Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2155933-The-AhnGer-Stone--Other-Stories
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Fantasy · #2155933
A Stone that only grants angry wishes and more stories of transformation found here!

A Stone that only grants angry wishes and more stories of transformation found here!

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
This is a spiritual reboot The Grellstone: Angry Transformations Interactive by SandySeeker. It is with greatest respect to those stories and SandySeeker that I am reviving-rebooting this in the hopes that those stories will find new life here within this Interactive. Have fun!.

Important: For the posting rules of this Interactive, please check the bottom of this page. Failure to abide by these rules may potentially result in your chapters and content being deleted from this Interactive. Re-posting the content and chapters of this Interactive elsewhere without permission is not allowed. Thank you.

The Ahn'Ger Stone

The Ahn'Ger Stone is an ancient, mystical artifact that is capable of granting wishes...But only when the person holding it is angry. It has found it's way to Earth and onto the doorstep of Bill Strasserman, a high school Senior in the American town of Shermer, Illinois. Bill is enamored by it's unique shape and strange beauty; a teardrop emerald with a golden core that seems to pull the light of the morning sun into it. Through a series of strange events, Bill discovers that the stone is magical and grants wishes! But only when whoever is holding it is angry! And to make matters worse, Bill is surrounded by a cast of friends and enemies and all of them seem compelled to use the Ahn'Ger Stone! With the wishes capable of permanently altering not just bodies, but the entire fabric of reality and the minds of everyone within it, can Bill discover the truth behind the Stone without getting transformed by an angry wish?

-Cast of Characters-

Bill Strasserman is your average 18 year old High School senior. He has a small group of friends and has average grades, and is a more than a bit of a geek, though doesn't mind physical activity. His life is comfortably middle of the road, with one younger sister, a mom and dad and a dog and lives in a nice house in the upper middle-class section of Shermer Illinois. Outside of dodging bullies and dealing with the relationship problems of his best friend Tom and his girlfriend Gloria, Bill has been enjoying his final year of school and looking forward to college and perhaps finally finding his path in life. His only problem? Several powerful enemies.

Tom Ackerton Is Bill's best friend, having grown up with him. A natural athlete, Tom's talent for football, basketball and baseball have made him the star of Shermer High, and with a bright future in sports ahead of him. The only problem? Tom's long-time on/off again girlfriend, Gloria Vanapolous and her extremely toxic, controlling behavior. After ending their long-term relationship, Gloria's rage has destroyed Tom's social standing in Shermer and what was left of his confidence and self-worth. Tom desperately wants to feel happy again, and sometimes it feels as if Bill is the only person that he can turn to...When the two are not being harassed by Gloria or the bullies of Shermer High.

Gloria Vanapolous is Tom's formerly long-term girlfriend, and the 'Queen of Shermer High'. The most popular and prettiest girl in school and a cheerleader, Gloria's break-up with Tom has been less than smooth and her cruel social influence succeeded in making him a pariah. Gloria is an only child, and due to issues with her mom, Gloria has taken her frustrations out on those that cross her and is not above hurting others to get what she wants. Enacting a complicated plan to get Tom back (while removing Bill, the one friend Tom has left, from the picture), Gloria is determined to win, one way or the other.

Jonathan Ingerman, or 'Big Jon' is the head bully of Bill's high school. A physically powerful, handsome, intelligent son of Ragnar Ingerman, a extremely wealthy and politically powerful businessman. Using his father's wealth and influence, Big Jon has the run of the school and few dare to stand against him, save for Bill Strasserman, who managed to trick him into getting caught during one of his criminal enterprises and nearly being expelled from Shermer High. With a near-murderous grudge and practically unlimited resources, Big Jon is willing to do almost anything to get back and Bill and make him (and anyone else who gets in his way) suffer.

Rob Bolstrum is the former leader of the high school bullies, now disgraced after losing a fight for dominance to Big Jon last year. Rob is now nothing more than Ingerman's lackey, and harbors a deep, burning hate for his rival. Incredibly strong and smarter than he looks, Rob is constantly plotting on how to get rid of Big Jon and reclaim his place as 'King of the Bullies' once more. That may or may not include defying Big Jon's orders. But can the big man put aside his anger long enough to work with his other enemies?

And many more characters!

Featured Side Story

The Toolbox
Two roommates living in the city of Redford Hills California, the summer before their freshman year in college, experience a minor earthquake that knocks a cabinet off the wall! Taking it upon themselves to repair it despite knowing nothing about tools, Sidney and Kyle discover a otherwise normal looking toolbox in their basement, filled with otherwise normal looking tools. But when a simple moment of goofing off reveals the magical, transformative powers unique to each tool, the two boys find themselves on whirlwind body altering adventure, giving a whole new meaning to the term 'home improvement'.

Start reading it here!: https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2155933-The-AhnGer-Stone-...

The Rules

Read before posting

Failure to adhere to these rules will result in content being deleted.
As owner of this Interactive, I reserve the right to make edits to content or remove any content deemed unsuitable for this Interactive without any prior notice.

1. No underage sexual activities. Any character engaging in sexual activity must be written as the age of 18 or older both mentally and physically. Failure to adhere to this rule will have your chapters deleted and you will be blocked from contributing to this Interactive.
2. No toilet stuff: This includes playing in feces, urine, vomit, fart, drool, diapering, adult diapering or excessive use and description of sexual fluids.
3. No excessive weight gain. Making characters obese is fine, but please try to limit the weight gain to 500 pounds.
4. No Excessive Giantess or Giants: While shrinking to very small sizes is allowed, any character that is made larger should not become taller than 100 feet.
5. Age Regression must be both physically and mentally. The above rules on sexual content and toilet content apply here as well.
6. No Hermaphrodite or Futanari transformations. Transformations between genders should be complete male/female and female/male.
7. No incest content between parents, siblings or blood relations allowed under any circumstances.
8. No excessive gore or killing off characters for no reason.
9. No male on male sex scenes or graphic, detailed sex scenes. A preferable rating would be PG-13 or use of 'fade to black' scene transition.
10. No MPreg or Unbirthing.
11. Overly slow transformations. All transformations should occur instantly or within minutes and should not be drawn out over multiple hours.
12. No short chapters: In order to keep content interesting, all chapters must be a minimum of three paragraphs. Poorly done endings will be removed.
13. Option Chapters should be labeled as such and make an effort to provide some form of content (new or re-used sample) with the options.
14. Please refrain from 'Ending' the story unless the the story-line reaches a natural conclusion. Something Else or obvious 'Option' chapters are meant to provide users with the ability to provide new options when possible. Low effort or inappropriate 'End' chapters WILL be deleted.
15. Any linked images should be to safe online image hosting services such as Imgur, Blogspot or DeviantArt.
16. Please make sure that you review and spellcheck your work before posting. Small mistakes are acceptable but chapters with glaring grammatical errors will be deleted to uphold quality.

Have fun, and thanks for reading!

Like this Interactive? Check out my other Interactive, Morphmanji! Located here! https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2229049-Morphmanji
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2155933-The-AhnGer-Stone--Other-Stories