"-have a little snack for myself." She said.
"Huh?" You said, confused on what does she mean by that. "What snack?"
"Just something to give me some energy after working for a bumbling buffoon of a villain."
"Wait...are you going to EAT ME?!" It's bad enough this woman nearly tried to squish you with her boot, but eat you? That's an absolute scary thought there.
However, Shego laughed mockingly at your question which could possibly mean there is something else to this new fate of yours. "Who said I was going to eat you shrimp?" She said. "Why would I eat a little man that I haven't even tasted? You've probably been laying around in some garbage dump by now."
"Then what do you want with me?" You asked again until you see her lick her lips and then after that, she starts licking your entire body. "Ahhhhh!!!!!" You scream as she continuously rubs her tongue across your tiny body, covering you in great ooze of saliva. You wanted to tell her to stop as it's making you uncomfortable, but the coating of saliva has prevented you from even shouting out even a single word. Meanwhile, it appears that Shego seems to be enjoying your taste as she licks you in a rather arousing type of way. What is this even about? Is this what she meant by getting a quick snack? Sounds more like she needed...something else.
Finally after long torture of being her personal lolly, she's finally done with you and looks down at your tiny soaked body.
"Hmmmm...nothing too bad." She said while inspecting you. "You tasted somewhat sweet, though a bit salty too. I guess you really weren't digging around in some dumpster after all." It appears that Shego was only just trying to taste you and has found you sweet-tasting; perhaps, maybe that might be all the sweat you have due to the extreme terror of being in her presence.
"So...does this mean...you are finally going to eat me?" You asked nervously, hoping that she will laugh at you again. Instead of laughing though, she just smiles evilly.
"Not really...or at least not yet anyways." She said "As you can see, I was only trying to see what you taste like first so that way, I can put you into my mouth and torture you until you tell me that you really are a spy." The thought of this makes you flinch in terror, how can you survive being tossed around her mouth as you get covered in even more saliva? If that's not bad enough, how about trying to avoid getting chewed up by her teeth? Getting smashed to paste by her teeth makes you even more terrified. Now you really hope that she wouldn't plan to eat you...
"C-Can we please talk about this?" You tried to reason with her. "I mean, how can I be a spy if I hardly lack any equipment of one?"
"That's a good question." Said Shego "If that were true, can you show me some equipment with you?" She releases her grip as you are now sitting on her palm. You emptied your pockets to show that you are carrying nothing at all.
"See, I have no cameras or anything at all." You hope that you show her that you definitely not a spy here but unfortunately for you, Shego is still not convinced.
"Is that the best prove you got?" She said. "You probably must be hiding them somewhere else around you."
"But I told you, I don't have-"
"QUIET! I heard enough excuses from you!" Shego yelled "So it's time to get this over with." After gripping onto you again, she quickly tosses you into her mouth.
"NOOOOO!!!!!" You screamed as you fall into the darkness and landed onto the fleshy ground. Without any time to prepare yourself, the woman began to drag her tongue around from below your feet. You get scrapped at the roof of her mouth and then at her rows of teeth. Thankfully, she doesn't plan to chew you up, but this still too much for you.
There's no way to reason with her because no matter how much try to prove her wrong, she still thinks you are lying. You could try to telling her that you are a spy and hopefully get out of here but then again, she could just take advantage of this and swallow you.
Maybe, you could save yourself by biting her tongue and possibly further infuriate her more, but at least she could spat you out.
What happens next?