Ella was hard at work in her lab, looking over ballistics reports. Then her door swung open, and she looked up to see the only person she knew who never knocked: Maze.
"Hey Maze! What's up?" Ella said, trying to sound cool and casual in front of the bar tender turned bounty hunter.
"It's Trixie 's birthday today, and I just found out." Maze said, skipping right to the point. "Apparently on Earth kids get presents just for existing?"
"Uh yeah, didn't you ever get a birthday present?" Ella asked.
"All of my demonic siblings were created at once by Lilith. I suppose on the anniversary of our creation we did sometimes do some extra torturing to celebrate." Maze said.
"Um, yeah, I guess birthdays are kind of like that. Trixie probably doesn't do a lot of torturing though." Ella said. "I'm guessing you are worried about getting her a present?"
"Yes, I have no idea what to get her. Do you have anything good in here? Maybe a cool knife you found in a dead guy?" Maze suggested.
"I don't think Chloe would approve of you giving Trixie a knife. She's a 9 year old girl, why not just get her a doll?"
"How do I pick a doll to get her? There's like a million of them." Maze asked.
"Well she's a Latina like me, and when I was growing up I appreciated having a doll that looked like me." Ella said.
"One that looks like you huh?" Maze said, grinning. "I think I know where I might get one of those."
"Oh great." Ella said, turning back to her work. "Glad I was able to help." But before Ella could so much as pick up another report, she suddenly felt a needle poke her in the back of the neck, and her vision instantly went black.....
When Ella awoke, it was in pitch black darkness, laying in her back. She felt the room she was in shaking, and assumed she was experiencing a California earthquake. She thought wrong.
The ceiling split open with the sound of ripping tape, and suddenly there was a giant face in the sky. At first Ella thought it was God, but God was not a little girl. This was Trixie, Chloe's daughter who Maeve had been asking about.
"Hello?" Ella said, confused as to what was going on.
"A talking doll?" Trixie said, her voice brimming with excitement. "That's so cool!"
"Hey wait! I'm not a do-" Ella began, but Trixie's hand wrapped around her, lifting her up to get a closer look.
Ella shrieked as she was carried through the air, head spinning from vertigo. Now she was inches from the excited young girl's face, with Trixie's giant eyes crossing to stare down at her "doll". And now Ella could see that Maze was standing behind Trixie, smiling over her shoulder.
"Yup, your very own doll. She talks and moves and everything." Maze said.
"Hey, Maze, what the heck is going on?" Ella yelled, but Maze ignored her and focused on Trixie.
"This is the best birthday present ever!" Trixie said, and Ella realized what had happened. Somehow, someway, Maze had shrunk Ella and given her to Trixie as a present.
"No way! Maze, tell her I'm not a doll!" Ella yelled.
"Ok Trixie, there is one very important rule with the new doll. You cannot let your mom know about it. She told me you weren't ready for a living doll like this." Maze said.
"What, no, you have to bring me to your mo-" Ella yelled, but Trixie placed her thumb on Ella's face, silencing her.
"If my mom is going to take you away, then you're not going to get to talk to her." Trixie said. "Why do you keep saying you're not a doll?"
"I'm a person! I work at the police department with your mom!" Ella said.
"That's ridiculous, you're way too small to be a person." Trixie said. "If you worked at the police department the criminals would just step on you. You'll be much safer as my doll."
Ella couldn't believe it. Trixie was just going to keep her as a doll, Maze had somehow shrunken her, and neither would let her get near Chloe. She tried to push at Trixie's fingers to get free from the young girl's hand, but Trixie didn't even seem to notice her attempts.
What happens next?
1. Chloe comes home and offers to take Trixie to the park, and Trixie brings Ella with her, inside her shoe.
2. Ella bites Trixie, and Maze advises Trixie to punish her and demonstrate who is boss. Trixie decided to do this by sitting on her until her will is broken.
3. Chloe shows up suddenly, and Trixie panics and hides Ella inside her mouth.
4. Maze says they should play a game of Hide & Go Stomp, before Chloe gets home, agreeing to show Ella to her the detective if she can win, but Maze assures Trixie that nobody's every gotten away from her before.