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My own Medieval Fantasy with magic and monsters and intrigue and war and furries and sex! |
Lead generations of rulers through a world full of excitement, adventure, and nefarious plots. (Set in a Fantasy-world, with inspirations from the legends of King Arthur and Robin Hood, Game of Thrones, the Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Assassin’s Creed-series, Crusader Kings II, Warhammer Fantasy, World of Warcraft, Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought There!, and also movies and books with themes like fantasy and historical fiction) (Sorry if this is a very long description, but information is important. Information is…POWER!) Welcome to "the Pendragon Chronicles"! You'll take control of a ruling family in the island kingdom of Albion. This island nation is located northwest of Midgard on the continent of Leostria; a large continent with many varying fantasy people, creatures and races. Your mission is to guide this family through the ages, through many generations and keep the nation together and your family alive. Should every member of your family die, you will have failed. That’s the end. You can be conquered, you can be killed and your dynasty erased. You may lose the throne, but getting it back may be a challenge. If you really fall far and lose all of your relevance, then your family will fall into obscurity. It might not be as easy to survive as you think. Starting off, you'll only have one person. The progenitor of the rest of your line. Customs and traditions in Albion are important and dangerous things may happen if you attempt to subvert them. Kings and Queens cannot take the throne until the age of 15 (this universe has 400 days per year instead of 365). Until they come of age, the realm is ruled by a Regent which holds all the authority and power of a true King. You live in a world full of fantastical people, creatures and magic. Things may not be what they seem and people you might not suspect may be eyeing your throne as their own. Remember: the word of the day is Consequences. You have the power and authority to do as you wish, but others may not approve or it may cause other problems. Making unpopular decisions at court may lead you to taking a knife in the back and of course, even if you avoid that, most people won't tolerate a Tyrant for long... The Feudal System and the Titles of Nobility and Royalty: First and foremost, let's have a quick discussion about Feudalism. Historically, Feudalism was essentially a system of government that arose out of The Dark Ages out of the shadow of the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. It was based around a tenuous balance between the nobility and kings. However, the power of the King was generally kept in check by the fact that these nobles; Especially ones with land(vassals) had their own personal armies and money to throw around. This meant that despite the King's right to rule based on divine circumstance or blood rights, their rule was not absolute and vassals expected their liege to treat them fairly and abide by the law. This is contrary to popular belief that the King's rule was absolute that has been instilled in us by many films and shows. In reality this was much less the norm until The Renaissance when professional armies paid for by the King made it possible for them to whittle their Vassals rights down to almost nothing. For a visual explanation, here is a nice image that i found online: (http://ashlinbsocialstudies.weebly.com/uploads/8/6/2/4/8624181/7705568_orig.png) That's all nice and all, but I'm not really expecting a 100% accurate portrayal of feudal life. I'm using a simplified version that's based on the Crusader Kings II system. Whether it's accurate or not, it's easy to use and that's the important part for broad involvement. Titles are important in any feudal society, so you know that who is is charge of whom. The basic idea is this: There are four tiers of nobility that are named based on what type of government they have and how far up the political food chain they are. In a formal setting and even some more relaxed settings, the person's title is said first, followed by their first name. For example: Countess Marie, Earl Deekan, Duke Ducal, etc. In less formal settings, the higher title may drop the lower person's title. For example if a count and king were having dinner, the king may say "Hey Robert", but the count must use King, or Your Majesty. Your Highness is used when addressing a Prince and Lord/Lady is used to address an unlanded noble. That is- a noble without any major title. Sir/Dame(or Lady) is used for Knights So what are the different major titles? For feudal rulers (the