You supposed you should have a shower and get clean; although the prospect of staying dirty and letting Susanne’s sweat dry onto your new body excited you, the idea of showering as her excited you just as much.
Rummaging through her bag, you found her Shampoo and Bodywash, stepping into the shower and letting out a small shriek as the water hit your skin, before it warmed up and got comfortable. You moved around in the stream, enjoying the way the water flowed off your body differently, and closing your eyes to really focus on the sensation of each water droplet bouncing off your sensitive flesh.
Getting a dollop of bodywash on your fingertips, you started rubbing it gently on your arms, and legs, and then just giving into your real urges and rubbing it on your new breasts. A girly moan left your lips, as small sparks of sexual energy ran through you each time a fingertip slid past a nipple.
“Oh Susanne…”
You started, enjoying the twisted indulgence of talking to “her” using her own voice,
“I think I’ll need to have all my showers as you from here on out.”
A big smile took to your lips as your rubbed, noticing an unfamiliar heat beginning to build in your loins as you scrubbed her body clean, and let her strawberry scented soap treat your sense of smell. Biting your lip, you looked down past her breasts, covered in white suds, at the gap between her legs, feeling your new pussy squeeze a little as you did so.
“I’m certainly a needy girl, aren’t I?”
You giggled sadistically, temptation taking two of your fingers to your entrance, biting your new, plump lips while you slid a finger inside experimentally. A quick inhalation of breath followed, even a single finger probing your pussy lips had felt so good!
You took the finger out and held it up, a little bit of love juice coating the end of it. You slipped it in your mouth, swirling Susanne’s taste around, like a perfect, delectable mix of sweet and sour. And that taste was coming from you now! Greedily you slipped two fingers in, gasping a little at the pleasure before taking them to your mouth and sucking more of the juice up. That was your own pussy juice, from your own vagina. It gave your such a dirty, erotic feeling, knowing that as long as you wore Susanne like a suit, you were wearing her vagina and womb too, and could use them however you pleased.
At this thought the heat in your pussy reached new heights. You HAD to experience more of this. Your fingers raced down and pushed inside, a louder gasp taking you as you started a rhythm inside and out, two fingers at first before your forced a third inside too. They felt so thick! The sensation of those walls being pushed apart, that hot, wet slick tunnel sliding inside you, encasing your fingers, and the pressure building in your knees and head as the tension built was almost too much…
Faster and faster your fingers moved, your moans growing more insistent as you pressed your back and your plump, womanly ass against the shower soaked wall. If anyone was near they’d certainly hear your cries of ecstasy. The idea turned you on even more.
All at once, the wave that had been building inside you broke, crashing down in your mind as your pussy clenched, a visceral feeling as juices squirted from inside you and your knees gave way. You surrendered yourself totally to your first female orgasm, sliding down the wall as your brows furrowed with an expression of intense ecstasy, moans winding down to a whimper as your energy went totally internal, basking in an intense sensation of love and release.
For a while you just lay there, the water still moving over you, before you eventually got the energy to move again. Finishing Susanne’s shower, you walked out, a pleasant, used feeling suffusing your whole body as you dried off. That had been the best masturbation session you’d ever had… did girls always have access to pleasure like this? You almost cursed being born a man as you toweled off. But oh well, you thought. Your situation was the best of both world’s; experiencing both sides of sex, and the added pleasure from fulfilling a fetish and stealing the skin of you classmate as your own personal little cover.
The thought of what you could do next filled you with excitement.