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by gypsy
Rated: E · Interactive · Adult · #2115704
Some people like to give the impression that there ideas are the best ,but ignorant

Some people like to give the impression that there ideas are the best ,but ignorant

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Its a tried and true fact that many people deem that there ideas are worth a good standing in ovations and knowledge of the interlopers. How can someone portray themselves as hero's when there only battle was to fight mid-drift bulge. Dont seem that that decision to loose such boldous trait , only regain more posture as the idea of fixed eating only gain more weight on the volumious sides then the picture of weight watchers glossary. Then the obscence idea that the person(s) loosing what i trying to disguise there genuine weight loss , by trying to fit into illfitting clothes after one day of going off the diet. How can someone hear such voluminous tales by quacks. doctors, lawyers , preachers, politician, , etc. There ideas are of equal repudience, since nothing that they have attributed to were nothing but vile useless pun. Followed by those pundits who have no ideal of what thinking is or how to use such? Make those excuses who should win, then laud the idiots fame. Listening to the dumb asses , ridicuing some that they dont understand. What is the idea. Look at those truck drivers, mostly those think there some kind of hero, looking for something to save, there ideas of being a hero. Ignorance is bliss, mounted by some ignorant ideas, with greedy needs and useless tastes. How can you rate someone life, when you lead such corruptable life yourself
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2115704-Uncovered