sighed softly. Morgan never used to shy away from her cuddles... but he was growing up after all. It was just a shame; she wasn't quite ready for it to happen yet.
Watching as Morgan walked a few paces ahead of her, Robin frowned.
There was that strange pinching sensation in her pants again, like the seat of her pants was a little snugger on her ample rump. And... strange. The baggy legs of her pants usually didn't brush against her thighs like this. Had her pants shrunk the last time she'd done her laundry?
Not only that, but...
'Hmm... my top feels a bit tighter too. Is this an old shirt?' Robin thought, glancing down at her colossal chest. All she could see when looking down was her own humongous boobs, the massive melons bulging outwards nearly a foot in front of her, completely preventing her from seeing the ground underneath (or her own feet.)
Her beige shirt was normally pretty roomy (all her shirts had to be, when you had boobs that could smother a grown man to death.) But right now... it felt like the straps were digging into her shoulders a bit more than they should. How strange!
"Well... I am out shopping with Morgan. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to visit a few clothing stores later if I need to," Robin remarked. Anything to spend more time with her son!
Walking along the road, Robin gently fanned herself with one hand- a strange warmth was spreading across her, from the very top of her head down to the very tips of her toes!