After a good sized dinner and desert, Dawn had slept well. Her belly poked out from under her already small pajamas, though her father hadn't gotten around to do clothes shopping since she turned 5, so this could change. Waking up, she felt like she had gained a bit (only a half pound, but she didn't care so long as her weight went up), and smelt breakfast being made. French Toast, her favorite.
Waddling to the dinning room (it was a one floor house), Dawn didn't even notice that the space of junk that was in the living room was cleared up. Sitting her plump, pajamaed butt on her chair, she waited for her breakfast to be served.
And soon enough it was, a stack of 7 slices of toast, drenched in both syrup and chocolate. Her father only had one slice on his plate, lightly covered in syrup. As she tore into the stack, Alex looked on, smiling a bit. 'today is her first step on her journey. Might as well butter her up a bit before she has to exercise.' He thought, looking at the cleared up spot in the living room, which was now designated as her "workout" spot. 'first I'll gauge how fit she is, though I doubt she could do a single push up, or even a sit up. But I can give her an incentive to make her do more...'
Dawn had devoured the stack quickly, slurping up the remaining syrup/chocolate, making a bit of a mess of herself. Rubbing her filled tum, Dawn had felt great. Her father, who had finished his slice at around the same time, got up. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up and changed out. In a couple hours you'll have digested those so we can do your exercising." Dawn frowned for a bit, but returned to normal, as she did promise to do so, and it wouldn't be much exercise. Waddling behind her father to her room, she was interested on how her belly jiggled as she waddled, but didn't have much time to watch it as the walk to her room was short.
After her father got her out of her tight pajamas, she got a good look of herself in the mirror as her father went to get her clothes for her first workout. Her face was chubby, her cheeks jiggled a bit and made her face almost like a circle. Her arms were thick, but were only slightly jiggling. Her full belly was large, and it drooped down just a bit, and would jiggle a fair amount when acted on. Her rear was considerably bigger than the average kid's, and made her undies a bit tight. Her legs were pretty thick themselves, a fold of pudge slightly covering her feet.
Her father came back with a stretchy shirt and a pair of big shorts with a makeshift belt on them. While the shirt was able to cover her chest fine, it didn't seem to want to cover her belly. Her father chuckled a bit when she tried to get it to cover her belly "don't worry about that, in time it won't cover it anyways." he said, as he helped her get the large shorts on. "Tell me when it starts getting too tight" he said, pulling on the makeshift belt. "o-oof, tight" she said, as the shorts began to dig into her soft lower middle.
"Okay, now let's get back to the living room. I want to keep an eye on you so you don't eat anything before you exercise. Don't want you puking in the middle of it now, don't you?" She nodded as she walked back with him.
An hour later it was time for the exercise. Dawn stood in the middle of the cleared out section, looking at her father. "Okay Dawn," He said, looking up from the book of exercises he was reading from, "I want you to lay on your back and then try to sit yourself up without using your hands." Dawn could do the laying down part fine, the sitting up part, well... She did technically do a full sit up, but it was due to the fact she got to halfway to sitting up, then fell back down. Dawn tried her hardest not to cry. "That's good enough dear. Now, when you can, roll on your belly and then get on all fours" After a bit of crying and catching her breath, Dawn did so. "Now, try to... uh" Alex realized that for her doing a push up would be improbable, at least not with her having her belly touch the floor " try to lower yourself to the floor as low as possible, without your belly touching the ground." Easier said than done, as her first attempt had her fall over before her belly could touch the floor. Sighing, Alex went to go comfort his daughter "don't worry about it. I don't think I'll have you do another push up again for probably a while, considering you can do a sit up just fine." Dawn sniffled and looked up to her father "Am I done yet dad?" "not yet sweetie" he said "That was just to judge how fit you were. The rest of your exercises will be just stretches for now. Tomorrow will have you do your main exercise."
The rest of the hour involved Dawn doing various stretches, sometimes falling over for some of them. 'It was a start at least' Alex thought, as he was preparing lunch, 'I think... the more sit ups she does, among other exercises, the more I'll let her eat, or rather...' he thought, looking at the notebook off to the side, which listed the amount of calories Dawn had eaten that day, which had already sat at 1500, 'the more she exercises, the more calories she gets, plain and simple' he thought as he put down a note on the top of the page:
Calorie limit: 5000