Evening Skies was perhaps one of the sexiest stallions in all of Equestria, if not the world. His high cheekbone and flat snout gave him a handsome face, and his bright green eyes and blond mane only enhanced these features.
His body was an image of perfection: his torso were two slabs of muscular pecs, which he enjoyed to flex often, and his front and back legs, along with his large, golden brown wings, was very powerful.
Good-looking, strong, agile...Yes, Evening Skies loved the idea that he was the ideal Wonderbolt, the very best they had!
...At least, that was what his image in the mirror showed him. The Evening Skies in real life that studied his reflection was the a near polar opposite to his fantasies.
Though he had bright green eyes, a blond mane and wings, he was very, very far away from being considered the spitting image of a Wonderbolt. In fact, anypony might wonder how he even was excepted to be a Wonderbolt!
The Evening Skies staring at the mirror was seriously obese. His belly brushed the floor, pressing itself firmly against his four thick legs.
Perched upon two sagging golden brown butt cheeks was his tail, his thighs as thick as tree trunks, and his cutie marks, which displayed three clouds with three lightning bolds coming out of them, were as large as pony's head.
Though he did, indeed, have a handsome face, but it was covered by two chubby cheeks and a second chin. But Evening Skies didn't see his corpulent state.
He saw himself several years ago, the day he joined the Wonderbolts, before he was promoted a few ranks up, before life had gotten a little too good for him.
He shot himself a grin and waddled away from mirror. He dressed himself in his blue and yellow Wonderbolt suit, which didn't fit him so well, for it was tearing at the seams, and here and there were a few rips in the uniform.
But he didn't notice how snug his uniform was, or cared if he did. He placed the goggles over his eyes, strolled out of his house that was made out of clouds, and, with some effort, flapped his wings and lifted his fat body off of the ground.
What happens next?
Choice 1: While he flies through the air, he is unable to, in his corpulent state, to maneuver himself properly and ends up crashing against another fellow pegasus.
They plummet and crash lands on a cloud, the unfortunate pony underneath Evening Skies' large belly. When he looked at who it was, he discovers, much to his surprise, that it was Rainbow Dash, the mare that inspired him to join the Wonderbolts in the first place.
Coice 2: As Evening Skies flies through the air, a very weird weather phenomenon takes place; it begins to rain chocolate milk!
Discord had appeared and had taken interest in the fat Wonderbolt.