Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2124695-Tiny-Tina
Rated: GC · Interactive · Erotica · #2124695
Discover life as a 15 year old girl living an inch tall Offering GP for good additions

Discover life as a 15 year old girl living an inch tall Offering GP for good additions

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
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There's a lot of interactive stories related to size on writing.com, but very few that have a small women as the main character. So I made one.

Tina Sanson
Age: 15
Height: 1"
Hair: Long and brown
Eyes: Grey
Body Type: Slim
Description: The main character of the story. Doctors were stupefied to find someone born only a fraction of an inch in size. Even when you grew, you never got taller than an inch tall. But life isn't so bad. You have a family that loves you (when they notice you), and friends that care for you. At school you do have a bully...unfortunately you also have a crush on her. Deep down, you actually enjoy getting treated roughly, like a bug. Just like how you enjoy your family unknowingly using you. But you'd never tell anyone but your diary about your perverse thoughts. Your small size also makes you incredibly durable. You've been crushed, sat on, kicked, dropped, and on one occasion eaten. You've come out of it with no more than a few bruises. You're currently enrolled in all advanced classes as a freshman.

Catherine Sanson
Age: 44
Height: 5' 11"
Hair: Long and brown
Eyes: Blue
Body Type: Full hourglass
Description: Your milf of a mother. She's kind and incredibly sexy even at her age. Your life could have been a lot harder if anyone had given birth to you. Everyday she helps you to get by despite your size. She's a bubbly and happy person to the point you never see her sad. She's also oblivious to most things leading to some...interesting situations you tend to enjoy. Like the time you spent the entire day trapped in her bra.

Cameron Sanson
Age: 52
Height: 6' 2"
Hair: None
Eyes: Green
Body Type: Husky
Description: Your terrible father, who divorced your mother soon after your birth. He was disgusted by you small size and wanted to dump you in a garbage can saying it was impossible for his genes to make something like you. Thankfully your mother took you and left him. He owns a large law firm, so his alimony and child support is enough to pay for your entire family. He wants nothing to do with you, and you want nothing to do with him. But you do run into him every now and then due to your sister dragging you along when she visits him.

Brandy Watson
Age: 30
Height: 5' 6"
Hair: Long, dyed blonde
Eyes: Blue
Body Type: Busty
Description: Your father's new girlfriend. A total gold digger, true to the stereotype. This bimbo is clearly only with your father for his money. Her life comes down to spa days, shopping days, and spending a few hours a week acting as your father's arm candy. However, there seems to be an agreement between them that if she kills you, he'll give her millions. You only met her once when your sister dragged you along on a visit, but she tried to step on you. You considered telling, but no one would believe you. Plus if you wanted to get anyone arrested, it would be your father.

Megan Sanson
Age: 18
Height: 6' 5"
Hair: Short and brown
Eyes: Blue
Body Type: Athletic
Description: Your older sister, a senior in high school, and Varsity in both basketball and wrestling. She's a strong and fit woman, as well as a caring protector to you. A little overprotective but she means well. You enjoy spending time with her at home, even when she doesn't know it. Sometimes you sneak under her desk while she's on the computer and she ends up playing with you at her feet thinking you're a pebble. Your father still loves her, so she goes to his house once a week to visit. Although there are times you end up coming with her while stuck on her.

Ellen Gage
Age: 25
Height: 5' 3"
Hair: Short, dyed red
Eyes: Blue
Body Type: Plump
Description: Your cousin whose staying at your house. She graduated from college two years ago and is currently mooching off your mother. Her parents wanted her to get a job after graduation, but all she really wants to do is sit on the couch and smoke pot. Due to that personality, she gained a decent amount of weight by snacking. She has a bit of a belly, but her breasts and butt are also bigger. Your mom said she could stay as long as she wants, which for now seems like forever. Not that you're complaining. Thanks to her constant high, she tends to forget you're tiny. Most days she thinks you're imaginary and messes around with you.

