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Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Sci-fi · #2161143
A Quarian suddenly finds herself a mile tall giantess upon a world beset by 'tiny' titans

A Quarian suddenly finds herself a mile tall giantess upon a world beset by 'tiny' titans

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Ok, this story has been along time coming, and I hope whoever is reading this finds the outcome satisfactory.

I'd just like to thank 'aquarianfetishist' (https://aquarianfetishist.deviantart.com/) over the Deviantart for granting me position to use his beautiful image as cover for this story.

Before we go into the story, I just want to use this 'introduction’ to provide some further information on the setting, characters and rules of this story.

First, what is this story?

In simple terms and as the title suggests, this story supposes that a Quarian female from the Mass Effect Universe (many choices to pick from in terms of who this character is) suddenly finds herself transported to the world of AOT (Attack On Titan) by an all-powerful omnipotent being from a trans-dimensional universe. Not only does this (for now) unnamed Quarian find herself in the world of AOT, but she is also a giantess, somewhere between 1 – 100 miles tall.

As part of a twisted psychological experiment, the all powerful being responsible for transporting this Quarian woman to this ‘alternative’ universe and turning her into a giantess, has also placed a long range interstellar communicator beneath the largest human city within the Quarian’s local vicinity. The Quarian quickly detects a signal from the communicator via her Omni-tool, and proceeds to make her way towards it, believing this communicator is her only way to reestablish contact with the Quarian migrant fleet. Unfortunately the communicator can only be 'dug out' from beneath the Eldian's capital, meaning the majority of the city would need to be destroyed to exhume the device, which will leave the Quarian with a single decision.

Either she destroys an entire city, and possibly kills millions of tiny humans in the process in an attempt to retrieve the communicator, or remain stranded upon the planet, forever a giantess.

The purpose of this experiment, and the reason that this specific scenario has been setup by this all powerful extra dimensional being, is to allow them to observe how the Quarian reacts to this extraordinary situation that she finds herself in, and to witness whether she will consent to the cold blooded destruction an entire civilization of tiny humans simply to return home to her people and family.


For anyone who is familiar with the Quarian’s from Mass Effect, but not familiar with the anime and manga AOT (Attack On Titan), it is quite a simple setting to understand.

‘Attack On Titan’ takes place on a small continent named Paradise Island, on an unnamed earth like planet. A race of humans called Eldian’s (Eldian is their nationality) with mid to late 19th era century technology live behind three huge circular walls fifty meter’s high. The total area of land inside the walls covers an area comparable to modern day Germany in size.

Outside these walls, naked humanoid giants called ‘titans’ roam freely, their size ranging from approximately 10 feet in height to 50 feet in height. Titans psychically resemble giant but malformed humans, and can best described as giant zombies who will attempt to eat humans whenever they encounter them. For this very reason, the Eldian’s have walled off their kingdom, and have enjoyed approximately 100 years of peace and prosperity by the time this story starts. Each wall is studded with 4 ‘outlier’ districts, towns behind semi-circular fortifications that jut out like thorns on each wall, which is wear the poorest citizens live as they are at most risk of attack by titans.

This is roughly what the Kingdom of Eldia looks like from an ariel view;


This his roughly what an outlier district looks like;


Both in the Manga and at the time this story begins, the 100 years peace humans have enjoyed is shattered when a colossal 200 foot titans appears at the outer most wall and smashes a hole through it, the smaller titans proceeding the swarm into the human kingdom and devour the Eldian’s inside.

For anyone reading this story who is familiar with the universe of AOT, but unfamiliar with the Quarian race of Mass Effect, Quarian's are a nomadic space-faring alien culture who were driven out of their home systems generations ago by their own cybernetic creations. Not psychically dissimilar from humans, Quarians have lived their entire lives within the sterile environments of their overcrowded starships, which has practically destroyed their immune systems. As a result, Quarians are equipped with environmental suits and armour which cover them from head to toe.

That is the background of this setting.

This story begins just as the titan’s breach ‘Wall Maria’, the outer most wall of the Eldian Kingdom, as an army of 10 – 50 foot tall titans are storming the outlying Eldian district, eating any humans they can find. At the same time, a Quarian giantess somewhere between 1 – 100 miles tall will find herself waking up in an ocean just of the coast of Paradise Island.

In due course, she will encounter both the tiny ‘titan’s’ and even tinier humans.

This story will initially take place from 2 perspectives.

One will be written from the perspective of the Quarian woman, and the other will be written from a small band of human children who have escaped the initial massacre of the titans breaching the wall section of their home town.

