Smirking to herself, Madison watched the old man and the young girl disappear from sight, then she pulled her phone out. Her unfinished text message to her friend Jennifer had been saved. Madison deleted most of the text and wrote a new one, asking Jennifer to meet her at the local library. There was no way Madison was going to keep her power to herself after having such fun. She now knew she could control exactly how her power worked, she could adjust the size of people's heads after swapping them around, or leave the people with their own identity and just give them a new head. It was awesome!
Madison's mind was racing with infinite, kinky possibilities by this time, as any 15 year old's would. The sudden beep of her phone told her that Jennifer had responded to her text message. She read it, and smiled. They were meeting outside the library in about 30 minutes. Madison had plenty of time to get there, and that meant plenty of time to have some more fun with the unsuspecting passersby she came across.
A traffic cop giving a woman a ticket not too far away suddenly found himself sat in the woman's car... perched on her body. The cop had been about 6'1" and well built, but now he had a chubby, 5'3" body with fairly large breasts restrained by a pink blouse and plain white bra.
"Hey, you can't just get in my car like that! This is harrassment!" The brown-haired woman whined from atop the cop's muscular body. It was quite a contrast and it made Madison giggle again.
"Then give me your driver's license ma'am." The cop responded, maneuvering his shorter, female frame out of the car, revealing his new fuller figure, clad in an unfortunate pair of tight leggings that showed every ounce of the woman's former fat. "Gross!" Madison grimaced a little, stifling another fit of laughter.
"Fine!" The woman growled, stamping her foot rather impetulantly. Madison could see from the bulge in the woman's uniform pants that she was decent in size 'down there'. The whole gender bending part of her swaps was what turned her on the most. As she watched the woman sit back in her car and search the glove box for her driver's license, the cop relieved an itch on one of his flabby boobs, his bust jiggling as he did so. Something told Madison this particular cop wouldn't be wrestling any more criminals to the ground, judging from his smaller, chubier stature. Moving on, Madison left the cop and woman arguing and went down the street a little more, soon coming across a little park with a children's play area. A mid 30's couple, both blonde, caught her attention next, along with their two young sons, aged 8 and 10, who were playing catch close by. "Time to take those parents down a tad too." Madison smirked once more, focusing on the family. The mom and dad's heads were instantly swapped onto their kids' bodies, the dad got his 8-year old son's body and the mom got her 10-year old son's body. Another quick focus shrunk and grew all their heads to accomodate their new forms as before. "Here's your ball kids." The mom shouted to her two boys, who were now sat down on a bench. The eldest son, Todd had his feminine legs crossed and his mom's former blouse stretched across his D-cup tits. Kicking off his mom's former heels, Todd and his younger brother Jason resumed their game of catch, and Madison was kept well amused watching the eldest boy's large boobs bouncing around on his chest as he ran. At one point a breast even popped out, forcing him to plop it back into his bra cup. "Damn boobs!" The boy grumbled, as his taller, now muscular little brother waited for him.
"This is so funny!" Madison said to herself, watching the parents (with their new pre-teen bodies) sitting back down on the bench to talk. Madison had to wonder if they would still be having sex in their swapped states. "Um... yeah..." She rolled her eyes, flashing a cheeky grin that nobody else saw before resuming her trip down the street, scanning the area for more 'victims'.