"I dunno Aunt April I did kinda have plans..." The dejected look that she gave you made you feel bad, despite knowing April was a demon it didn't make you feel good to leave her disappointed. "But uh, I wouldn't mind if I could get something I want too." this was a line that your mother Barbara had taught you, she said it was a good way to either get her sisters to drop whatever it was they wanted from you or else make what they were offering much better. It was also a way to make you look strong or smart to any demon although April's response was a little more dramatic than you had considered. Her 'disguise' flashed away in a burst of flame, leaving the red skinned demon with silver hair that was your Aunt's true form in it's place.
"My my, how bold. In that case We'll play a game with... prizes. We'll play as many rounds as I care to, and each round the winner can make one request of the looser and the looser must obey as long as it is within their power. for example if you were to win and ask me to, just an example, grant you a demonic power, I would happily oblige." She smiled sweetly as if she hadn't just offered you a ticket to stop getting bullied so bad. You didn't even think about what she would do if she won before you grabbed her hand that she had extended to shake with you. The 'bad' feeling you got was when the hand shake felt like it was burning and you yelped and pulled your hand back, there was a symbol that you couldn't read on your palm now and when you looked up April was showing you the one on her palm. "The deal is struck." she said with a playful grin leaving you suddenly wondering if this wasn't a terrible mistake. "come with me to the office, we can start there."
Not seeing much of a point in trying to back out now you walked behind her into the office, which to your surprise was quite large with massive chairs and furnishings and even a bigger meeting table off to the side of the desk. You wondered what kind of game you were going to play, you could barely see over the desk as you saw April's tail flicking over it like she was looking for something. You pulled yourself up into the chair. when she stood up again she had a simple game, checkers which surprised you somewhat. "we can take turns deciding what to play, for now let's start with a light game. My next meeting is in one hour so we should be able to play at least two things before they show up." You watched her set up the board without saying anything, trying to figure out if you would be able to beat April at checkers, she was probably smarter than you but you were pretty good at it.
"can I go first?" you would have the advantage and April agreed to let you play red. The game was surprisingly over in just fifteen minutes and mostly because you had been over thinking your moves, from your perspective April was horrendously bad at checkers she was even worse than Bryan! You were excited as April leaned back into her chair 'defeted'
"I guess this match is yours Andrew..." she pouted as if she had been expecting to win with those terrible moves. Well either way this was your chance.
"C-can you give me one of those demon powers?" you were nervous because you didn't want to accidentally break some sort of rule but for some reason this made April sit up and smile. She walked around the table slowly almost as if she were making it seductive.
"Of course~ One Demonic power just for you" you looked at her hand and saw the mark glowing as she picked you up suddenly and kissed you on the forhead. A warm fuzzy feeling passed over you and stayed as she set you back down. She licked her lips "The other powers require a bit more... intense rituals, I'm sure you'd enjoy but this one was fast and I'd like to continue playing."
You were kind of confused as you were a bit tingly all over it was distracting. "What, what power? and why do I feel all weird"
April made a brushing motion with her hand "just a simple low level 'pleasure' power, it will make anyone you touch feel a nice comforting feeling or... a little more if you manage to make it stronger. As for the weird feeling, it's probably because you don't have the ability to turn the power off so you'll feel like that until you train a little. It's your turn to pick a game though." She was very dismissive of your concern, and this wasn't exactly what you meant when you had said you wanted a demonic power. Why couldn't she have given you something like Nattie ability to shrink people Zelina totally would have gone strait to that if it had been asked of her. You would just need to try again, it wasn't like it was a bad power but at least you wanted something that would work for you better.
"let's play checkers again." you said knowing how bad she was at the game you were confident you could win against her if you played this game over and over. Unfortunately for you this must have been her plan all along because even a couple moves into checkers you could tell you were not playing against the same person who had gotten demolished last game, she had held back on purpose because she knew what you would ask for. Combined with the distracting tingling feeling it took the game twice as long to finish as you were over thinking every single move and April out played you instantly even then. You saw her collect your last peace as a feeling a dread washed over you. She made a show of casually counting the pieces and checking her watch.
"Oh darn, I guess I'll have to make this a quick request... my next meeting is in ten minutes that's not enough for another game before they get here." She tapped her chin as if she were thinking. "Andrew would you please lay yourself down in the big guest chair until my next meeting is over." she asked innocently "and no talking" You had been sitting in the massive chair since it was the one that had been near the desk, it was big enough for you to sleep on if you wanted. When you didn't immediately start moving the mark on your hand burned a little and you fell backwards and laying in the chair limply. You couldn't even feel the strength to move as April walked over and pulled your legs onto the chair as well and laid you across it. You wanted to ask her what she was doing but even if you moved your mouth no noise was coming out as the red cheeks descended on you to flatten you out. "Ohhh that power works nicely for you~ I hope my next visitor appreciates all your effort." she teased as she got off of your flattened body. Smiled as the door bell rang.. "Ah that must be my meeting, Don't worry Andrew, I'm not anywhere near board so we'll be continuing for some time unless something else comes up for you or me."
You could only watch silently as she left and then returned with...