most common), the titles go: Baron, Count, Duke, King, Emperor. Barons tend to rule over a relatively small estate with a simple castle. Counts rule over whole counties and may have multiple Barons as vassals. Dukes rule over entire regions of counties and may have multiple Counts as vassals. Kings, of course, rule over whole kingdoms. Emperors can rule over multiple kingdoms. There are currently three Emperors in this world; one in Midgard, and two in the Huang Continent. These titles can also have cultural names. So an Earl could be the cultural name of a distant Kingdom's Count-level titles or a Jarl could be the cultural name of a distant kingdom's Dukedom-tier title. Titles of nobility in Albion (lowest to highest): - Sir (Knight) - Lord - Thegn (equivalent to Baron) - Earl (equivalent to Count) - Duke - King List of titles in a castle household: - Steward = Senior member of a noble's household. A steward is charged with organizing servants and managing the day-to-day activities of a lord's estate. In the case of kings or dukes, stewards may be nobles hailing from vassal houses. - Castellan = A castellan is appointed, usually by a ruling noble, to oversee the defense of the castle when the noble himself is away or unable to attend to the tasks himself. Castellans are usually male, although women can be appointed to the position as well. Preference might be given to warriors, who have knowledge and skill in warfare. Should the noble who appointed the castellan die, the castellan will remain in office until the new noble dismisses him. Additionally, a castellan might retain his position after the lord's death due to said noble's will, despite the new ruler having taken position. - Captain of the Guard = A position charged with the command of a castle's household guards. The position confers the responsibility for commanding and organizing the guardsmen of a garrison charged with the vigilance and defense of the noble's castle or town or the protection of his family and/or retainers. When he is away for a long period of time, a new captain can be appointed at his place. The commander of the garrison is a similar position. - Master-at-arms = A position charged with training castle garrisons, as well as noble children (sons and wards of the noble he serves), in fighting skills. Masters-at-arms are often deadly warriors or knights. They can provide blunted weapons for training instead of live steel. In wartime, he is actively involved in leading the defense of the castle along with the Captain of the Guards and the lord himself. Masters-at-arms are present at most castles in the Kingdom of Albion. - Kennelmaster = A position in a castle household, usually occupied by a lowborn man. The kennelmaster is charged with the training and care of a castle's hunting hounds. Kingdom of Albion The Kingdom of Albion is where most of the story will likely take place. It’s on two islands called Great Albion and Morien and it’s northwest of Midgard. Great Albion is moderately prosperous with primarily forests and plains with a few hilly landscapes splattered about. Also a mountain range in the north, small valleys in the south and a swamp area in the east. Morien, the western island, has a long river from west to the center and also have a mountain range near the north side. History: More than a thousand years ago, the island was divided in small and rivaling kingdoms. Merlin, the most powerful sorcerer of all times, and the Lady of the Lake decided to form a sword and thrust it into a stone. Merlin proclaims to everyone; "He who draws the Sword from the stone, he shall be King”. The sword was named Excalibur (which means ”the sword of power”). Many knights, warriors, nobles, even peasants had tried, only to fail. Arthur, an orphaned young knight raised by a poor hedge knight, decided to try one day. And to his own surprise, he easily pulled Excalibur from the stone. Everyone was so awed that they all knelt before the first true King of the united Albion. He was crowned and given the name for his new dynasty: Pendragon (which means ”son of the dragon”). The 40 year reign of King Arthur was peaceful and prosperous. He was as wise as he was brave, and thanks to his military prowess and Merlin’s counsel he successfully defended the Realm from a massive invasion of the norse vikings in the Battle of Badon and gained the allegiances of both Wood Elves and Dwarfs. Arthur later married a young maiden named Guinevere, Princess of Morien, and together they united the two Isles and had a son named Loholt, who became an embodiment of chivalry. He also created a round table and established the Knights of the Round Table: an order of knights dedicated to bring peace and stability to the