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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Relationship · #2155050
An interactive story for those who like romance and you get to choose what happens lext.

An interactive story for those who like romance and you get to choose what happens lext.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
I called his name over and over just hoping he would come back. He didn't so I started to run after him but something changed my mind. Who knew telling him I loved him would make him freeze up then walk away. I sure didn't know that he would do that but I hope those three words won't make him think that I'm crazy or something. But it's true I love him.
It seems like I have loved him forever like he is my soulmate. I tell him again hoping that he will turn around. I then grab his arm and jerk him around so that he faces me. I tell him one more time but with tears in my eyes. I see a sort of emotion in his eyes I don't know if it is love, heartbreak, or sadness. Whatever this emotion is it causes him to draw me near.
I cry on his shoulder while he just stands there arms wrapped tight around me and holding on. After a while, I seem to calm down and we just stand there like that for what seems like an eternity. And eternity with him I would love. And I think that he would too.
Last Year- Halloween
Who in the world put chocolate on the pizza?”
I look around to see if I can see if I can tell if anyone is guilty. Usually, I can but this time I can’t maybe it’s because this crowd knows I am great at finding the liar. I suspect my friend Tracy. She is super weird but I love her.
Why would anyone put chocolate on a pizza? Answer. Because they want to. And whoever did know that I can’t have chocolate. And why would they know because one of my old friends can’t keep her mouth shut?And no I did not get murdered by the chocolate on the pizza. I didn’t even take a bite I smelled it when I was about to take a bite out of it.
It is not like I will really die it is just that I might die. And everybody knows this but it is still a cruel trick to play.
While I head to the bathroom I see several people making out, three jugging down beer, and a girl and a guy about to get it on where everyone can see. And it is no other than Jessica. The school slut. And then I see him. He looks like an angel that fell from heaven with kind of a bad boy look. He catches me staring and I look away casually like I was not staring.
I never seem to make my way to the bathroom but go outside to my car to start it up so that it is warm when I go to drive it home. I grab my jacket and take a walk around the house just to do something. And then I see him there looking around like he’s lost. Which he probably is so I walk over to ask him.
“Um, whatever your name is. Do you need help or anything?,” I ask, while my heart is pounding in my chest.
“Yes, thank you. I’m looking for …,” he says, stopping when he turns around to look at me. And surprise crosses his features. “Yeah, I’m looking for a girl. She has dirty-blonde hair and hazel eyes.”
I go through my mind to see if I know anyone at the party who has dirty-blonde hair and hazel eyes but couldn’t think of anyone. So I shrug my shoulders and say sorry. I walk back around the house and go over to my car. And go to get in when I see that the guy has followed me to my car. We stand there staring at each other in silence.
“Sorry. I just wanted to thank you. So thanks,” mystery guy says and then turns to walk away. “And by the way the names Eric. And you are?”
“Whitney. Whitney Cole,” and with that, I get into my car and pull away from the house and from Eric.
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