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by gypsy
Rated: E · Interactive · Action/Adventure · #2114800
How could he ever face indignation of those whose precursor are not the same

How could he ever face indignation of those whose precursor are not the same

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The loud and brashness, of his voice and actions, caused many to doubt his erstwhile mentality ,compared to others. Many had tried to follow his ways, remarks and comments, nothing that seemed so unusual in his movements are remarks reflected a time , a day of many days that occurred during the early years to adulthood. Those many fights, trying to protect cousins, from the gangs in those days, 9 years old, holding up , or trying to protect those in his charge from teenagers, firing high powered pellet guns, those sounds still reminescing in his mind, the sizzling whiz to the projectile flying past his ear, another a direct hit on the neck, though daring not to look around to see how close those agitators were, wanting to keep his yes , his eyes where they were, never chance to peer at the next projectile come toward him in hi speed second beeps. The thought occured to him that he and his cousin would be nearing the pool, which was there destination, but it seem to have a difference sense of importance. Oh yes , there were other people there , but could they confront or believe anything he told them, if he kept quiet , the t hought ran through his mind, what would be the chances of another meeting with the same thugs. , or another set of the same waiting near a corner or behind a brick wall, , Summer times seem to be a plaque, one illness followed by another ,just waiting to pounce on a helpness victim and take the last decency from t hem , The wait wasnt long at the swimming pool, it didnt seem to last very long , for wanting to get home, back to the comfort and protection of familiar sites and sound, words of comfort, he need to make a drastic move, , So another attempt at leaving the pool and returning home. , hmm, marcus thought, even though the conditions seem vague, the pool, etc, he and his cousin went to the edge of the fence and took alook around the area, wide distances to travel to the curbside and street, marked with oak trees, and walls of cement that doubled as fences. The walk at the beginning was not long , even the quiet motion( less) it seemed like walking was something that was kind of labored . But forward was in his (marcus ) mind to go, with his cousin, they traverse the sidewalk curbs, passing untold number of park cars, and looking for any human life around, wondering there would be another assault from behind, . Marcus cousin had must have the first projectile , but Marcus never even notice, and she blurted out some remark , that instant marcus had whirled around , viewing in his sight , four burly type teenagers, ( well he knew that they were older than him about 6 or 7 years, ) Then as soon as Marcus face the front and told his cousin to get infront of him, to try and shield her, another shot whizzing by, so close but kept on going by without any injury, the second projectile was even closer, a mark , it hit , right shoulder , Marcus winced with pain , but kept walking , not a show of pain, to give the detractors a moment of statisfaction . Nothing to give them more savvy and create more issues. Marcus had been waiting for the next telltale projectiles, which would be telling how close they had approached the two, , but nothing came, for several paces, and moments Marcus waited , another moment passed , for another several minutes the two walked and waited, at a split moment of curiosity Marcus made a quick glance , to reonnoiter the distance of the pursuit, Nothing , knowone was around, as if these events were just a imaginable dream, nothing , know one was there, they had disappeared back into the cement , and concrete walls, like statue within the solid structure, , Noting how quiet it had become , Marcus took another last behind him, checking , wondering if all the two had gone through had come to past. All of this within a 7 or 9 block distance from home. Okay it clear he thought , slients and heavy breathing coming to ease and settled pace. The traffic begin to pickup , and the stops lights , blurring madly in the streets, oddly enough it kind of had a comforting affect on Marcus, for he though of how such sights and sounds melted all the pain , and uncertainty of hopleless exile such conditions of the events had created .
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2114800-The-Crossroad