Realm. Merlin, advisor and friend of the king, helped him build a castle around the stone from which Excalibur was pulled. It is today one of largest castles in the Known World: Camelot. However, a great threat began to arise: Arthur’s unknown older half-sister, Morgana Le Fay. She was born with dark magic and is as powerful as Merlin. Morgana made a pact with the dark Gods of Chaos. In exchange for giving Morgana the Demon-army she needed to gain the throne from her brother, they demanded that she bear a son from the Chaos God of War, which she gladly accepted. The result became an immortal, Demonic warrior who couldn't be killed by any mortal weapon or by any sorcerer alive: Mordred. When Mordred turned 20 and his training was completed, it was time for Morgana Le Fay to strike. However, Arthur and Merlin had already found out about her plans, and spent 20 years to prepare for the upcoming and deadly battle. When Morgana and her small but powerful army of Demons arrived through a large portal at the Flayed Rock, in the swamps of Camlann, and getting ready to attack Arthur, a thick mist suddenly appeared, blinding them all. Merlin created the mist with the help from Witches and Wizards who joined Arthur and his army to the advantage in the fight against the Demons. The Battle lasted through the night, and despite the heavy losses inflicted upon Arthur’s army, it was turning victorious when the demons in Morgana's army was nearly exterminated, and the few who survived fled back through the portal which immediately closed. Finally Arthur and Merlin dueled Mordred and Morgana respectively. Morgana’s magic was too powerful for Merlin to defeat. But that changed thanks to Arthur. Since Excalibur was forged by powerfully pure magic it is able to destroy any Demon-born, so Arthur was forced to kill Mordred, his nephew. Mordred’s death made Morgana extremely weak and Merlin was able to destroy her once and for all. But when the sun rose in the horizon, nobody celebrated. Many had died in the Battle of Camlann (also known as the Battle of the Flayed Rock), and King Arthur was mortally wounded. Arthur asks one of his surviving knights to thrust Excalibur back into the stone in Camelot. When Loholt asked his father why, the dying king proclaimed that ”only a true Pendragon shall be worthy to wield the sword”. It means that Excalibur will only pass to those of the Pendragon bloodline who are worthy, whether they are Kings or Princes. Those were last words of King Arthur, and Merlin took his body to Avalon to be buried there, and for his soul to ascend to the Heavens and rise as the God of Wisdom and Victory. And Merlin was never seen again... Loholt later pulled Excalibur from the stone and was then crowned King of Albion, and the bloodline went on. However, in the last nine centuries of Albion's history, while there was peace and prosperity, the Kingdom was also inflicted occasionally by war, tyranny, raiding, famine, sickness, Dragons (last one seen in Albion was less than a hundred years ago) and civil war. Fortunately Excalibur never fell in the hands of those who were not worthy, but the Round Table company had ceased to exist around 1410. The Table itself remained to this day as a reminder of ”the Great Old Days”, and the chivalry of the Knights of the Round Table lived on in memory... 35 years ago. Edward, only son and heir of King Oliver the Just (his mother died at childbirth and father refused to marry after that), decided on his 16th birthday to sail to the New World continents of Narnia and Lustria on the other side of the Great Ocean. Filled with civilizations with very fascinating peoples living there: Furries. He wanted to travel along the coasts and see the inlands of that world. These continents are also valuable sources of trading with all kinds of resources. His father was afraid he would never see his son again and that Albion would be without a king when he dies, but he reluctantly let him go. Edward promised to come home and after having tearful a farewell with his father, he began his journey west, knowing it will be years before he returns home, but not that he will be named ”the Seafarer”. Prince Edward and his crew journeyed west, and not long afterwards they arrived in Narnia and as expected, the Furry females are extremely beautiful and have bodies that a few Human women could possibly have. A feast was assembled by a local noble with the Prince and the crew as the honor guests. It didn't take long for Edward’s crew of young men to get used to the customs of the Furries, as they began to get ”acquainted” with the local females. And soon Edward fell for the temptations the females had to offer, including the noble's mate and her daughters. And he didn't have any