"I know!" exclaimed the Mistress, "I'll do both."
Without warning, her fingernails dug right into my armpits, causing me to whip my head back and erupt in instant laughter. My armpits and my feet were my most sensitive areas, feet being moreso, but hopefully she won't find out about them. I wriggled back and forth, trying to escape her fingernails, but to no avail. She lowered her head just a bit as her nails did their ticklish work in my armpits, only to stick her forked tongue right into my belly button and swirl it around and around, in and out, over and over. My body kept shaking involuntarily, trying to escape this barbaric torture... but the tongue almost felt pleasant.
My laughter superseded the wheezing laughter of the 5 girls on the floor, but my face was not beat red yet, nor were my eyes watering. "HAAHAAHAAAA-STAAAHP-AAAHT, YOU CRAAAHAAAZY-YYY BIIAAA-AAATCH!!!" was the only audible thing I could stammer out inbetween laughs.
She kept on digging her nails into my pits, wriggling them and making them dance along my smooth skin while her tongue enjoyed every ounce of flavour it could get from my navel. It swirled around and around, in and out, up and down, leaving no area untouched or uncovered with saliva. It seemed like an eternity was going by with this cruel form of torture... yet, I could feel myself getting a little warm.
Her tongue stopped. "Oh, your nipples look so delicious," she said to me as I still laughed at her hands in my pits. "I wonder if they taste anything like your belly button?"
She plunged her tongue onto the top of my right nipple and swirled it around and around a number of times as her mouth covered most of my breast. That tongue seemed to have a certain finesse when it came to tickling. Even my breast, which is not normally ticklish, seemed to be quite ticklish when her tongue was exploring and dancing on it. The warmth inside me seemed to grow as she continued invading the space of my pits and my breast.
Plucking her head away, she said, "Mmmm, delicious... I want the other one now."
She did the exact same thing, but now on my left breast. Tension in me began to build up more, but all I could do was laugh and try to escape. My face started to turn a shade of pink, but no tears were forming at this point. Her tongue just continued to swirl around my breast, her fingers still dancing in my soft, bare armpits. Another eternity later and she finally stopped.
"Well, my dear," she said as I tried to calm my laughter down, "now it's time to take a look at those feet. Hands... reposition."
'Oh no' I thought 'my feet are too sensitive!' The hands had arranged me so that my feet were at eye level with the Mistress.
I sensed hesitation in her. After a short pause, she stated, "Well, well, what have we here? You're liking this as much as I do... Hmmm, this might change the course of action for me."