Melissa Cameron
Age: 15
Height: 5' 5"
Hair: Short and dirty blonde
Eyes: Brown
Body Type: Average
Description: Your best friend from elementary school, you've been in the same classes through all of your school years. She likes to watch over you when others are around. Every friday night you spend the night at her house to watch movies and eat pizza. You've done it for so many years that no one bothers asking where you'll be. You always have fun at her place. Even on the days her mom or little sister get a hold of you. Her mom calls you her other daughter and likes to cuddle you. Her little sister on the other hand is a monster. She likes to try out ways to kill you, although always unsuccessfully. She even tried feeding you to Melissa, but it failed. You covered for her since you enjoy her torments.

Kayla Lindt
Age: 17
Height: 6' 0"
Hair: Long and blonde
Eyes: Blue
Body Type: Athletic
Description: The captain of the women's volleyball team and your bully for the last 10 years. A fairly typical alpha type, she likes to pick on you due to being small and weak. She likes to call you a bug and step on you. She treats you terribly...and you have a crush on her for it. It'll never work out between you two, but you have your fantasies. She has two goons with her at all times, they tried to bully you on their own once. The next day they had black eyes.

Hitomi Sakabyashi
Age: 17
Height: 4' 10"
Hair: Long and black
Eyes: Dark brown
Body Type: Slender
Description: One of two exchange students in your homeroom. You've already become good friends with her due to both of you being into the same anime. She's exactly your image of a japanese beauty, but her small chest is a bit of a sore spot for her. Her family apparently runs a dojo, making her quite a strong martial artist. She likes being called Hit-chan.

Julia Eduarda
Age: 18
Height: 6' 2"
Hair: Short and black
Eyes: Light green
Body Type: Athletic
Description: The other exchange student in your homeroom. You haven't had the chance to talk with her yet, but want to. For a woman, she's ripped. More so than your sister. She is a nationally recognized martial artist, making her quite a dangerous person. There have been more than a few times you've caught her staring at you.

Ms. Hamilton
Age: 49
Height: 5' 1"
Hair: Long, brown with small streaks of gray
Eyes: Brown
Body Type: Plump
Description: Your favorite teacher in school. She's beautiful but is beginning to look her age. In order to keep you safe, she gave you a special desk underneath her's. Your grades have been falling recently in her class and she's concerned. What she doesn't realize is that due to the warmer weather, she's been wearing flip flops to work. Instead of paying attention to class, you moved your desk closer to her feet to get a better look.

Mrs. Roswell
Age: 51
Height: 5' 4"
Hair: Medium length, black
Eyes: Cold blue
Body Type: Buxom
Description: The principal of the school. She hates you, plain and simple. You try to stay on your best behavior so you don't have to see her. The cold stare she gives you sends shivers down your spine.

Roxanne Powell
Age: 34
Height: 5' 6"
Hair: Long, red, wavy
Eyes: Blue
Body Type: Full Hourglass
Description: Your next door neighbor and mother of two little brats. Sometimes you have to watch over her twins while Roxanne looks for a man dumb enough to marry her. She's probably the second prettiest woman in the neighborhood (no one can stand up to your mother) but is also a conceited bitch. But she flirts and teases you until you submit.

Amanda Rosswell
Age: 28
Height: 5' 7"
Hair: Short, black
Eyes: Blue
Body Type: Average
Description: The neighbor across the street. She teaches at the local university, so you've been trying to butter up to her to increase your odds of getting in. You enjoy her company too, but her cat likes to attack you. She's quite lonely, so she enjoys your company and keeps her cat away. Her favorite hobby is video blogging, and all her videos have a spike in views when you're on. She wants to try more "interesting things" to make her page more famous.

Carla Juarez
Age: 20
Height: 4' 11"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Short, black with pink highlights
Body Type: Busty
Description: A party girl that lives a bit down the street, and also a student of Amanda. She throws huge parties at least once a week and always invites you to come over. You accepted once, but all the people there was a bit over stimulating for you. On the other hand, it was full of hot, slutty women. Including Carla. She gets Nancy to buy her booze.

Karen Weeseman
Age: 16
Height: 5' 8"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Medium length, brown
Body Type: Skinny
Description: A girl that just moved into the neighborhood. She comes from a broken family and was emancipated as an adult. Her extended family pay for her family while she tries to piece her life together by paying for the house and her needs. She has a GED so she's not a student at the moment. You've been trying to get closer to her and give her support.

