Being on top of June’s witches hat, you got a pretty good view of everything that her and her daughter did. Of course you made sure to hide whenever there was a chance for you to get found.
June for her part talked to you, while also following her excited daughter. She was a good mother for doing this, and you were glad you got the attention of such a kind woman.
That being said, Arlette scared you. Every time she talked up to you, it was more gruesome ideas a girl her age shouldn’t have.
But still you could deal with this, until June revealed something.
“They should be around here?”
“A-Around here?” You ask from atop of the hat.
“June! Hi there!” You turn your head, seeing another mother daughter pair coming over. Dressed up as scouts. It was a meet.
You stopped talking hiding on top of the hat.
“Hey there Bonnie.” She smiled as the two agree to meet on Ramsey Street. “How have you been.” The mother’s hugged as you hid.
“It’s been pretty good. Glad we are able to do this, I always feel awkward knocking on people’s houses for Elle.”
“Hi Aunt June!” That obviously showed how close the mothers were.
“Hello there Elle, did you get anything good scout?” June joked.
“I got a lot of bars, and even some white chocolate. Arlette what did you get!” The happy girl said going to her friend.
“I got a tiny boy.” Arlette said which confused her friend, although drew a chuckle from June.
“Now we are just waiting for Alyssa.”
“Calm down I’m here!” You look on the other side of the hat. Seeing another pair. Brown skin and dressed as fitness instructors. She went and hugged June and Bonnie as you hid even more.
“Hey Alyssa, thanks for coming. You two Gemma.”
The little kid walked over to Arlette as you were more interested in the mothers.
“Gemma was asking me to go for so long. Honestly, I had this party lined up I was gonna go to, but since you two are here.”
“Thanks for making us feel like a second option.” June chuckled. The three woman talked as this has turned into a group. You were scared hidden above on the hat.
“Aunt June, Arlette keeps talking about a tiny man.” Both Gemma and Elle was confused.
“Well, I guess I’ll show everyone.” With that June reached for you as the new four saw you.
“You got given a doll?” Alyssa joked.
“he seems to real for a doll?” Bonnie leaned in.
“He’s actually real.” June said and to probe her point.
“H-Hey there.” You wave as the mothers were shocked, as for the kids.
“That’s so cool!”
“So he’s the tiny boy Arlette talked about!” Gemma and Elle were excited for you.
“I can’t believe it.” Alyssa said as she leaned her face to you. The mother looked over you, her headband a bit too frightenly close to you. She then flashed you a smile. “He’s kinda cute.”
“Easy there Alyssa.” Bonnie said with a laugh. “How did this happen?”
Thankfully she was asking you and not June, showing how nice she was. Alyssa pulled back, but her eyes were still on you.
So you explained what happened, about being shrunken down by a witch. A witch little girl. You were the centre of attention.
“Y-You didn’t tell me it was a little girl that shrunk you down?” June said holding you.
“C-Cause it’s humiliating.” You say up to her.
“Well I don’t care how you got this trick, because he’s quite a treat.” Alyssa said which got Bonnie and June to comically boo.
“I plan to take him home with me after this. He’s being such a good boy willing to wait.” June said.
“Well Luckily we have planned to meet afterwards at your house.” Alyssa revealed. Crap, you were not out of trouble even then. At least the three woman seemed nice. Alyssa a bit flirty but you can live with that.
“Can I hold him Mom! Can I!?” Gemma asked, as those three kids were your real problem.
“Sure sweetie.” Alyssa said to her daughter.
“A-Actually, since he’s been so small we are being careful. He’s going to stay on my hat okay?” June said as that was your beacon.
“That’s probably for the best. He’s so small, I could mistake him for a bug.” Bonnie said. “Uh... no offence little guy.”
“I-It’s fine.”
“It is.” Alyssa said. “He’s size makes him even cuter. I guess we can have fun with him later.”
You were nervous, but you were lifted up to the hat. She put you on the rim, but you were still the attention of all the girls.
“Now, let’s Trick or Treat!” June said as Arlette and Gemma went. Both talking about you as they walk to the next house.
“Mommy, aren’t we going to help him?” Elle said.
“Of course.” Bonnie replied. “But he’s being a kind person, and letting you trick or treat first.”
“Thank you little guy!” Elle seems a bit sheltered, but she seems kind. She ran off with the others as the mothers talked about.
“Honestly, I’m excited for when we get back to your place June.” Alyssa laughed. “Is your husband there?”
“No he’s working late.” “Like usual.”
“When was the last time you two had a good f-”
“Real subtle Alyssa.” Bonnie said. The three woman walking and talking.
“It’s fine.” June said. “I’m just glad to be here with Arlette.”
“Seems kinda unfair.” Alyssa said. “You already have a man, and now you are taking this little hunk. Don’t you know how to share?” Alyssa looked up at the hat, seeing your cute body trying to hold on.
“To be fair, at his size he wouldn’t be able to do much in the bedroom. Or as a parent.” Bonnie said. “N-No offence.”
“None taken!” You say to Bonnie, still trying to be friendly.