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After long time not using writer's café site, Nancy decides to use it and post a story. |
BLUE EYE STRANGER Nancy: OK cool, someone finally commenting and on my new story, about time! He seems handsome too very nice. WRITERS CAFE: You received a message..... Nancy: Wow, a message already, this is sweet. The message is from another guy cool! I'm glad i came back after long not using this site I was about to maybe give it up but maybe won't after all. Nancy: Let me see who's it from.... Nancy: .Interesting his name is Matt and is 37 years old from Colorado. But he has no real picture of himself. Bummer, well let's see what he wrote me. Nancy: Says hello, well hello to you too (Nancy verbally responds to it) Ok, now let's see his message. Stranger: Would love to get to know you :) Nancy: Oh he likes me? well, I'm flattered but he has no pic :( Narrator: She starts to think..... Nancy: Oh wait, I know! I'll request he do so :D Nancy: Thanks hun, but I'd need to know more about you. WRITERS CAFE: You received a message.... Nancy: Oh wow, he must be on cause he sending messages fast, okie dokie then let's see what he messaged. I'm sure he probably won't want to or that he don't have a cam. Most the time guys say that but I could be wrong. Stranger: I'm Matt, 37, Colorado, 5'9", shaved head, blue eyes, goatee, single Nancy: Ooooooo..... He has blue eyes, I would love knowing someone with blue eyes, but I don't know what this guy looks like! I need to be more specific with him. Narrator: Thinking to herself and doubting..... Nancy: I don't feel comfortable giving him my snapchat and I could have him send it through email but I don't like that either. Oh the hell, I'll just give him my snapchat I could block him if I have to but, he could try befriending me again with another name, damn it!!! Nancy: Ok ok, I got it, I'll give him a side random snapchat account I can make up or an old snapchat of mine I have and that way if I don't want him on snapchat anymore, I'll just block him and if he tries to friend me under another name it won't matter haha.... Yes that's it! Nancy: Oh ok if you don't mind sending a pic of you, if you want you can send on snapchat if you'd like. WRITERS CAFE: You received a message.... Matt: Don't have ability :( I am cute lol Nancy: He don't have the ability? Come on now, Like can't he just take a pic of himself, like really." I knew he would say this, but ok let's keep trying to budge a stupid pic of himself. Cute yea without a pic he could just be saying that and be some wierdo a slob and stuff , hey never know.... Nancy: I'm sure you are but I need see your pic or video or both be better. WRITERS CAFE: You received a message..... Matt: Wish I had :( Nancy: This guy is lying I know he is! I'm already fed up with this dude, he clearly isn't gonna send a pic so he is loser and a goner, just gonna keep going to see what else he says.... Nancy: Take a pic of yourself Nancy: Alright, so there shouldn't be any excuses to simply take a pic but I bet you he will say some shit like Don't have the ability lol WRITERS CAFE: You received a message… Matt: On laptop, don't have ability :( Nancy: Bahahahaaa…. I knew it he sounds like an older man to keep saying he don't have the ability!!!!! WHATEVER MR. NO ABILITY YOU ARE A BIG FAT LIAR!!!!! Nancy: Do it on your phone Nancy: My last attempt really cause if he says don't have ability or some stupidity like that, then its game over and time to say goodbye!!!!! Narrator: 15 minutes pass and no message…. {/b}Nancy: Hmmm strange well I'll have to come back later to see if he messages me then, he probably got busy. Nancy: 51 minutes later…. Nancy: Back to my humble computer, so glad I did the crazy food cans organizing them by dates. "Ugh," It was nerve breaking!! Ok now let's see if Mr. No ability finally messaged. Nancy: "OH my gosh, he hasn't send anything back yet? " I guess he gave up and called it quits haha… "Well happy he did, cause there's no way I'm talking to someone and no face to it". Been catfished on Facebook before, not happening again. But anyways, I'll send him my last message though, a farewell one :) Nancy: Yea I can only guess, it's not in your ability. Well have a nice day :) Narrator: Later that night... WRITERS CAFE: You received a message..... Nancy: Got to be