Nancy Vard
Age: 45
Height: 5' 4"
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Body Type: Obese
Description: The trashy neighbor everyone wants to move away. This fat bitch keeps everyone up at night with her barking dogs and loud stereo systems. Except for you. You can tell she's an alcoholic by the amount of beer cans in her yard. Plus there was one night you saw her pass out on her front yard. You ran out to check on her without telling anyone (not the best idea). When you found her you ran to her mouth to see if she was breathing. Then she projectile vomited all over you, which you surprisingly enjoyed. She found you and in her drunken stupor, took you inside and took your virginity. If you're ever in the mood, you head over to her house since she's always willing to get you off in exchange for keeping your mouth shut.

Shelby Baxter
Age: 14
Height: 4' 8"
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Medium length, dyed blonde
Body Type: Plump
Description: A playful girl you met in middle school. She's a bit trashy and likes to walk around in skimpy clothes despite her chubby tummy. Unfortunately for you, she once caught you spying on her mother during a sleepover. Embarrassing as that is, you were staring at her feet while sitting on the couch. While she doesn't know the extent of your perverseness, she likes to tease you with her feet when you're over. She made up a new game where she stuffs you somewhere on her sister while you try to escape.

Zoe Richmond
Age: 15
Height: 5' 0"
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Short, dyed white
Body Type: Hourglass
Description: A friend you made at a sports meet last year. She goes to another school, so you don't see her often. However, you love going to her house. Rich doesn't begin to describe this girl. Her dad is a famous surgeon while her mom owns a record company. Her mansion is filled with servants and extravagant things. Even though she's rich, she doesn't like to flaunt it. She likes you because you like her, not her money. Most of her time is spent playing games online. She's also Hitomi's host family.

Jo Peters
Age: 48
Height: 5' 9"
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Short, black with rainbow streaks
Body Type: Thick
Description: Your boss and the owner of the "Burnt Kettle" a local coffee-shop. She's a long time friend of your mom, which is why she agreed to let you work there as a cashier. A very outgoing person, she's quite a great boss. She's always on the floor, so she watches over you in case you feel threatened by a customer.

Rahale Monroe
Age: 18
Height: 5' 3"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black, cornrows
Body Type: Slender
Description: A shitty employee, plain and simple. She's waiting for her music career to take off and considers work to be beneath her. You listened to her music before and she's not going anywhere. You tell her she should try to go for modeling instead. Jo wants to fire her, but she pulls the race card everytime.

Claire Smith
Age: 17
Height: 4' 8"
Hair: Long and red
Eyes: Green
Body Type: Average
Description: A bit of a tomboy, she's bakes the pastries for the shop. You help her sometimes during busier times of the year. She has a bit of a Napoleon Syndrome and snaps at people easily. You're the only person she knows shorter than her, so she tries to act nice around you.

Dr. Tegan
Age: 37
Height: 5' 2"
Hair: Short, bright pink
Eyes: Blue
Body Type: Hourglass
Description: The doctor you've gone to since you were a child. She knows how to be gentle with you during your examinations. Despite being a doctor, she's really laid back and a total free spirit.

Brenda Gage
Age: 48
Height: 5' 1"
Hair: Brown, long
Eyes: Blue
Body Type: Pear
Description: Your aunt, a bodacious woman that loves being in the spotlight and your mother's older sister. Everytime she visits, you tend to disappear for most of the time. She finds you to be too needy, so she hides you in her ass to become the center of attention.

Anne Carter
Age: 43
Height: 5' 8"
Hair: Blonde, short
Eyes: Blue
Body Type: Fit
Description: The owner of Jaxson Farms, which she named after her ex-husband. She divorced him after years of abuse and started accepting women onto the farm to teach them they can do anything on their own. Scars cover most of her torso. The cold personality she puts on is to keep people away.

Marie Carter
Age: 16
Height: 6' 6"
Hair: Blonde, long
Eyes: Blue
Body Type: Muscular
Description: Anne's daughter and the only farmhand on Jaxson Farms. She handles most of the chores on her farm, but is happy just to help out her family. Even though her grades are phenomenal, she wants to stay and take over the farm for her mother. She likes driving off road and riding horses.

