You sat on the couch in the living room. And there sitting next to you was your best friend Fiona. She was a Husky dog, good for herding the animals when need be, which was very little, since all were well behaved, so her primary job was looking after you, unknown to you of course, since you were only four. But to be honest, she as like a second mother to you. And she was a good mother. Not too long ago, she mothered about 7 adorable puppies, the Father was long gone, and the pups were barely five weeks, but today, your parents had taken them into town to get collars fitted to them, so, should they get a little mischievous, and wander from the farm for any reason, they could be identified by other farmers or city folk.
As she laid near you on the couch, which was a pretty big couch, even for an adult, so it was titanic to you, she turned onto her side to expose her underbelly, were eight swollen nubs could be seen protruding through her fur. It made sense, since her little ones were still nursing from her. Funny thing was, she was big for her breed, and at one point, your parents did a double take on determining her breed, but results came back that she was a purebred Siberian Husky, so they accepted she was a rare case among her breed. What was even more humorous though, was that, at this point, you yourself, were so small for a 4 year old, at your size, you could easily be seen as her little pup, even though you were human. And in a sense you were her pup, just not a dog, but she treated you like you were one of her pups. Not that you mind. It made you feel all the more loved and protected, and your parents encouraged the bond you two had, which start making the pups treat you like their human brother.
While she laid their with her teats facing you, she.........