regrets. In the following years he explored the continent from north to south and back. During this time he mated with many female Furries and lots of them had his bastard children (all born Furries). Finally, after nearly 14 years, he wanted to go home, but most of his crew did not want to leave the pleasures of Narnia. And so, after accepting their decision, Prince Edward booked an Elven ship home to Albion. About a year later, Edward ”the Seafarer” became King Edward VII when his father died and then married Lady Mariam of House Wincestre, who gave him a son he named Arthur. Edward's reign ended however when he and his Queen died in a shipwreck 12 years ago, leaving their 3-year-old boy to inherit the throne as the youngest King in history. Today he is crowned Arthur XV of House Pendragon, High King of the Isles and the Woods and the Mountains, Duke of Diocletia, Lord of Camelot, and Protector of the Realm. Today, he is the one who wields Excalibur... Laws and Traditions: Succession Laws: Albion has Male-Preferred primogeniture succession laws. This means that the oldest son of the King or Queen will inherit. Should a King or Queen die before their child reaches the age of 15, a Regent will be put in place. The Regent is only around until the new ruler reaches the appropriate age. A child’s parent will always be the preferred Regent. Should neither of the parents survive, the Council will dictate who will be Regent. Typically picked from among themselves. The Council also has the power to legitimize bastards, if there are no other legitimate children to the previous and there´s sufficient evidence that an illegitimate child was conceived by that ruler. And by tradition before the coronation, a King must draw Excalibur from the stone to see if he is worthy to wield the sword. The Council (https://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/a/a7/Logan_Feliciano_Small_Council_Chamber.pn...): The Council is the inner cabinet of the Kingdom. A small group of advisers which advises the King of Albion on matters of policy and their areas of expertise and chosen by the King to enable his rule of the Realm. The positions in the Council are: - Chancellor = Chief advisor to the King and the executor of his commands. Serves as the King's proxy during his absences. - Lord Treasurer = The King's financial advisor and bookkeeper. Is in charge of the Royal Treasury, advises the Monarch on financial matters, and is responsible for raising money to meet the Crown's needs. - Lawgiver = The King's advisor on legal matters and overseer of the Law and Justice for the Kingdom, who also manages the dungeons of Castle Camelot. - Court Mage = The King's advisor on matters of Magic and the Supernatural. - Royal Priest/Priestess = The King's advisor on religious matters. - Marshal = The King's chief military advisor, particularly in regards to land-based warfare, and the commander and supervisor of the Royal Army. - High Admiral = The King's chief naval officer, supervising the Royal Fleet and coordinating the Realm's maritime defenses. Duties of the High Admiral include arranging for the building and maintenance of warships, obtaining crews for the warships, and commanding naval operations. - Spy Master/Mistress = The King's chief intelligence advisor and spymaster, supervising covert activities and information gathering, both at home and abroad. Coven of Magic: In order to protect the realm from mages gaining too much power; people (both peasants and nobles) that show a talent for magic are sent off to the Coven of Magi to be trained as a sorcerer. The Coven was founded by Merlin and is located in the Crownlands, on the south-side of the mouth of River Mere, facing Camelot. Nobles with titles or in line to receive a title are required to to abdicate unless there is no legitimate heir. While the Teutoburg Empire have battle wizards, Albion's mages are only used for defense against demons, dark magic and Chaos worshippers, and healing wounded soldiers. They are also educated to be advisors on magical matters for Kings and Dukes. Magic: The are 10 different types of Magic in this World; Psychic (violet), Holy (gold), Cursed (black), Force (sky-blue), Healing (green), Speed (yellow), Ice (white), Fire (red), Blocking attacks (orange) and Protection of the Mind (azure) The King's Peace: A concept and law devised by Arthur the Uniter for of all subjects of the Isles of Albion and Morien, including nobles, prohibiting violence and war for the settling of disputes. Under the King's Peace, Dukes are to adjudicate disputes of their vassal Earls or Thegns, while those between the great houses of the realm are to be settled by the King and his Council. Those nobles who go to war without the leave