kidding, he messaged back?! I guess he was too busy after all, only thing I can imagine it was the reason for his long silence. Matt: MY ABILITY IS TO FIND YOU AND I WILL :) Narrator: SHE IS CHOKED WITH FEAR AND HER HEART BEATING MORE THEN THE REGULAR SPEED BEAT SHOULD BE. DARKNESS PREVAILS ALL AROUND HER. Nancy: No, noo, NOOOOOO!!!! Nancy: This is getting now creepy and crazy! I need to block him and report him. Narrator: She blocks him without thinking and sends a report to the writers cafe and gets an odd message. WRITERS CAFE: You received a message..... WRITERS CAFE: We are sorry you are having to report one of our members but the usar you are reporting is no longer in our writing community. We hope we have been great help in serving you in every way possible to help you feel comfortable. Thanks again for being a writers cafe member. Nancy: WHAT! THAT BASTARD DELETED HIS ACCOUNT? (STARTS TO PANIC AND STARTS TO DEEPLY BREATHE) Nancy: Calm down Nancy everything's gonna be ok. ( She lets out her last few deep breaths and starts to slowly relax a little more.) UNKNOWN CALLER: RING, RING, RING!!!! ( PHONE STARTS GOING OFF VERY LOUD) Nancy: AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! (PIERCE SCREAMS IN COMPLETE TERROR) Nancy: Get a grip of yourself it's just the phone, it's probably that bitchy manager wanting to get on my case about something, she needs to leave me the fuck alone! Narrator: Picks up the phone and realizes it's not her manager but an unkown caller... Nancy: What the hell, Unknown caller? Who could it be? Nancy: (Nervous to answer the call) Hello... UNKNOWN CALLER: (Scam advertisement) Have you ever wanted natural blue eyes, (her eyes widen with shock) now you can with transplanting eyes center. Get rid of those boring dark colored eyes and get the blue... Narrator: (In the moment she hears blue before cutting the call, Thunder roars loud) Ends the call and throws the phone and frighten to death can't believe what she heard. Nancy: That has got to be a coinsidence! Can"t be connected in any way, just another stupid ad scammer, that's all! (starts kinda laughing in a losing it way) Narrator: She suddenly hears a sound from computer... WRITERS CAFE: You received a message..... Nancy: A message from blue eye stranger? "No it couldn't be Matt, impossible he deleted his account, must be someone else." Narrator: She hesitates to open the message but eventually does... BLUE EYE STRANGER: Love your rain.... fall down, fall down.... Hahaha.... You want see my face? You now can, might be rough to see it in this rain but not impossible, if you look hard. Narrator: Trembling and her breathing begins overwhelming again as her heart pounds madly. Making an effort to get up, once done so, she walks bumbling to a window and hesitant to open the blinds. She peeks and sees from a distance a man with a raincoat on. A white male with medium weight. It was difficult to tell since the rain poured down heavily to distinguished his face and hair but could kind of see salty pepper short hair with a goatee and facial hair. Looking like in his early forties and fifties. Narrator: He stands still towards the end of her driveway, in his dark shadow. The lightening strikes powerfully inflicting all light to flash brightly as it blinds her eyes. Then as the lighting stops, she instantly sees iluminating blue glowing lights returning from him, she is stunned and her eyes widen even more this time, as shortly as the light minimizes, she realizes it's his blue eyes that gave the massive glare and while not a doubt, him definitely having blue eyes. Nancy: Oh my God! It's him.... How the fuck did he find me?? (Starts to cry and worry) I need call the cops, but I need hurry!! Narrator: The lights flicker and gets worried as she looks away from the window and she now is scared to death and then she hears a huge boom and the house blacks out. The light transformer has exploded making matters worst. She gasp as the house darkens, she fears the dark for she is nyctophobia . She cries as she searches in kitchen for candles or a flashlight, but has no luck. She goes back to the window to see if he still outside and as she slowly opens the mini blinds... Nancy: ARHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Narrator: BLOODCURDLING SCREAM AS SHE SEES HIS FACE CLEARLY AGAINST THE WINDOW PANE WITH A HORRIFIC SMILE THAT HAS CROOKED YELLOW GROSS TEETH AND THE MOST BRIGHT BLUE EYES SHE HAS EVER SEEN, BUT THESE BLUE EYES WERE NOT VERY FRIENDLY... .................................................................................................................................................................. Narrator: 2 YEARS LATER.... Narrator: Scrolling view of room, showing hospital magazines, eye vision pamplets..... Nancy: (Nancy's voice is heard and some typing as well, her mouth is only showing) Hey,... Yea, I'm doing great, I feel brand new and like a million bucks Hahaha....