Chapter #3Smelly Princess Feet by: ESSFTON  (Chapter written by Yalldunno, check him out!
You wake up in a daze, distantly aware of pains throughout your body, and that the room you're in is far too bright. It takes a few moments for you to realize that you aren't familiar with this room, and that for some reason you can't move, your body is awkwardly being held in a kneeling position. Panic quickly begins to set in as you try and fail to turn your head to see what is holding you. As though your panic triggered it, a female voice rings out from a part of the room that you can't see "Finally, you're awake..." slowly, she strode into view and sat in a chair opposite you, gazing down with a generally blank expression. "Allow me to introduce myself" she said in an official sort of tone "I am Leia Organa. Princess, Senator, and General of the resistance you work so hard to quell" a ringing silence followed her words... "you work so hard to quell"? what did she mean? In a sudden rush, the night before came back to you...
You and a few friends had managed to steal a supply cache from an empire shipment, turned out to contain armor and uniforms. You decided to dress as a general, and your friends as storm troopers, and use these clothes to maybe steal a few more things, and bully some free drinks at the tavern before getting off the planet. The plan was working great, but for some reason, you can't remember anything past trying to take a trip to the bathroom.
"I'm sure you're wondering how you got here, and what's going on..." Leia said in a soft voice and she fidgeted with something in her hands "So, let's clear things up, shall we?" there was a small crack, and she held something smoking under your nose, and as you breathed it in, the hazy feeling in your brain cleared at once, and all of your senses felt heightened. "So, General... as I'm sure you figured out, we drugged you and grabbed you from the tavern last night. This..." she said as she sealed a container and cast it aside "is a counter agent to it. It has a nasty side effect of sharply increasing the sense of smell for a few hours, but we'll make use of that."
You struggled against whatever was holding you and attempted to speak, but it held your jaw firmly in place, making your plea come out in a muffled series of grunts. "BE SILENT OR ELSE!" Leia yelled, anger clear behind her eyes "Your people have great weapons... you destroyed my home planet and killed almost everyone I care about. Now, we intend to take these weapons for ourselves and use them against you. I'm sure you noticed, we have taken one of your experimental prisoner transfer droids and used it on you. Our intel says, these things were designed to be so effective that even a Jedi Master wouldn't be able to break free... but the fact that it seals your mouth makes it quite poor for questioning someone. We haven't quite worked out a way to release that, without fully freeing the person it holds... so here's how this is going to go..." Leia leaned forward and squeezed your nose shut, your eyes widened with panic as you realized that you had no way to breath or free yourself. She continued, locking eyes with you and whispering slowly as you tried to free yourself, your joints screaming with every attempted movement "I will give you some incentive to answer our questions... then we will take you to your cell... and you can choose if you want to give us the info we're looking for... and if you don't... we can find start over."
She suddenly released you and sat back, smiling as you desperately tried to compose yourself now that you could breathe again "Scary not being able to breathe, isn't it?" Leia said as she was reaching for something out of view. There was a dragging noise and, though it was under your chin and hard to see, you could just make out that she had moved a small table or something in between the two of you. "Careful with those deep breaths though... don't forget that the drugs made your sense of smell much stronger... speaking of which... lets get started."
Leia removed one of her boots, revealing her bare foot, she had apparently not been wearing socks with them, and she rested her leg on the table between you. The smell was unimaginable... you couldn't be sure if it was because of the drug in your system, or if the smell was just naturally that terrible, but the moment she slid her foot from the boot you had to squeeze your eyes shut to stop them from watering and tried desperately to hold your breath. Every inhale burned and seared with a smell your could only attribute to rotten food, so strong that, even though you couldn't open your mouth, you could actually taste the stink.
"Look at me -general-" Leia said sternly, putting a special emphasis on the last word. Painfully, you opened your eyes and met hers as she spoke again "This is just the beginning, so I want you to breathe deeply while I still let you. If I'm not happy with your performance, I may just have to suffocate you." with that, you gazed at the foot, a few inches from your face. There was a coating of dirt on it that appeared slimy from the sweat in her boot, and there were sections of lint or fur or something stuck in random places around her toes. Whatever she says, you couldn't bring yourself to do anything but take short shallow breaths that burned with the hot stink emanating from the foot in front of you.
"I said or you to breath deeply! Enough of this, forward please." She yelled, you to your horror, you began to roll slowly forward until your nose was pressed against her toes and she called "Enough" You desperately tried to hold your breath, wanting nothing more than to put off the moment you had to inhale, trying more desperately than ever to turn your head. You could feel her wet, tacky skin against your face and could feel a hot, sick sensation in your stomach and throat. You couldn't wait any longer... you had to breathe in, and it was so much worse than you could have imagined. With the stink, came bit of debris that you had no choice but to inhale, and you could feel it stick in your nose. The horrible rotting smell was so much stronger now, that your eyes were watering freely, and you were starting to feel as though all your senses were being assaulted. You mouth was watering uncontrollably as your body tried to wretch and be sick, but you physically couldn't so it was constantly choked back... yet you could still somehow taste this retched smell as it flooded your lungs.
Minutes, hours, days, weeks.... a century may has passed as you were trapped against this foot. You had hoped you would adjust to the smell over time, but no such luck... somehow, you could only assume it was the drugs at this point, the stench only became more rancid. Leia didn't speak again, or even look at you from what you could tell... not that you were able to see well with how badly your eyes were watering... but over time, you started to notice that it was becoming harder to breathe. She was pressing her foot harder against you, forcing you to work more or each breath, and pull in more of the gunk between her toes. Time ticked away and she squeezed your nose with her toes, harder and harder until things were starting to get dark as oxygen was becoming more scarce. It was then that she finally spoke again, as you struggled on the brink of consciousness "Pass out if you want... I'll be keeping you here or a while. I want to me sure that this smell doesn't leave your face while you're in your cell. I'll be leaving my other boot on so I expect it to get much worse in there... just in case we need to do this again." She laughed softly to herself "I actually almost hope that you won't answer our questions... I think I might enjoy this."  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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