You got an idea. You stood up in Weavile’s palm and said, “I could train you!”
Weavile perked up when you said this. “Train me?” she asked. “Really? Wait, but you said you’re not a trainer.”
“I’m not, but I always wondered what it would be like to train Pokemon. And I know some stuff about training. I learned some things from school and talking to friends. So I think I could give you some advice and help you get stronger. You’d like that, right?”
The wild Pokemon considered your offer, and she actually started to smile. “Actually, it would be pretty cool to get stronger. And I know humans are good at helping Pokemon do that. But I always hated the way trainers catch Pokemon and stuff them in those little balls. You’re not gonna do that to me, are you?”
“No, not at all! I don’t even have any Poke Balls. And I won’t own you. We’ll be like friends. I may not be very good at this, because I’ve never trained a Pokemon before, but I think I’ll be able to teach you some things.”
“And if you do that, then I’ll keep you safe and help you get back to normal size?”
“Yeah. That’s the deal. Does that sound good?”
Weavile grinned and nodded, making you let out a sigh of relief. “Sounds fair,” she said. “But I’m warning you. If this doesn’t work out, and I don’t get any stronger at all, the deal is off. I ain’t gonna waste all my time and energy taking care of a helpless little guy like you if you can’t give me anything in return. If you can’t keep your end of the deal, I’m either gonna abandon you or eat you.”
You shuddered, but nodded in understanding, hoping that it wouldn’t come to that. You were afraid that you’d mess up this training since you had no experience, but you had to do your best.
Now that you’d made your deal, Weavile brought up her other paw and wrapped her claws around you. She picked you up off her palm, holding you in a tight fist. She began to walk away, but you asked her to grab your bag first, since it had supplies in it. So she held you against her chest and went over to your bag, picking it up with her other hand, then she resumed walking into the forest, probably heading to her den. You tried to stay calm and relaxed in her grip, but you were still nervous about all this...