Jo makes her way to the back with you in hand. Why would you need to go to her office? Anything she says to you she usually can say out in the open. Maybe it has something to do with her odd jobs that she gives you? Some of them are pretty weird, like cleaning toe jam out of her shoes. Or giving her a manicure or pedicure. Once in her office she shuts the door behind her and places you on her desk.
It isn't much of an office, more like a backroom with a desk and a few motivational posters. Only a single bulb hangs from the ceiling to add more light than the dirty window. She uses this place for interviews and paperwork. Why she brought you back here though...
"What's up, Jo?"
"Tina, how long have you worked here?" Uh oh.
"Um...about half a year?"
"Right. Have you noticed anything changing recently?"
"Not really..."
"Well, I have. The store hasn't been doing so well, people don't want to drink hot coffee during the summer."
"Don't we make iced drinks?"
"We do, but they suck dick. Only tourists and tasteless shits drink those."
"Look, I'm going to be completely honest with you. You're the only minor working here, and the only part-timer."
"You're a smart kid. What do you think it means when I pull you into the office, tell you we're not doing well, and that you're the newest, youngest, and least helpful employee?" Your blood is running cold. It's obvious where this conversation is going.
"Jo...are...are you firing me?!"
"Bingo." Tears begin forming in your eyes. You fight them back, but some still run down your cheek.
"But...but...I thought we were friends!"
"Kiddo, you know I love ya to death. But I need to cut payroll or I could lose the store." She reaches out and ruffles your hair. Normally you love receiving affection like this, but it doesn't stop your sadness.
"But...I could come up with ideas! I can help!"
"My decision is final. I'll call your mom to pick you up." You stifle back a sob while Jo dials the phone.
You actually liked working here. Besides Rahale everyone treated you nicely, and they were pretty. The work was simple but it made you feel...useful. Everyone around you is kind and loves you dearly. But being taken care of all the time gets to you. Instead of a person, you feel like a glass figurine. Handled with care as if you'll shatter. At least here you can help Jo take care of things. You can earn your own money, handle your own tasks. It gives you...purpose.
Your mom picked you up while you were still sobbing. She talked with Jo for awhile, but understood why she needed to let you go. That's what she says anyway, she still looked pissed off while driving home. You stopped crying halfway home, but your mom stroked your back with her finger her whole way.
"It's alright, sweetie. I never should have gotten you that job. You're not ready..."
"But mom, I like working! It makes me feel...normal..."
"Oh honey..."
"What am I supposed to do now?"
"Well...I could pull a few strings and...I could get you another job."
"Yeah, it won't be like the coffeshop though."
"I get it. There won't be a boss like Jo anymore."
"Oh, don't be like that. Jo was probably a bad influence anyway. She's a good friend, but she was a biker at one point. Bad habits die hard, especially when the person is proud of having them."
"So, what would I be doing?"
"Well, that depends. I can think of two people with openings and one that I could ask to give you an internship."
"An internship? But...I'm a student. Plus I need money to go out with friends."
"I think it's a paid internship. Plus it's fine for students to apply."
"Alright, does the other jobs pay good?"
"Better than the Black Kettle ever did."
During the drive, mom explained the different positions. One job was at her friend, Han Soo-Jin's, daycare center. She needed someone to help entertain the children so she can pull away. Apparently she's exhausted being the only one there to cook, clean, play, and handle the paperwork. She can handle most things, but she wants to use the time for playing to do paperwork so she can go home earlier. The job pays fairly well, but it involves dealing with children. Her daycare manages kids from 5-10 years old. It could be fun, although the less well-behaved kids might use you like a toy.
The second job is a laundry mat owned by her friend Sofia Vallone. It's a family business, so most of the employees are already close. Apparently she needed someone good with numbers to help her balance her books. The IRS is threatening her business because of her taxes aren't in order. In her defense, english isn't her first language. The job pays an amazingly high amount and involves a lot of paperwork, but also helping out her family when they ask. Boring would be the best way to describe it, but for someone as smart as you it would be easy to do.
Lastly is the internship with Alexis Wells. Apparently she works for a prestigious medical research company. She's the head security officer and is offering an internship to students to act as her assistant. It mainly entails getting her coffee, delivering papers, and other odd tasks while learning the inner works of the company. While it doesn't sound hard, Alexis is known as a hard ass. If you finish the internship, you'll be offered a college scholarship towards a medical degree and a high ranking position in the company. A lot of responsibilities and pressure, but an even higher pay off.
Once home you spent a few hours lounging around your room. It still makes you sad that Jo was willing to fire, and so easily! She was the best boss possible but kicked you out as soon as things started getting bad. Plus, why you?! Yes, you were the youngest. Yes, you only worked part time. Yes, you were tiny and couldn't do as much work. But Rahale is an idiot that steals from the tip jar! Plus Stacy spits in the food when Jo pisses her off!
"Honey, can you come out here?" your mom asks. You step outside to see her crouched with a big smile on her face.
"I made a few calls, and begged a little, but I got you a job!"
"Great! Which one?"
"Well, I called all three but only one person was willing to have you. Starting next week, you'll be an employee at..."