of the King are to be considered rebels and traitors to the Crown. The City Watch of Camelot is tasked with keeping the King's peace within the city walls. The Widow's Law: Created during the reign of Arthur the Uniter, this law reaffirms the right of the eldest son (or eldest daughter, if there are no sons) to inherit. However, the law requires the heirs to maintain their father's surviving widow, no matter whether she had been a second, third, or even later wife, under the same conditions as she had been before her husband’s death. The widows could no longer be driven from their late husband’s castle, deprived of her servants or possessions, or her income. The law similarly prevented men from disinheriting the children from an earlier marriage in favor of children from a later marriage. Execution: The most severe crimes are punishable by death. These crimes include treason. Men can be put to death by beheading, either with an axe or a sword, hanging, or by placing the criminals in a so-called crow cages. These cages are so narrow that the prisoners are unable to sit or turn around. They are placed within these cages alive, and left behind exposed to the sun, wind, and rain, without food or water, until they die of exposure. Crimes that lead to a prisoner being placed in a crow cage might include stealing, raping, or murder, and at least in times of famine, stealing of bread. Incest: Ah yes, Incest. Incest was a common practice among our historical rulers and that practice also exists on Midgard. However, Incest between siblings is considered taboo and the children of such union are considered abominations. Typically these children are abhorrent in the eyes of the nobility and subjects alike. Bastardy: A bastard is a person whose parents are not married to each other. Some people in Albion refer to a bastard simply as "bastard-born". The term "baseborn" is used to refer to a child of whom one parent is a peasant. A euphemism for being bastard-born is being "born on the wrong side of the blanket". It is not unexpected for noblemen to have bastard children, though it is considered rude to pry into the origins of a man's bastards. While it is not typical for a noble to bring his bastards home and raise them with his own children, it is usually expected that he will see to the child's well-being to some degree. Some might chose to have their bastards fostered at the home of another lord, while others might decide to raise their bastard at their own home, in the position of a servant. A noble-born wife can take insult at her husband's bastards being introduced into her household and being commensurate in rank with her legally-born children. There is a certain stigma that comes from being born as a bastard. They are said to be born from lust, lies, and weakness, and as such, they are said to be wanton and treacherous by nature. Because of the stigma bastards have to deal with, they are said to grow up faster than trueborn children. Even after being legitimized, bastards will usually have considerable difficulty in removing the stigma of having been bastard-born. Nonetheless, a bastard might rise high. Male and female bastards may become priests and priestesses in the Faith. Bastards can also be knighted. In town and city watches, the Royal Army and even the Royal Fleet, any man may rise to command, no matter the circumstance of his birth. Each of the Dukedoms have bastard surnames decreed by custom, not law. Bastards with a high-born parent are given these surnames to hold them apart from their parent's houses. The parents may give a bastard a different surname if they wish, or no name at all. Bastard children of two people of the peasants are not given a distinctive surname. A bastard might also chose a surname for himself. The surname a bastard received appears to be connected to the location the child is raised, though this is not a consistent rule. Because of this, bastards who are half-siblings might have different surnames. Most legitimate offspring of a bastard decides to keep the bastard surname. If two bastards from two different regions (i.e. with two different surnames) marry, the children will most likely take their father's surname. Some later legitimate offspring of bastards might change their surname to demonstrate their legitimate nature, and remove the bastard-born taint. Here's a list of bastard surnames in Albion: - Loudon = the Crownlands (Diocletia) - Lanark = Ironrath - Thorne = Westryk - Falkirk = Eastshire - Stirling = the North - Bannock = Morien Kinslaying: That is also a great taboo next to Incest. Any individual who kills a member of their own family (both noble and subject) is dubbed a Kinslayer, and believed to be cursed forever. Resources: Albion