(Sighs)Yea I still have to wear my prescribed shades cause my eyes strain alot. "Not used to this yet, but I will eventually... Yep, I'm trying to date but haven't found the one yet haha... Ok, cool talk to you later then, thanks you too bye-ya! Narrator: Her whole face is now shown but she has her prescribed shades on as she starts typing her story... Nancy: Ahhhh, now to start writing my latest scary story, almost done with it, yay...... Narrator: He bangs the door several times and being made of glass the center of door, it shatters with the strong force he puts to it. She is screaming from the top of her lungs and tries to find the phone she threw but it's so dark. He now is going through door even though it has sharp glass sticking out, he cuts his hands but he doesn't seem to care. He is dripping wet and she can hear his wet footsteps as she hides in the pitch black living room. BLUE EYE STRANGER: ( His footsteps make loud cracking noise as he steps on broken glass and breathes deeply as he takes a new step.) I can feel you in here I can smell you ( makes a sniffing sound) Mmm love the sweet smell of your honey, honey hehehe.. Nancy: (whispers to herself) Come and get your honey, you fucken piece of shit.... BLUE EYE STRANGER: I know I'm getting warmer and hornier hehehe... Narrator: She with all her life depending on it, swings the object hitting him brutally on the head and he falls like a rock to the floor.... Narrator: She opens the window blinds in the kitchen and as lightening flashes, can now see him very out cold and with honey goo all around him as it mixes with some blood his head is spitting out. Narrator: She goes to the drawer filled with utensils and grabs a spoon and steps to where he is, she gets down and kneel sits next to him to stir the honey and blood as she lifts the gooey spoon letting it drip down and she starts to hum and sing a song, bloody-honey, oh suga, suga... then she... WRITERS CAFE: You received a message..... Narrator: She gets spooked out by the message and loses focus on her story... Nancy: "Uhhhh".......... Nancy: What the hell, I got a message from writers cafe?...I haven't talked to no one in there for two years since my bad experience last time. Let me see who I got a message from.. Nancy: This one is from Ethan, he says he loves my poetry. "Aww how sweet of him." Nancy: Thank you hun :) WRITERS CAFE: You received a message..... Nancy: Oh got one back..... ETHAN: You are so welcome, you have a lovely smile and amazing eyes. Nancy: Awww thanks a million sweetie, I see your picture as well and you're handsome, love those eyes of yours as well, what color are they? WRITERS CAFE: You received a message..... ETHAN: Thank you sweetheart, they are green. Narrator: As she opens the message she gives a huge grin, then she sends her message to Ethan... Nancy: Ooooo.... Love them green, that's sooo se-xy... WRITERS CAFE: You received a message..... ETHAN: Babygirl, you think that's sexy, then you should checkout my rest of me, I got something really SEX-XY hahaha Nancy: Oh.... is that so?? I could only imagine what that could be ? Ohahaha.... WRITERS CAFE: You received a message..... ETHAN: It could be well what you are imagining, hehehe but quite honestly I think you are very HOT, and those brown eyes are killing me hahaha Nancy: (LAUAGHS OUT LOUD) Well, what I imagine isn't what others think it could be, but I'm glad my eyes are killing you haha but they aren't brown... WRITERS CAFE: You received a message..... ETHAN: I bet I know what you are imagining haha... Really, what color are they now? Nancy: Well they were naturally brown, but had a change of vision and now they are (SHE LOWERS HER SHADES WITH A HUGE EVIL SMILE AND SAYS) NATURALLY GLOWING BLUE...:D :D :D :D ;) ;) ;) ;) |