In front of you, razor-sharp fangs; behind you, an abyss of no return that led to certain death; all around you, pink muscles and a red floor that fidgeted constantly, causing you to feel nauseous. The drops of saliva that kept falling from the palate, soaking you to the bone, didn't help with that.
But unlike the freezing outside, the insides of the Umbreon's mouth were warm, the risk of freezing to death was null in here. That was a dumb thought because you could die in two different ways in here: either torn apart by the teeth or falling into the stomach, into the Umbreon's digestive tract, which was going to be your end unless you found your way out in time.
And the thought of crawling through this beast's intestines surely didn't seem appealing to you.
"Let me out!" you cried once more while doing your best to stand back on your feet; the slippery tongue made such task practically impossible.
You were ungracefully flipped over and fell on your rear into a small puddle of saliva under the large red muscle.
Soon enough, the tongue was on you again.
It began licking you as its owner tasted you.
Your heart began beating faster. Was this Umbreon going to eat you? You only came to the woods to take a break and you end up eaten by a random pokemon.
Your grave was going to be a stomach, and no one would have ever known you were dead.
The thought sure left a bitter taste in your mouth...
You felt movement and the mouth shook all around you; the Umbreon was probably walking around, you figured while the tongue swept you up and took you on top of itself again.
Saliva builds up all around. Thinking about, you had been in here for a while already, why didn't the Umbreon swallow yet.
You were given no time to ponder about it because the tongue suddenly moved again; it rose, shoving you against the palate, crushing you in between tons of sticky flesh.
"LET ME OUT!" you screamed once more as you fidgeted, desperately hoping to convince the giantess to not eat you, but you were immediately silenced by a particularly big drop of saliva falling right on your head and into your mouth, choking you.
Utterly disgusted, you spat out the saliva that wasn't yours.
But there was no way out of here unless the Umbreon willed it.
Then, you feel the Umbreon's tongue lift you to the roof of her mouth and slides you to the back of her throat, you desperately tried to hang on to the giant red muscle beneath you as your legs dangle above her long throat. Then with a wet and satisfying *GULP!* The female Umbreon swallowed you down her tight and slippery throat. You tried to stop your descent as you squirm, but it seemed to excite the dark Eeveelution as she continued to swallow you whole. "Ohhh! Yeah! You taste so good, little human." You froze in shock when you her voice, you were being swallowed by a talking Pokémon.