This choice: Minor Houses of Diocletia (Dukedom) • Go Back...Chapter #3Minor Houses in the Dukedom of Diocletia by: Falcon  HOUSE PEVENSIE
The Pevensies are a house of Earls loyal to the Crown. Their seat is a large castle called Finchley and it's on a small peninsula on the eastern shore of the Crownlands, northwest of Camelot.
The ancestral sword of the Pevensies is called Rhindon (, a legendary sword which the founder used to defeat and kill the monster wolf named Maugrim.
Their coat of arms is a red lion rampant on a green field. (
Following members of House Pevensie:
- Christopher Pevensie, Earl of Finchley. (Age 51)
-- Helen Pevensie, Christopher's wife and mother of their children. (Age 45)
--- Sir Peter Pevensie, 1st son and heir. Responsible and caring by nature, he always wanted to do what was best for his siblings. The current wielder of Rhindon, after earning his knighthood. (Age 22)
--- Susan Pevensie, 1st daughter. A talented archer known to be logical (to the point of being stubborn sometimes), motherly, and more serious than her younger sister. (Age 21)
--- Sir Edmund Pevensie, 2nd son. As a child, he was mischievous, dry witted and rather sarcastic, but changed largely before he became a knight. Often called "Ed" by both his siblings and friends. (Age 19)
--- Lucy Pevensie, 2nd daughter and youngest of the Pevensie children. A faithful and devout follower of Goddess Lenea, she's currently studying healing magic in the Coven of Magic. Often called "Lu" by her siblings. (Age 17)
Helen's side of the family:
- Harold Scrubb, Helen's brother who's a Merchant in Camelot.
-- Alberta Scrubb, Harold's wife.
--- Eustace Scrubb, son of Harold and Alberta. Is currently working for a merchant as an apprentice. (Age 16)
- Digory Kirke, Earl Pevensie's chief advisor and a professor who had studied in Reikstadt (capital of the Teutoburg Empire) in his youth and he had been teaching the 4 Pevensie-children for most of their lives. He's notable for being a famous learned man and a great traveller. (Age 61)
- Mr. Tumnus, a male Faun who's a servant of Lucy and advisor of Sir Peter.
- Madam Macready, the stern housekeeper of Cair Paravel and head of the household maids.
-- Ivy, Margaret and Betty, 3 household maids.
A noble House ruling a part of Andredesweald Forest from their seat of Talsworth.
Following members of House Rainheart:
- Edwin Rainheart, Earl of Talsworth and head of his House. (Age 45)
-- Sir Gilbert Rainheart, Edwin's son and heir. Rules Talsworth in his father's absent. (Age 25)
--- Lady Emma Rainheart, Sir Gilbert's pregnant wife. (Age 25)
-- Margaret Rainheart, Edwin's beautiful daughter. (Age 18)
- Sir Samwell Loudon, the master-at-arms.
- Brother Kelvyn, a monk who's the advisor and healer of the Earl.
- Lady Margaret's handmaidens:
-- Mira Forrester
-- Sera Loudon
- Household knights:
-- Sir Soren
-- Sir Axell Bulliwer
Following members of House Colcestre:
- Birstan Colcestre, Earl of Timberguard. More an outdoorsman than a ruler, Birstan ignores his sophisticated wife and spends most of his time hunting.
-- Estrid Colcestre, Birstan's wife. This Paladian noblewoman's arranged marriage 18 years ago to Earl Birstan brought great political benefit to the Shire, but only misery to her. Estrid's great beauty and parlor wit were lost on her hunting-obsessed husband, and she misses her continental homeland terribly. (Age 33)
--- Charles Colcestre, 1st son and heir to Timberguard. While a fat but kind and pious young man, he has slept with multiple women since reaching adulthood, is afraid of fire, and is rumored to be suffering from madness. (Age 16)
--- Richardis Colcestre, Birstan and Estrid's daughter, who wants to be a priestess. (Age 15)
--- Bernard Colcestre, 2nd son. (Age 10)
--- Two stillborn children
- Gisele, handmaiden and confidant of Lady Estrid.
A noble family who follows the Old Gods and are in a thousands-year-old feud with House Huntington over territory.
Rules Whitmoreshire from Whitmore Castle.
Following members of House Hartberry:
- Willem Hartberry, the Earl of Whitmoreshire. (Age 29)
-- Gawain Hartberry, Earl Willem's younger brother. (Age 15)
- Davos Hartberry, the cocky and hot-tempered cousin of Earl Willem and Gawain. (Age 26)
A noble family who has a thousands-year-old dispute over territory with House Hartberry.
Rules Cormwellshire from Cormwell Keep.
Following members of House Huntington:
- Jerrel Huntington, Earl of Cormwellshire. (Age 40)
-- Sir Raylon Huntington, son of Earl Jerrel. (Age 23)
-- Debra Huntington, daughter of Earl Jerrel. (Age 15)
- Sir Aeron Huntington, nephew of Earl Jerrel. (Age 20)
Following members of House Lear:
- Lerion Lear, the old Earl of Celliwig.
-- The daughters of Lerion (all trained in combat, which is unusual):
--- Goneril, Lerion's eldest daughter who's cruel and deceitful. (Age 17)
--- Regan, Lerion's middle daughter who's unnecessarily cruel. (Age 16)
--- Cordelia, Lerion's youngest daughter and favorite. She's well-known for her honesty and kindness. (Age 15)
A House that have ruled over the hills southwest of the Andredesweald Forest for five centuries.
They greatly envy House Forrester due to their wealth through ironwood groves, while their hills were stripped bare of ironwood trees centuries ago.
Many members of this House are known to be very religious, they distrusts and persecutes those who worships the Old Gods.
They also view non-Humans as nothing more than races meant to serve as slaves to Mankind.
Their sigil is a white barren hill with one star over it.
The words of their House are: "Ever Higher".
Following members of House Whitehill:
- Ludd Whitehill, the Earl of Highpoint. (Age 55)
-- [Lady Whitehill], wife to Ludd and mother of their children. Died of childbirth in 1293.
--- [Karl Whitehill], 1st-born son of Ludd. Was set to inherit Highpoint until his untimely death due to a plague.
--- Brother Ebbert, 2nd-born son of Ludd. Was originally set to inherit Highpoint after Karl's death, but as he is more interested in pursuits of the mind, he instead became a monk in Paladia's capital.
--- Sir Torrhen Whitehill, 3rd-born son of Ludd and current heir of Highpoint. (Age 22)
--- Gwyn Whitehill, only daughter of Ludd. Have disappeared 4 years ago after visiting her brother Ebbert in Paladia. (Age 21)
--- Gryff Whitehill, the cruel 4th-born son of Ludd. His birth caused the death of his mother. He grew up being bullied by his older brothers with only his father defending him. A childish man who likes to dominate anyone lesser than him. (Age 18)
- Harys, right-hand man and personal bodyguard of Gryff Whitehill.
- Household guards:
-- Britt Warrick
-- Errold Holt
-- Corlys WellsFootnotes Based on the Chronicles of Narnia Based on Assassin's Creed Valhalla Based on both Assassin's Creed Valhalla and Shakespeare's "King Lear" Based on Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series.  |
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