Carla Carter
Age: 11
Height: 4' 2"
Hair: Blonde, pigtails
Eyes: Blue
Body Type: Slim
Description: The youngest daughter of Anne. She helps out on Jaxson Farms, but only light chores. Most of her time is spent playing with her dolls or the farm animals. The second she saw you, she thought you were the perfect toy...

Carmen (Rodriguez) Sanson
Age: (17) 42
Height: 5'7"
Hair: Black, short
Eyes: Dark Brown
Body Type: Hourglass
Description: Tina's future wife. A hispanic beauty that is generally kind and outgoing. But she also has an incredibly high sex drive that she tries to keep hidden, much like Tina.

Michelle Sanson
Age: 14
Height: 5'2"
Hair: Blonde, shoulder length
Eyes: Light Brown
Body Type: Thin, but developing curves
Description: Tina's future adopted daughter. A kind girl that was adopted as a young age and accepts Tina and Carmen as her parents. Has a strong sense of responsibility and tries to help her tiny mother by keeping her sister in check. Hitting puberty is giving the young girl a few strange emotions, especially around her tiny mother...

Kelly Sanson
Age: 6
Height: 3'5"
Hair: Short, orangish red
Eyes: Light Blue
Body Type: Slightly Chubby
Description: Tina's second adopted daughter in the future. A hyper little girl that tends to handle her mother like a toy since she's still learning manners. Can be a little mischievous at times, but a generally good girl. Listens to Carmen more than Tina.

Verma Sanson
Age: (13) 38
Height: 5'4"
Hair: Long, black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Body Type: Pear
Description: Megan's future wife, a beautiful indian women that works as a fashion designer. She comes from a large family with 4 other sisters. Things between her and Tina have always been slightly awkward as they haven't bonded much.

Cassidy Sanson
Age: 19
Height: 5'10"
Hair: Light blonde, long
Eyes: Emerald green
Body Type: Curvy hourglass
Description: Megan's future adopted daughter and Tina's niece. An absolutely knockout of a girl with a stubborn attitude. Tends to butt heads with Megan frequently due to conflicting personalities. Recently moved out to her own apartment, with several roommates.

Jennifer "Jenny Jugs" Richards
Age: 48
Height: 5'9"
Hair: Long, fire red
Eyes: Blue
Body Type: Obese
Description: One of the greatest porn stars of all time, and the owner of Lesbusiness Productions. A very flirty, sexual woman that can get anyone she wants even at her age. Every staff member of her company has slept with her. On top of everything, she can be a ruthless business woman that doesn't take no for an answer.

Laurie "Lana Luscious" Richards
Age: 27
Height: 5'11"
Hair: Long, fire red
Eyes: Blue
Body Type: Curvy hourglass
Description: Jennifer's daughter and top actress at Lesbusiness productions. Incredibly friendly and gentle, she also can get a little bit too wrapped up in her acting and take things too far. If she has to play a cruel giantess she might keep dishing out punishment long after the cameras stop rolling.

Talia "Tammy Towering" Adams
Age: 30
Height: 7'7"
Hair: Long, black
Eyes: Brown
Body Type: Athletic
Description: A porn actress that stands at seven feet tall and has a very athletic build. A competitive woman that wants too be the top billed no matter what. She’s not happy that Tina is coming in to steal the spot light but is willing to warm up to the tiny girl if she can use her to get her own star to rise.

1. No male giants.
2. No futa/herm/dickgirls/shemales/etc.
3. Tina is the only tiny person.
4. No size changing.
5. No scat.
6. No hard vore. Chewing is allowed, but Tina is invulnerable.
7. Tina cannot die.
8. Don't randomly end the story or change directions. You can make your own direction, but follow the options as listed.
9. Chapters must be written with at least a paragraph and proper grammar, even as an options chapter. I see too often people making two sentence chapters with terrible grammar.
10. Sex is allowed. Not really a rule, just letting you know.
11. Feel free to make new characters, but the age limit is 55. No minimum age.

Have Fun!
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