“You... will stay? Really? Well, that’s great news! Thank you so much for understanding, it’s just that this is a very intimate position, so I needed to know my... problem... was one you could deal with. I’m ashamed to say it’s become somewhat of a fascination for me, actually. That was what this experiment was about.”
“Well, what’s the experiment?”
“Follow me.”
Twilight lead you down in the other direction than the one you had come, turning a few corners before the two of you entered a large library, shelves lined with a multitude of books and with jagged crystal structures sprouting up along the walls.
“You see, I was reading some old spell books I’ve never read before. Mostly simple stuff, but there was this one spell which intrigued me tremendously.”
The alicorn opened a dusty book in front of you both, laying it down on the floor and finding a particular page. She seemed to talk enough for the both of you, but you really didn’t mind.
“It’s a simple spell which deals with matter introduction and placement. As I say, it’s nothing too advanced. The spell allows you to fill a chosen void or vessel with a liquid or a gas, provided you have a sample of the matter on hand. Let me demonstrate.”
She grabbed a half-empty glass of water, placing it down in front of her, before gesturing your attention to an empty flask on a desk on the other side of the room.
“For example, I can use the molecular and chemical structure of this water, and fill that flask over there with new water!”
Her horn glowed purple, and you both watched as the flask steadily filled with water.
“There! See? Well - it got me thinking, and I’ve also had this really bad stomach cramp lately, so I thought that maybe... I could fill myself with gas, and in doing so dislodge the gas which seems to be stuck!”
She looked at you, her face filled with pride, despite the bizarre nature of her thesis.
“I guess I could help you.”
“Well, I’m going to need a sample of my own farts for the spell to work. I would try and produce some gas with chemicals, but farts are actually made up of several different types of gas, rather than just methane or sulphur like most ponies think.”
You never imagined you’d have Princess Twilight Sparkle herself geeking out at you about farts of all things.
“How are we gonna get the sample?”
“Well... that’s where you come in.” She gestured towards a small beaker, blushing again.
“You want me to fill that?” You had to try and hold back the laughter.
“That’s right! Um, I’ve actually been holding one in since we started talking, so...” She just smiled suggestively. There was something oddly cute about her sheepish, slightly embarrassed demeanour, disregarding the entire topic of the conversation.
You grabbed the small flask, holding it for a few seconds, before stepping around behind the alicorn. It seemed a little forward to just push it against her asshole, but then what wasn’t forward about this whole experiment?
You positioned the small cylindrical flask somewhere under her tail, until you felt it yield against her pucker. She let out a short gasp.
“Here comes! Make sure you get as much as you can in there!”
Only a few seconds later, there was a quiet, dampened hissing sound, and you felt the flask heat up slightly.
“Quick! Close it up!”
You reached for a little rubber stopper, quickly popping it in the flask and holding it up in your hoof.
“Perfect! I’m sure this is more than enough!”
It levitated from your hand, shrouded in her purple magic aura.
“Okay, So, I’m going to see if I can fill my small intestines or my colon with this. It’s going to take some concentration, so I’m going to need you to watch to see when it’s working!”
“Um... how will I tell?”
“My lower abdomen should bulge slightly. You’ll know when.”
The alicorn stood with her legs parted slightly, her stomach and underside on show clearly.
“Alright... now, I just need to visualise the void which I want to fill... hmm.. I think I’ve got it. Now... with the contents of the flask..”
There were a few seconds of silence, but surely enough, you could see her lower belly distend very slightly; very gradually inflating.
“Ok. I’m gonna stop and see if that worked.”
The sparkles around her horn abated, and the pony held her position carefully.
“Okay, I’m gonna need you to rub my abdomen slightly. I can feel it in there, but it’s not coming out.”
Wondering for a moment why you were so willing to do everything Twilight asked of you, you stepped closer to Twilight, reaching a hoof up and gently massaging her undercarriage.
Your head was only about three inches away from her rump; her tail was off to one side, and from here you could quite unmistakably see... her nethers. You felt yourself blush. You’d only been working for Twilight for about half an hour, and already you’d seen her most private areas.
You didn’t have very long to muse over this though, as a loud and raspy fart ripped from the Princess’ asshole. You felt her swollen belly deflate slightly as it did.
The smell rose up to your nostrils. There was something about it that reminded you of slightly off, cloying milk, along with the smell of damp rags.
You pursed your lips as the pungent smell entered your nostrils. You felt nearly dizzy at the realisation of your current position.
“It worked! Uh, sorry. I guess you’re kinda in the blast zone back there, huh?” The purple alicorn looked back at you and giggled.
“Very refreshing.” You joked.
“Well, you’re taking it better than Spike usually does.” She said offhandedly.
“Oh, he’s my usual assistant. The one I mentioned earlier. I don’t really think he’s that into all this stuff, so I’m glad I’ve got an assistant who doesn’t mind it.”
“It’s a pleasure to work under you, Princess.”
“Gosh! No need to be so formal! I like to see my assistants as my equals, you know.”
She snickered. “No need to be.”