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Rated: E · Interactive · Teen · #2125146
A girl in a futuristic world discovers the meaning of the numbers on their wrists.

A girl in a futuristic world discovers the meaning of the numbers on their wrists.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
I sat down at my desk, my teacher already talking about the possible meaning of the numbers on our wrists. She talked with such enthusiasm for the lesson. I rolled my eyes. I had heard it a million times before.
"The numbers began to appear thousands of years ago as birthmarks that had a tattoo-type look to them we eventually called them tattoos. People used to say that some lucky ones did not have numbers on them, however no one was ever found without them. Up until two years ago we had no idea what they meant, luckily, a scientist in Austria found notes scribbled in a notebook some four thousand years ago in 2005. We still do not know what they mean but the recent scientific breakthroughs may lead to an answer in the near future."
I yawned. Another hour and a half of my life wasted on another meaningless lecture. I stood up, the movement brought pain to my calves. I looked down at my number 6266076, it made me laugh. Meaningless, utterly meaningless numbers. I walked over to the other side of the lecture hall.
"Hey Amy." I said to a passing girl. I smiled, she was a close friend at one point, but sadly she went off and joined the popular crowd. Amy looked at me and nodded in my direction, careful not to show any emotion to her popular friends. I sighed, it got lonely sometimes and I sort of missed contact with other humans. I walked out the door and turned right to walk down the hallway. I stopped about twenty feet away and began trying to open up my locker. I fumbled with it in my hands, the lock turned with hesitance. I felt the lock pop, I reached out and swung the door of the locker open. I reached out and unzipped my bag, I put my folder in the front pocket. A hand grabbed the door of my locker and pushed it up against my hand. My breath caught in my throat. I turned to see my classmate Caitlin standing next to me with her group of obnoxious, stupid, popular girls. I sighed in relief.
"Oh my god! Stacy, grab your phone and take a selfie with me in my locker!" Caitlin squealed. I closed my locker and stepped away so I wouldn't be accused of photobombing. Stacy took out her $6'000 phone and took a photo with Caitlin. I sighed as I shoved my way past them and back to my locker. My neighbor, Amelia placed her hand on my chest.
"What on Earth do you think you're doing?" She asked me. I hated the way her friends laughed. I looked her in the eyes, I willed her to run from me.
"You know Amelia? I'm just returning to my locker, you know the one the school gave me rights to use? And I intend to use it right now. So you're gonna move out of my way or else I'll make your face look like a Picasso painting." I said in a intimidating way. I smiled when her eyes dilated. Her eyes were blue, too blue. I knew she wore contacts for the color.
"I don't think so," she said in a weak tone. She looked up at me and pushed me. I felt my anger boil inside of me. My mind was racing. I dropped my books and pushed them to the side with my foot.
"You know what Amelia? I think I will," I said as I picked her up at the waist and threw her on her butt two feet away. Her blue contact fell out and lay on the floor by her foot. Her friends looked at me in aw.
"Anyone else?" I asked. "Because I got time before lunch." Her friends shook their heads. Amelia's eyes looked demented. one was brown and the other an artificial blue.
"Oh and Amelia? I don't think blue is your color darling, if I were you, I would get a nice pink. It would suit your fake personality nicely," I said while I walked away.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2125146-Living-By-Numbers