Evan's stomach grumbled again as the sweet scent of sugar wafted from the candy shop on the corner. He couldn't resist the allure of the colorful display in the window, so he pushed the door open, a small bell chiming as he stepped inside. The shop was a delightful assault on the senses, with shelves packed to the brim with every sweet treat imaginable. The walls were lined with jars of candy, their vibrant contents gleaming like jewels. The air was sticky with the scent of sugar and chocolate.
Behind the counter, Evan noticed an extremely obese chocolate lab, his belly hanging down nearly to the floor, so vast that it looked like a bean bag chair that had been filled with too much stuffing. Two heavy duty stools, one under each buttcheek, held him up. The fur on his sides was pushed out so much that it looked like he could barely fit behind the register. His pants and button-up shirt, which looked like they were on the verge of bursting at the seams, strained to contain his vast frame. His name tag read "Nate." Nate looked to be about Evan's age, if not a few years older. It was strange to think that such a young fur could be so large, even by the standards of Port Zaftig. The lab's fur was a rich, dark brown that looked as if it had been dipped in chocolate and left to dry in the sun. His eyes sparkled with the same sweetness as the confections around them, a stark contrast to the otherwise exhausted look on his face. Evan guessed that Nate probably weighed in at close to a thousand pounds.
"Welcome to Sweet Paws, what can I get for ya?" Nate's voice was cheerful despite his apparent exhaustion.
"Hi there, I'm actually just passing by," Evan replied, his stomach rumbling loudly. "But everything looks amazing. I'm Evan, I just moved into the neighborhood."
Nate's eyes lit up. "Oh, welcome to Port Zaftig! The sweetest spot on the coast. If you're looking for something to munch on, I'd recommend the saltwater taffy. It's a local favorite, and it's got just the right amount of chew to keep those jaws of yours busy." He chuckled, his laugh deep and resonant. "But, hey, I could use a hand in the back if you don't mind... There's free candy on the house if you help."
Evan's stomach made a second, more urgent plea, and the thought of free food was too tempting to resist. He nodded, and Nate's smile grew wider. The chocolate lab waddled around the counter, moving slower than molasses in winter. His every step echoed through the small shop, his vast belly jiggling with the effort. Evan followed him into the backroom, watching the dog's colossal rear wobble with each step. The lion was surprised that Nate could squeeze through the already wide door to the backroom. It was surprisingly spacious, though cluttered with boxes and bags of sweets. The floor was a minefield of sugar-coated goodies that had spilled out from their containers.
"So, what do you need help with?" Evan asked, his eyes darting around the room. The smell of sugar was thick here, almost overwhelming.
"Oh, you know, the usual," Nate said with a sigh, waving a paw at the mess. "Restocking the shelves, mostly. But it's hard for me to bend down these days...it took me four hours to unload yesterday's shipment and i ended up splitting my pants twenty minutes in." He bashfully looked down at his titanic tummy. His triple chins bunched up. "The supplier dropped these off earlier, and I just can't seem to get to them all."
Evan nodded and rolled up his sleeves. "No problem," he said cheerfully. "What's a little bit of hard work when there's candy on the line?"
The lion began moving boxes and bags of sweets from the floor to the shelves with surprising agility for his size. The work was tedious but strangely satisfying, and he found himself lost in the rhythm of lifting and placing. Nate admired Evans body as he deftly unpacked all of the boxes. The chocolate lab groaned quietly to himself when he saw the lion beyond over with his butt pointing in his direction.
"Do you usually work alone?" Evan asked as he hefted a large bag of licorice onto a high shelf.
Nate chuckled, his belly jiggling. "Yeah, it's just me and the sweets. But lately..." He paused, looking at his paws with a sheepish expression. "I've been... enjoying the merchandise a bit too much."
Evan looked at him questioningly, and Nate sighed. "You see, we get all these leftovers and expired candies that can't be sold. They're perfectly fine, just not... fresh, I guess. But they're free, and, well, it's hard to resist." He rubbed his belly. "This wasn't always the case, you know. I used to be able to work here by myself without any trouble." Nate paused, his paws hovering over the candy as if the temptation was too great. "But then the last few months... I don't know what happened. It's like the more I eat, the more I need to eat." He sighed heavily, the weight of his words matching the weight he'd gained. "It's gotten to the point where I can barely even get out from behind the counter without help."
Evan felt a pang of pity for the lab, but he saw an opportunity. "Hey, Nate," he began, setting down a box of gummy bears with a gentle thud. "If you're really struggling, how about I help you out more often? Maybe even officially?"
Nate's eyes lit up. "What, like a job?"
"Yeah, I could help you out here," Evan said with a nod. "I've got some free time on my hands and need work. Plus, I'm pretty good at keeping myself in check, so I can keep an eye on the candy... and maybe help you out with that." He gestured to Nate's massive belly with a knowing smile.
Nate's eyes grew wide, and his apple-sized cheeks puffed out even more as he grinned. "Really? That would be fantastic! It's hard to find someone around here who will do the work and not just eat everything in the stockroom." He wiped his paws on his tight pants and offered one to Evan. "It's a deal, then! Welcome to Sweet Paws, Evan. I'm sure we'll get along just fine."
Evan took Nate's paw and gave it a firm shake. Nate's arm and chest wobbled. "Thanks, I'm happy to help," he said. Despite the chocolate lab's size, there was something endearing about his smile that made the lion's heart flutter a little. Those big brown eyes and the way his triple chin wobbled when he talked was oddly charming. It wasn't love at first sight, but there was definitely a spark of something that intrigued him.
"I know where you'll fit in best," Nate started. "You could..."