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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Adult · #2128058
The reboot of the now deleted giantess/shrinking story by Blah-San.

The reboot of the now deleted giantess/shrinking story by Blah-San.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Welcome to the remake of Too Nosey for Your Party!

My account will merely be the one hosting the story, with his permission. Everything here belongs to Blah-San, the original maker of the interactive. This is his premise and first chapter too

With that said, let's get into the premise. Everything after this point is written by Blah-San, so any business regarding it should be taken up with him.

You’re a young man visiting a small party hosted by your sister. Your semester ended just before hers, and once you heard she was throwing a party, you couldn’t help but drop by. The only problem is she doesn’t want you interfering with her plans…

Shortly after arriving at the party, you find yourself shrunk down to barely the size of an ant. With no idea how long it'll last, you need to find a way to survive the party until it wears off, and that's if it wears off at all. Do you just try to hide and stay out of trouble, or do you try to get some of the girls to help you? Who knows what kind of trouble you'll find yourself in.


- Don’t kill any characters.
- Some adult content is okay, but don’t make it pornographic.
- It’s okay to have some of the girls shrink too, but try to keep it limited. For example, only one shrunken girl per story path.
- Like I’ve said a million times before, I’m pretty much only into nose vore. That’s likely the only thing I’ll be writing, but feel free to include whatever you like in your own paths.
-Please right in the third-person.


The main character was named Jake in the old version of the story, but this time I’ve decided to make him more of a blank slate. I suppose he can still be named Jake for ease of use.

Age: 21
Height: 5’6”
Hair: Blonde, long, curly.
Eyes: Blue
Info: Stephanie is Jake’s younger sister, and she’s something of a stereotypical queen bee. She’s generally polite and nice to her friends, but she’s also selfish and short-tempered. Stephanie can get along with her brother, but she generally dislikes it when he interacts with her friends. Despite wanting to get him out of her party, she wouldn’t actually wish any extreme harm upon him.

Age: 21
Height: 5’5”
Hair: Brown, short, straight
Eyes: Brown, glasses
Info: Beth is the most unlikely of Stephanie’s friends. They don’t have very much in common, but they were roommates in their freshman year and they decided to stick together. While Stephanie is stylish and outgoing, Beth is nerdy and shy. In fact, she’s probably too busy studying for finals to participate in the party, not that she’d want to anyway. Additionally, Beth is allergic to pollen and dust, and she has a bit of a crush on Jake.

Age: 21
Height: 5’45”
Hair: Blonde, short, curly
Eyes: Green
Info: Natasha is Stephanie’s best friend, and the two of them are remarkably similar. If Stephanie is the queen bee, Natasha is her second in command. This isn’t to say they spend all their time gossiping and picking on people. On the contrary, the two of them will have fun together no matter what they do.

Age: 22
Height: 6’0”
Hair: Black, long, straight
Eyes: Brown
Info: Veronica is one of Beth’s closest friends, despite being a year older and a star player on the women’s basketball team. Although she primarily came to the party to keep Beth company, Veronica will likely spend most of her time drinking or dancing. She’s mostly tolerant of Stephanie’s behavior, but she doesn’t seem to like Jake very much. He’s never quite been able to figure out why.

Age: 21
Height: 5’3”
Hair: Blonde, medium, straight
Eyes: Brown
Info: Another friend of Stephanie’s from freshman year, Brianna is energetic and fun-loving. They get along well, though Brianna seems generally unaware of Stephanie’s occasionally rude behavior. Also, unlike most of Stephanie’s other friends, Brianna doesn’t really know Jake at all.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2128058-Too-Nosey-for-Your-Party-Redux