This choice: Give her funny or humiliating commands? • Go Back...Chapter #3Give her funny or humiliating commands? by: Deimos  Jaune shivered with excitement. Yang, the Yang, was his to do with as he pleased. He set to work immediately, first and foremost he needed safety precautions.
"Yang," he said. Once again, there was no response or no real way to know that his orders were taking hold. "You will have three standing commandments, these will take precedence over everything else in your life. Say yes if you under stand."
"Yes," said Yang. The word slipped out of her mouth like a trickle of water.
"Good, you will follow these commands in order:
First you will obey any command I give you, verbal or written, as immediately as you can. No matter what the command is, or how humiliating. Say yes if you understand."
"Second you will not ever harm me in anyway, physically especially. This extends to harm to my reputation or telling people about my commands over you without my express permission. Say yes if you understand."
"Finally anytime I say: 'nap time for Yang' you will return to this trance and accept any new commandment, understood?"
Yang remained silent, and Jaune rolled his eyes
"Say yes if you understand."
Jaune felt like a kid in a candy shop, on the cusp of greatness even. All that was left to do was test his commands on an awakened Yang. And so, he gave he the order to wake up. Yang sat up and stretched, her firm body pulling taunt and emphasizing the oh-so-important soft parts.
"How long was I out for," she asked.
"Not even ten minutes," said Jaune, "How do you feel"
"I feel-" she started, rubbing the trance out of her eyes. She stopped suddenly, as if something had just dawned on her. Her head snapped to face Jaune, who in that moment realized that there was nothing in the conditions he laid out that prevented her from recalling the commands given. The look in her eyes was furious. She began to rise to her feet. "Jaune what did you-"
"Your legs can't hold your weight," Jaune said. They immediately gave out. Yang slammed face first onto the ground. Jaune started forward, "woah are you alright?"
"No I'm not alright, what have you done to me you scumbag?" Yang shouted the words, and even as she did she tried once more to get back onto her feet, unsuccessfully. Jaune shrugged.
"I think you know exactly what I've done, need a hand up?"
"No, leave me alone."
"Ridiculous," Jaune said. "Stand."
And Yang stood immediately. Jaune stood right in front of her, giving her a once over. She looked at him in a mix of horror, fear and anger. Finally Jaune spoke.
"I think you're too tall. Squat."
And Yang squatted.
"Perfect height. Stay like that."
Yang was now looking up at Jaune, the feelings behind her eyes had all consolidated into a searing anger. Even a day ago Jaune would have been terrified of the look, now it made him feel overjoyed and more than slightly aroused. He wanted to push it further.
"You know Yang, I don't think I've ever seen you with your hair up." He pointed at Pyrrha's dresser. "Why don't you borrow some hair ties and put it in pigtails for me?"
Yang remained in the squat and ambled over to the dresser, moving in an odd waddle. Jaune took the opportunity to really appreciate her large ass and toned legs as went. He appreciated them even more when, lacking in the height to reach the bands, Yang began hopping in place.
"I'll get them for you if you ask for my help," said Jaune. Yang Immediately stopped and turned to face him.
"Help me," she said through gritted teeth. She didn't want to ask, but the command spurred her on to get the hairbands.
"Ask me nicely."
"Jaune would you pretty please, get the hairbands down for me?" This time her voice was sweet and singsong in spite of her anger twisted face. Jaune let out a sign of satisfaction and walked over to the dresser where he took two bands and handed them down to Yang.
"Thank me."
"Thank you."
Yang began to pull her hair into two floppy pigtails. All the while smoldering with rage.
"You won't get away with this," she said. "I'll stop you."
"How do you plan to do that?" Jaune asked. "It's not like you can tell anyone about this."
"I'll find a way," Yang said, though there was faltering in her voice.
"Tell you what I'll give you a chance," he said, backing up a few steps. "If you can catch me in the next minute, I'll let you get you go."
Yang shot towards him like a rocket, forgetting her inability to unbend her knees and tumbling forward onto her face once more. She scrabbled up to her feet. Jaune took advantage of everything in the room, jumping beds moving furniture and laughing at Yang all the while. But eventually he slipped too, and Yang came upon him like a wolf. She grabbed him and began to shake with happiness and relief until Jaune held up his scroll.
"One minute five," he told her. The screen supported his claim. Tears welled up in her eyes. "Hey, don't beat yourself up about it, you did the best you could."
Yang's tears immediately stopped as indeed she stopped feeling upset about her loss. Jaune unwrapped a piece of gum and put it in her mouth.
"Chew," he commanded her. "Also, do feel bad about loosing. Sit still and wallow in defeat."
Yang did so. While she did Jaune pulled up a chair, and rested his legs on her shoulders using her as a stool as her drew out a plan on a notepad. His full plan of attack for how to break Yan Xio-Long. When he was done, he held it up in front of her.
"You won't remember anything on this page, but this is everything that's going to happen to you." He told her.
Tears streamed down her face, even after he removed the page from her line of sight. The remaining dread was enough.
"Ah, it's been long enough," Jaune said. "Take the gum out of your mouth."
Yang did, she held it in her hand and it glistened with saliva.
"Now put it in your hair," He ordered.
"No, no, no, not that," Yang pled. Her arms betrayed her and she squeezed it hard into one of her pig tails. Jaune laughed harder. He removed his feet from her shoulders and...  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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