is rich with resources like gold, silver, iron, copper, amber, wool and ironwood (a type wood that is known to be very hard to break and is not so easy to burn, therefore making it invaluable as furnitures for the wealthy or as shields for knights and soldiers). This makes this nation a profitable trading partner. Currency: In every land, people refer to coins by common names. Gold coins are Gold Crowns, silver coins are Silver Shillings, and copper coins are Pennies. - 1 Silver Shilling = 12 Pennies - 1 Gold Crown = 20 Silver Shillings = 240 Pennies The Midgardian Calendar: The Known World takes 400 days to travel round its sun, a much larger and hotter star than our own, and is orbited by two moons. The larger of these - Ramandu ("A Star at Rest") - has a cycle of 25 days from full to full and looks not unlike the moon of our own world. The other - named Lilliandil ("Ramandu's Daughter") - is erratic, appearing now closer, now further away than its partner. The Calendar was invented by the High Elves and is of great importance and influence in the Human nations of Midgard. It allows the common folk to count the passing days and prepare for the festivals. It allows for historical events to be recorded and contextualized in time. The dating system splits the 400-day year into 12 months of 32 or 33 days, and includes six important festival days, each of which lie between the months. The months are further divided by 8-day weeks, which bridge the months uninterrupted, even if a week is broken by one of the intercalary festivals. Ever shine the fall of the Akhenaton Empire 15,000 years ago, Midgard have gone through 3 different ages; the First Age (when the civilizations of Elves and Dwarfs flourished and were the greatest on Midgard, before the 1st Great Plague), the Second Age (when the Humans began to spread through all of Midgard, form petty kingdoms and constantly fight each other and other races), and the Third Age (began when the Teutoburg Empire was founded and started an era of progress and inventions). In the beginning of each Age, the Calendar resets to Year 1. We are currently on the Third Age, year 2311. Like any other kingdom, Albion has its own names for the months of the year; 1. Frostmoot (January) 2. Deepsnow (February) 3. Winterwane (March) 4. Rainmoot (April) 5. Palesun (May) 6. Highsun (June) 7. Firemoot (July) 8. Firewane (August) 9. Lowsun (September) 10. Redfall (Oktober) 11. Snowmoot (November) 12. Fellnight (December) "Moot" means "meet" or Meeting. The eight days of the week are: Startweek, Workday, Levyday, Marketday, Bakeday, Taxday, Kingday, and Festag (Holiday). The names came from the Teutoburg Empire, and the reasons for these names are long-forgotten and probably originated in pre-Empire times. Nowadays, market day occurs on any day of the week depending on which part of the kingdom you are in, and festivals and holidays take place according to the traditions of each city or town. There is no weekly religious holiday, but everyone seizes the chance to celebrate at festival times. Roads and Rivers: Albion has a wast network of roads on the island and they are all made of stone (except in the North were the roads are of dirt). There are currently three rivers in Albion: River Mere in the south, River Heaver in the north and River Saffron at the central Albion. Messages: Both riders and birds are used to deliver messages between towns, cities and castles. Military: The military of Albion include knights, archers, crossbowmen, men-at-arms, lancers, militia and heavy artillery (catapults and trebuchets). Knights wears chainmail, and if they are wealthy enough they will wear plate armour over it. The fleets of this nation have a few of the best and fastest ships in the known world. 60 years ago, King Robert I "The Boar" Pendragon formed a standing army loyal only to the Crown. The now 6,000 strong Royal Army is led by the Marshal of the Council. It has currently 6 regiments with 1,000 men each. Weapons: Knights uses different types of swords; longsword (one-handed), greatsword (two-handed) and bastard sword (a hand-and-a-half). They also uses clubs, maces, warhammers (long and two-handed hammers) and lances. Other mounted troops also uses lances. Most infantry uses spears and shields, and also shortswords, falchions and daggers. Archers uses bows and arrows while crossbowmen uses crossbows. There's no such thing as gunpowder, guns and cannons in this universe. (more info on weapons and armour: http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Armament) Law-enforcement: Upholding the law is very important in the kingdom. In towns and the Countryside, Reeves are senior officials who oversees the peasants and keeps the peace. In a city