Where the story goes will be up to the writers, however there are a few early choices that will determine some important parameters.

Size & HumanTechnology

The first chapter will end with the reader choosing 1 of 5 options for the Quarian’s giantess’s height, and this will determine the level of technology and population the native Eldian’s have access to. The more massive the Quarian giantess, the larger the Eldian cities will be for her to stomp, and the more advanced technology they will have to throw at her. (Nothing they have will be able to harm her regardless, but I feel it add a lot of variety to the content of the chapters)

Please see below table to see how your initial choice of the Quarian’s woman's size will effect the total Eldian population and available technology. (As an example, if you choose for the Quarian to be one mile tall, the Eldian’s will have outlier districts with populations in the lower thousands, with the total population of the kingdom being 1.2 million people. If you choose for the Quarian to be 100 miles tall, the outlier districts will be the size of small cities, with over a hundred and fifty thousand people in each district, with the Kingdom's total population numbering over 100 million people)

Quarian Height (Miles)....................District Pop.......Wall Maria Pop.....Wall Rose Pop.....Wall Sheena Pop..................Total Pop
1 Mile Tall (5,280 Feet)...........................10,000..................200,000................400,000...................600,000..................1,200,000
5 Mile’s Tall (26,400 Feet).......................20,000.............. 1,000,000.............2,000,000................3,000,000..................6,000,000
10 Mile’s Tall (52,800 Feet).....................40,000...............2,000,000.............4,000,000................6,000,000................12,000,000
25 Mile’s Tall (132,000 Feet)...................80,000...............5,000,000...........10,000,000..............15,000,000................30,000,000
100 Mile’s Tall (528,000 Feet)...............160,000.............20,000,000.......... 40,000,000..............60,000,000..............120,000,000

Please also see below table to determine what level of technology the Eldians have access to, as determined by the Quarian giantess’s height. (For example, a 1 mile tall Quarian giantess will be encountering tiny humans armed with muskets and antiquated muzzle loading wheeled cannons. A 100-mile-tall Quarian giantess will thus be facing tiny humans armed with futuristic gauss rifles and railgun equipped battle tanks. Nothing in the tiny human’s arsenal will be capable of harming the giantess regardless, but I feel it will still add an interesting degree of variety to the story)

Quarian Scale (Miles)...............Power..................................Transport..................................Weapons
1 Mile Tall.....................................Wind Power..........................Sailing Ships/Horse..................Muskets & Cannons
5 Miles Tall....................................Steam..................................Horse/Steam Train...................Bolt-action Rifles & Howitzers
10 Miles Tall..................................Internal Combustion............Automobiles/Airships................Semi-Auto Rifles, Machineguns & Tanks
25 Miles Tall..................................Fossil Fuels.........................Maglev Trains........................... Automatic Rifles & Attack Helicopters
..................................................................................................& Subsonic Aircraft
100 Miles Tall................................Atomic Power......................Orbital Dropship’s......................Gauss Rifles & Railguns


This story contains a mixture of characters with varying personalities and motives. A number of different Quarian females from the games are available after Chapter 2;


- Tali'Zorah nar Rayya

o The famous Tali’ Zorah from the games. I’d imagine from her appearance in the games, if put in this theoretical situation, she would do her best to get back to the migrant fleet whilst not causing any intentional harm to the native Eldian’s, no matter how difficult it may be if she is between 1 – 100 miles from their perspective. But I could be mistaken in this belief, its not like Tali hasn’t killed people before.

- Daro'Xen vas Moreh

o Voiced by Farscape favorite Claudia Black, Daro'Xen vas Moreh as depicted in the games is a Quarian Admiral with virtually no ethical scruples when it comes to her dealing with alien races. With this in mind, if Daro’Xen did find herself in this theoretical situation, I cannot imagine her losing sleep if she had to crush a few Eldian cities to get her way.

- Shala'Raan vas Tonbay

o Tali’s aunt and a fellow member of the Quarian Admiral Board. Depicted as a caring yet calculating woman, like Tali I’d imagine her doing her best not to bring unnecessary harm of suffering to the Eldian’s if she can avoid it, but if she has to take such measures to get off the planet, who knows.

- Forzan vas Idenna

o A minor character in the games, Forzan vas Idenna is unique in this story in being the only Quarian female to also be a mother, suddenly and unexpectably separated from her newborn daughter. This provides her with a unique temperament amongst the other Quarians, as while her maternal instincts may make her loathe to any destructive actions, her desire to return to her child could lead her to rationalize that any destruction she visits upon the native Eldians in her efforts to find a way home to be the lesser of two evils.


