Deciding to lean in to the whole experience, to embrace Vanessa's revenge so utterly she'd regret doing it. Sure, you'd cheated on her... After all, that was because you loved women. You didn't despise them, or look down on them. It was a surprise. No! A shock to join their numbers but, it wasn't offensive or outrageous.
"The full treatment." you said, a slight tremble in your voice as you slapped the card down. "I want to be pampered utterly." you demand.
"It's quite expensive." the receptionist warned.
"I think you'll find I can pay." you push the card closer to her. "Some luxuries are beyond price." You add.
You still feel a sting as the price briefly flashes up on her screen.
"We generally start with a sauna, then a massage." The receptionist explained.
You've had the deluxe treatment as a guy, not something you can convince this receptionist of. But, you smile indulgently, confident you're getting what you paid for...
- - - - -
The sauna unknots your muscles, and any residual tension you felt. You were limp as a boneless chicken as you emerge. Needing a little help to get you onto the massage table.
Drowsily, you allow the masseuse to work her magic. It's only the strength of her hands as they work your flesh, that keeps you from falling asleep. It feels as if she's remodeling your flesh, as she works.
Her fingers mashing the tension down your spine, and from your thighs. You moan softly as she asks you to turn over. It sounds more relaxed than you thought possible. As you allow her to help you turn, you look up to see her face. There's a woman you'd love to bed. A gorgeous blonde... Your thoughts jumble, as you realise that could equally describe you, now!
- - - - -
As lethargy grips you once again, you close your eyes to the dazzling lights that glare down. The massage feels much more intimate now. You aren't sure the masseuse is meant to touch your breasts... But, it's your first massage as a woman, and you allow it to happen. Soft moans slip from your lips as the pressure from her fingers leaves your flesh. Your breathing becoming deeper and more sensual. You sound needy and the perfect woman you'd have targetted before.
You allow it all to happen, as it feels so good. Something so pleasant can't be wrong. Wave upon wave of pleasure ripples and rolls through your body.
You crave the commanding touch of the masseuse. Instead, it's two swift but unmistakable kisses that send you erupting to wakefulness. One on each of your nips. Eyes shooting open, you take her in, as her face morphs to reveal Vanessa standing over you. Triumph on her features.
"Now we're both victorious. You can have your ultimate bimbo... be her."
She gestured theatrically to your new body, as you take in the full extent of her work. It's a struggle to even sit up, as your new bust is beyond massive. You heave yourself onto your elbows. The girls sloshing heavily from side to side. Threatening to throw you from the table with their weight. You have to force yourself to lurch forward until your sitting properly upright.
You still feel unsteady. "You'll draw eyes, coming and going." Vanessa taunts. Her hand tracing it's way down your flank. Her caresses spilling wider and wider, as your petite, wasp waist swells into wide, wide child-bearing hips, and an ass that belongs on a horse.
"Enjoy your new life, Shawna." she gave you a kiss. The startled bimbo on the table looked naive beyond belief, and impossible to take seriously, given those staggering dimensions.
You knew that your old life as Shawn was gone.
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