When Life deals out its hands you don't get much worst than mine, my parents met during an intoxicated one night stand that led to my birth, Leo Bailer, my mother was an alcoholic and my father was non-existent. Needless to say my mother kicked the bucket fairly early and I was left to fend for myself. I lived in a rundown house that I'm fairly certain was condemned several years prior, it wasn't luxurious and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. There was a rich couple in my city, they were incredibly wealthy and the wife had just given birth to a son. I saw this as my chance, if I could kidnap the baby and hold him for ransom I could finally get enough money to start my life properly. I was sixteen at the time and had gained a reputation as 'The Shadow'. No one knew who I was and I had never been caught, I blended into the background too well and didn't leave any traces. I used those skills to sneak into the house and take the baby as he was sleeping, I was pretty surprised and proud that I actually succeeded. As I was running through the night the baby must have woken up, I could feel him moving around in my arms. I looked down and received the biggest shock of my life, the baby looked up at me and smiled, he clenched close to my chest and fell back to sleep, I'm not sure why it surprised me so much but I expected him to be afraid of me, I was a man who he had never seen before. I brought him back to my house and sat him down, he was awake again and looked at me with his large blue eyes, I felt bad dragging him into this mess, he had done nothing wrong, just a victim of circumstance, at least he wouldn't be able to remember it. Several days later sent the ransom note. I set up a meeting place within seeing distance of my base of operations. I asked for a decently large sum that I could use to get on my feet. I waited along with the baby, days turned into weeks and weeks eventually turned into months, I was starting to get worried, there was no news from the couple, they didn't make an appearance or try to get in contact to negotiate, heck, there wasn't even any police around the meeting area like I had suspected there to be, there was nothing. I looked down at the baby, I felt horrible for him, sure, the amount of money I asked for was insane by my standards but the couple was so rich they could have paid it five times over with absolutely no repercussions, did their son really mean so little to them that they couldn't even be bothered to pay the fine to get him back? It wasn't until four months had passed that I learnt to truth. I was wondering down the dark alleyway with my loot when I found an old newspaper, apparently the couple was murdered the night before my ransom note arrived to them, I felt even worse for the child as I read the article. I traveled back home where the kid had been waiting for me, he crawled over and looked up at me with his giant blue eyes, I couldn't help but feel horrible. My first idea was to send him to an orphanage, allow him to be raised somewhat decently, but he was considered dead to the world, he would have no identity and would be preyed upon his entire life. My second choice was to kill him, to spare him the hell he would need to go through in his life, but looking down at him, I couldn't do it, I couldn't kill the boy, he was innocent. I hated myself, the one things I didn't want to happen did, I grew feelings for him, I loved the little boy with all my heart. I collapsed to the ground and sighed heavily, I had no idea what to do, I was in way over my head. The baby crawled over to me and touched my arm, the next thing that happened blew me away, I was so overwhelmed with emotion I think I cried for hours.
"D-dada," he announced, this broke me, I wasn't the boy's father, I had taken him away from his father and now he would never be able to see him again, I was no father, I was a monster. I continued to cry with the boy sitting next to me, eventually I managed to calm myself down, I looked over to the boy and noticed his diaper looking pretty full. I picked him up and walked him over to the table.
"Let's have a look at the damage should we?" I cooed.
"That's some mess stinker," Leo joked as he removed the dirty diaper.
"Come on dad, you promised to stop talking to me like that," Griffin replied, blushing slightly.
"Once you turned thirteen," Leo reminded, "until you become a teen you're still my little stinker. They you can be my little mud-butt." Griffin laughed at his father. Leo grabbed another diaper and strapped it onto the boy's waist. "I tell you, my biggest regret was not potty training you," Leo smiled.
"You know I would just shit in my pants anyway dad," Griffin smiled.
"Language mister," Leo scolded lightly. "It would be a shame to have to spank a newly diapered ass."
"You swear all the time," Griffin informed, "it's only natural that I'd follow suit."
"Trust me kid, you don't want to end up like me," Leo replied.
"I know," Griffin informed with a smile, "that's why I spend most of my time over your lap with my butt in the air." There was something about Griffin calling Leo dada, the man had no choice but to raise the boy, he felt instantly protective of him. It wasn't easy, stealing just for him wasn't easy, stealing diapers and other baby supplies on top of that was almost impossible, but he did it, he was determined to raise this boy right. It was challenging, Leo was only sixteen after all and knew nothing about babies or raising children, he didn't really have a role model to copy. Luckily for him Griffin seemed to learn how to walk and talk on his own, there was only a little bit of help needed from Leo, potty-training was where the problem lied. Leo tired to potty-train Griffin, but the boy was stubborn, he was terrified of the toilet and didn't seem to have a consistent pattern when he used his diapers. There was a small period of time where Leo had thought Griffin had it, he started just putting the boy in normal pants, they lasted two minutes before Leo smelt something foul and Griffin came to him with a large bulge in his pants saying he needed a 'undie change'. He tried to explain that he wasn't supposed to go in the undies and that undie changes didn't exist but that only led to Griffin not telling him when he had an accident, Leo would have to pull his pants back and look inside if he suspected anything like with a diaper, eventually it was easier for both of them if Griffin remained in diapers and the kid never complained, he liked them.
"Ok Stinker, I'm off, don't stay up late," Leo announced, "I mean it, if there's even the smallest evidence that you were still up past ten..."
"I know, five padded spanks and ten bare spanks," Griffin replied with a smirk, "I've tested the punishment system enough to know it off by heart." Leo smiled before giving the boy a single nod. He left by jumping out the window of...