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Rated: E · Interactive · Thriller/Suspense · #2133684
Story about a brother who "House sits for his dog while his brother is out of town.

Story about a brother who "House sits for his dog while his brother is out of town.

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The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
One Friday night, I was house sitting for my brother. He and his wife went up to Las Vegas for the weekend. He lived in an isolated neighborhood,where every house was built about three or four miles apart from each other. he had a dog. Named "Gandhi" who I was in charge of feeding and letting him outside, while they were gone.
he was a German Shepard and a Good dog. But on this particular Friday night the phone rang. I answered the phone and said "hello?" there was a short pause before a voice said "your somebody else, does Drew still live here?" "Yeah I'm actually Drew's Uhh brother." I said. "Oh" the person hung up. That was weird, I though to myself.
It was after seven which meant it was time to feed "Gandhi." I got his bowl and food ready and noticed that Drew had left me a note. He left some money on the table and said thanks, also told me how to feed "Gandhi" I turned it over and got a chill as Drew said "Whatever you do do do not answer the phone." Why I wondered. At that exact moment the phone rang again.
I stared at the phone and slowly walked up to it, I put my hand on top of the phone, and the phone stopped ringing. I sighed relief. The phone than rang again. I answered. The voice said "that wasn't cool you didn't answer me last time." "No I didn't get to the phone on time" I said. "Lier I was watching you." "You what?" I said. "I didn't say anything." the voice said.
I said "you were watching me?" The man hung up. I immediately grabbed a baseball bat. And I headed up the stairs and called my brother. He answered, I told him what happened. "Shit that's not good." "Well his name is Marcus, he is my wife Molly's X boyfriend. He's harmless.
At least we though he was." "He knows where you live, He was watching me." I said to Drew. "Look I don't blame you if you want to leave you can just take Gandhi with you." Where is he? Drew asks. He was right hear minute ago I said. I heard barking from downstairs, I slowly made my way towards the front stairs
,and I saw the front door was wide open.
"He's in the house." "Ok I'm calling the police, now" drew says,still on the phone with me. A few seconds later Drew says "ok they're on the way now "Please be careful Alex." "I will." I say I went back into the room and hid under the bed.
I whispered to Drew "to stay on the phone." He did. About ten minutes later I heard police sirens and an officer yelled Out is anybody in the house? I'm a police officer. I came out from the bed and greeted the officer and gave him the phone with Drew. Drew explained what happened.
The police searched the house for a few minutes, and found Nothing. "So he then asked me if I would be alright?" I said "yes" me and Gandhi, were going to head back to my house and I'd watch him there since our parents were Home."Ok sounds like a good idea." The officer said. "You want an escort?" "No I should be good." I tell the officer and thank him.
Then I start to get into my car. and drive away. What I didn't know was that in the backseat of the car, hidden behind the seats was "Marcus" my Brothers, wife's psycho X boyfriend!". (Stalker.) Coming to my house Now.
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