watch, the Reeves are second to the commanders, keeping the peace and maintains public order in the districts of a city (such as squares, markets and ports). The City Watch of Camelot, also known as "gold cloaks", are the 1,000 strong defenders of the city of Camelot (the castle with the same name is defended by the castle guards) and the enforcers of the law, sworn only to the Crown. The City Watch wear cloaks, usually made of heavy wool, dyed gold. They are equipped with mail armor, iron cudgels, iron spears, dirks, and occasionally longswords. Their armor, boots, and gloves are black. The officers (such as the captains of the gates of the city walls) wear black breastplates ornamented with four golden disks. They can be used as guards, foot soldiers or in some cases, as mounted lancers. Notable locations within Albion (basically any place that has been mentioned or visited. Updated as the story goes on): (http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammerfb/images/c/c2/Albion_map.jpg/revis...) In Albion, the counties are known as Shires. Camelot (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DY5g4lHWsAA4TlR.jpg:large) - The capital city of Albion, the seat of the King. It sits along the north-side of the mouth of River Mere by the sea in the east, north of Andredesweald Forest in the Crownlands (Dukedom of Diocletia), in southeastern Albion. Currently the largest city in the realm with 200,000 citizens, surrounded by high strong walls, protecting the city from sea- and land-based attacks. Inside the walls you can see the Cathedral of the Faith, the barracks and the headquarter of the city watch, and all the various shops, taverns, bakeries, barbershops, apothecaries, brothels, guilds, manses (homes of the rich) and orphanages. - Castle Camelot: The castle is located on Excalibur’s High Hill and is made of pale grey stone. It has seven massive drum-towers crowned with iron ramparts. Massive curtain walls surround the keep, with nests and crenelations for archers. Thick stone parapets, some four feet high, protect the outer edge of the wall ramparts, where the heads of traitors are traditionally placed on iron spikes between the crenels at the gatehouse. The walls have great iron gates and portcullises, with narrow postern doors nearby. The immense barbican has a cobbled square in front of it. Behind the walls are small inner yards, vaulted halls, covered bridges, barracks of the household guards, dungeons, granaries and hot springs. The godswood is an acre of elm, alder and black cottonwood trees that overlook the Bay of Kings. The heart tree, a tree with carved faces of the old gods, is a great oak, whose limbs have become overgrown with smoke berry vines. The godswood is also a large part of the Camelot gardens. Inside, the keep holds the seat of the monarch in the throne room, and has several gathering halls, including the Queen’s Ballroom. Doors are made of oak banded with black iron. The royal chapel inside Camelot has crystal windows placed high in the walls. It is located in front of the Maidenvault. The throne room itself is cavernous, and can sit 1,000 people. It is oriented north to south, with high, narrow windows on the eastern and western walls. The Stone, from which Excalibur was pulled out, is located on the main courtyard. Dragon’s Holdfast is a massive square fortress inside the heart of Camelot Castle. Named after the sigil of House Pendragon, it is a castle-within-a-castle and is the strongest place in Camelot. The holdfast lies behind walls twelve feet thick. A dry moat lined with a bed of formidable iron spikes surrounds it, with a drawbridge spanning the moat. The only way in or out of Dragon’s is across the drawbridge. Two household guards are always posted at its far end. The royal apartments are located in Dragon’s Holdfast. - The Cathedral of the Faith: The epicenter of religious faith in the Kingdom of Albion, house of the Bishop of Camelot, and, like any other cathedral, where all the Gods are gathered in one place. Constructed by the Priest-King Allan the Blessed (1934 - 1944, Third Age), it is truly a marvel of Man's architectural achievements. The white marble gleamed majestically in the sunlight and the sheer size of it would make a simple peasant feel the divine strength of The Gods. Inside, it is no less impressive; complex murals, stained glass windows, intricate carvings, swooping arches and towering pillars adorned the Cathedral. It is so lavish and beautiful, that any first-time visitor would feel nauseated. Diocletia The Shire of Diocletia (named from the Dukedom) lies west of Camelot by the north bank of River Mere. It’s been ruled by the Lennon family for generations and is directly under vassalage of the King of