- Alex

o A human orphan, 12 years of age and native to the Eldian Shiganshina district. Self-appointed big-brother of his fellow orphans. Used a human ‘bait’ by the Eldian royal family to keep the titans contained to one area outside the wall, Alex like all his fellow orphans of the Shiganshina district is forbidden from leaving the fortified township.

- Sara

o A human orphan, 10 years of age and native to the Eldian Shiganshina district. Self-appointed big-sister of her fellow orphans. Used a human ‘bait’ by the Eldian royal family to keep the titans contained to one area outside the wall, Sara like all her fellow orphans of the Shiganshina district is forbidden from leaving the fortified township.

- Billy

o A human orphan, 8 years of age and native to the Eldian Shiganshina district. Self-appointed younger-brother of his fellow orphans. Used a human ‘bait’ by the Eldian royal family to keep the titans contained to one area outside the wall, Billy like all his fellow orphans of the Shiganshina district is forbidden from leaving the fortified township.

- Jessica

o A human orphan, 6 years of age and native to the Eldian Shiganshina district. Self-appointed little-sister of her fellow orphans. Used a human ‘bait’ by the Eldian royal family to keep the titans contained to one area outside the wall, Sara like all her fellow orphans of the Shiganshina district is forbidden from leaving the fortified township.


- Matriarch Raszagal & Vorazun
o Inspired by the Protoss characters of the same names from Starcraft, these two all-powerful and incorporeal beings are responsible for integrating this experiment that sees a Quarian giantess dumped into the Eldian’s world. Capable of planetary level destruction and beyond, they are initially heard, but not seen.


The rules for this story are fairly simple.

Please keep the Quarian’s inside their armoured suits for the majority of the story.

Anyone can die, though if a Quarian giantess dies it has to be via a spectacular accident capable of killing a giantess 1 mile tall or over. (i.e. she got drunk and fell down an active volcano)

Please initially keep the POV’s between the Quarian giantess in question, and those of the orphans, however new characters can be introduced.

Most importantly please keep the scaling realistic where possible. All the giantesses here are mega level height, so simple acts such as walking will result in miniature earth quakes to the tiny humans.

And finally, please keep character personalities consistent with what’s come before in previous chapters.


So far, this story has 3 pre-written chapters which establish the setting and back-ground. If you wish to skip chapters that establish the back-ground to AOT but don’t necessarily have a Quarian giantess in, that’s fine.

The below summary gives you a brief idea of what happens in every chapter, and the choices you have at the end.


A quick scene featuring an unnamed Quarian giantess impassively laying waste to several Eldian towns and cities as the Eldian Kingdom, beset by gigantic titans (not gigantic to the Quarian of course) falls around her.

The Chapter ends with the reader being given the choice of just how gigantic this Quarian woman is.

This Prologue is they’re to wet peoples appetites. More giantess action will come.

Chapter 1

This chapter takes place 24 hours before the events in the prologue, and is initially written from the perspective of a group of human orphans within Shiganshina, the day that after 100 years of peace, the titans breach Wall Maria and proceed to eat the human inhabitants of the city. In the ensuing chaos the four orphans escape the town/city but are separated into 2 groups of 2 orphans each.

At the same time several miles away, a Quarian woman who cannot initially remember her name wakes up lying in a large body of water, not know she is a giantess somewhere between 1 – 100 miles tall. Coming to her senses she slowly stands up. After spying an ‘island’ in the distance, her Omni-tool tells her that it is detecting a signal on that island. She then begins to make her way towards it, not realizing the ‘signal’ is coming from beneath the Eldian capital city.

The Chapter ends with the reader being given the choice of who this Quarian woman is. (She can be either an existing Quarian such as Tali’Zorah or Daro’Xen, or a new Quarian character of your own creation)

Chapter 2

This chapter features the fragmentary recording of a conversation between the all powerful Matriarch Raszagal and her daughter Vorazun. It will detail that these two were responsible for placing a Quarian woman on the outskirts of the Eldian Kingdom and turning her into a giantess. They’ve done this as they wish to see first hand what happens when a member of a particular species known for being persecuted at the hands of other races, is then placed in a position of greatly disproportionate power over a race she has never encounter before.

The Chapter ends with the reader being given the choice of who the story proceeds with. The Quarian giantess in question, or one of the human orphans.
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