"Hanging out with the rich girl, huh? Bring me back some golden toilet paper."
"They're not THAT rich."
"Golden hairbrush?"
"...If she's bored of her current one, then maybe."
"Don't act so surprised, a girl likes her accessories."
"Fine, fine, just don't come back with a golden shower..."
"Now you're being gross!"
Megan dials the number for Zoe's cellphone and puts it on speaker. You know better than to call the house phone. Her servants would answer on the first ring and ask tons of questions. It would take at least half an hour to talk with Zoe, twice that if Carlotta answered. She was the head maid of the Richmond household, and a damn good one. Stern, precise, polite, and always trying to turn Zoe into a proper young lady. While she put on a few pounds in the recent few years, she's still pretty. Her dark hair is usually tied back in a tight bun, and her stern brown eyes fit her stern maid image. The plump, fifty year old servant also hated your guts. She wanted Zoe to focus on studying to take over her parent's empire, but the girl just wanted to play games and hang out with friends so she considers you a bad influence. After a few rings, a familiar voice answered.
"Moshi moshi?"
"Ah, Tina! How are you?"
"Bored. What are you guys doing?"
"Not a lot. Zoe is playing online game."
"That explains why you answered her phone. Can I come over?"
"Ah, chotto matte..." You hear a few voices in the background, and a few seconds later she returns. "Zoe say yes! I'll get a car to pick you up!"
"Thanks, see you soon!" After saying goodbyes you hang up. Megan nudges you with her finger.
"Don't forget my brush."
In fifteen minutes a black towncar pulled up to the house. The driver was a pretty woman in a black suit, but was very stiff around you. She loaded you up and seemed to jump everytime you tried to talk with her. Speaking with a friend of her young boss could result in her being fired if she said anything wrong. You sat in silence during the short ride. Once Zoe's house comes into view you lean back and enjoy the view. No matter how many times you visit, it amazes you how someone can be so rich. The large gates, marked with a large "R", swing open when the guards recognize the car. Once inside the property, it's a quarter mile drive to the mansion on a rode surrounded by trees. Each tree comes in twos, one on each side, of all varieties. The mansion itself is larger than your school and painted a glossy white. They get it touched up every month. The driver carefully carries you in her gloved hands to the front step and put you down. She cracked the door open and bowed with a hand behind her back.
"This is as far as I'm permitted to take you, Ma'am" the driver says.
"That's fine. Thanks for taking me!" You start off down the hallway you think is right. Zoe's house is just as luxurious on the inside as it is on the outside. The walls are decorated with pieces of art worth more than your house. It doesn't matter where you look, everything is glamorous, beautiful, and expensive. Including the help. The Richmonds hire dozens of butlers and maids to keep everything spotless. You especially love the summer uniform for the pool maids.
Although for as long as you've known Zoe, you've never met her parents. Carlotta was the closest thing to a parent you've seen at the mansion. It might have only been a year, but Zoe apparently has only seen them a handful of times. There aren't even any pictures of them on the walls. Her mom is about 36, and if she's anything like her daughter she'd be gorgeous. Oh well, you'll meet her eventually. You're going to be meeting Zoe and Hitomi anyway. While the luxury of the rich is nice, you just like hanging out with your friends. Zoe loves technology and knows basically everything about video games. Plus her dark sense of humor is always good for a quick laugh. Hitomi has only been around for a couple months, but she's already a good friend. She's shy and completely adorable. Her english is improving, but the small bits of japanese that pepper her speech makes it cute. You really want to help her with her crush on Zoe. They would make quite the cute couple. After all, they were both really pretty, it'd be an amazing sight if they kissed in front of you...
Caught up in your thoughts, you failed to notice yourself getting lost in the numerous long hallways. You were sure that this was the way to Zoe's game room! Well, to be fair the mansion is huge to normal sized people. You could fit cities in these hallways. Turning another corner, there's a thick wooden door with a "Do Not Disturb" sign on it. Was that it? You weren't sure, so you head underneath to check it out. On the other side of the door was...