Albion. Rottingham - A town in the mists of Sherweald Forest. The sheriff there is obsessed with hunting down the local outlaws. Riverspring - The seat of House Sarwyck. The town is situated near the source of the River Mere and its castle contains a godswood. Ravensthorpe (https://space4games.com/wp-content/uploads/Assassins-Creed-Valhalla-Loesung-Engl...) A town and a Norse settlement by the northeastern edge of Andredesweald Forest, right next to the Bay of Kings. At the end of the Battle of Badon 1000 years ago, a Viking Jarl named the Raven-Starver offered his own life in hopes of sparing his clan, thus defying the Viking tradition to die honorably in battle. Impressed by such an action, King Arthur the Uniter decided to spare both him and his clan and made a deal: in exchange for a settlement of their own, the Norse settlers were to build ships, help guarding the Bay of Kings from raiders, serve as intermediaries between the Pendragons and the clans of Asgard, prohibit themselves from worshipping the Chaos Gods, and to never raise their weapons against the Crown. The Norse settlers and their descendants were also able move freely around the Kingdom, which is why it's not unusual for Albion-born Norsemen to be found in all corners of the Isles, either as farmers, villagers, lawmen, soldiers, nobles, travelers, bounty hunters, or sworn swords. A trading center for Vikings (so long as they don't sell or buy slaves) and a place were Norse and Albish warriors may join mercenary groups. Woodsmark A ruined castle on the edge between Crownlands and Sherweald Forest. Founded in the time of King Arthur I Pendragon, but got burned by Alaric "the Mad". Believed to be cursed. Sherweald Forest Also known as The Great Woods of Sherweald. Sherweald Forest lies on the central region of Albion. The legal boundaries is split reasonably between the two Dukedoms of Westryk and Eastshire. It is also rumored to be full of strange creatures and monsters (it’s curious how outlaws would survive in there if there were any). Ynys Wydryn A line of tall and massive mountains in northern Albion, the name means ”the Frozen Teeth” for their frozen mountain tops. The mountain range runs from the inside of the northern Sherweald Forest to towards the ocean in the northernmost of Albion. Serves as a border between the regions Dumnonia (west) and Berengaria (east). Ynys Wydryn is much more inhospitable than others having rough mountainous terrain. The lake Troll Tarn is right in the middle of the southern line and is connected to River Saffron as it goes south through the mountains into the Sherweald and turn east and gets divided to three smaller rivers (Red Saffron, Blue Saffron and Green Saffron) just before they continue to towards the sea. River Heaver in the north goes from the sea in the east though the northern mountains into sea in the west. Haredesweald Forest Also known as ”The Iron Forest” as it is the largest ironwood forest in Albion. The forest stretches all over the entire southwestern peninsula and is part of the Dukedom of Ironrath. The Saxony peninsula is named after a famed warrior. Andredesweald Forest - A large forest in the southern Crownlands, south of River Mere. Camlann - A big region of swamps in the Earldom of Arkhamshire, in eastern Eastshire. Dukedom of Ironrath The Dukedom of Ironrath lies on the southwestern Albion, nestled between the Dukedom of Westryk to the north, Andredesweald Forest to the east and the sea to the south and west. It’s ruled by House Forrester. An old family with a long tradition of honor and loyalty who rule from the ironwood castle Ironrath by the edge of the forest. The Dukedom also include the merchant city of Mercia. The faith of the Old Gods is strong here. Dukedom of the North The Dukedom of the North controls the regions of Dumnonia and Berengaria in northern Albion. These hardy regions form together a large land with fields, valleys and inhospitable mountains. This Dukedom includes Ynys Wydryn, a large mountain range. The faith of the Old Gods is strong here also. Ruled for generations by the House of Frost from Frost Wolf, a castle built into the northernmost mountain, facing the cold winds coming from the north. This Dukedom is also the home of the few but powerful Ice Wolves. These powerful men and women have honed their skill against the dangers of the land. The only trees here are in the (very) small forest by the northern coast. More than 2,500 years ago, thousands of warriors of the chaos-worshiping Norsii-tribes (precursors of the Norse) landed and took the uninhabited island of the east coast of the North, preparing to make a great plunder of the northern lands of the North. But before they could, their souls were suddenly purified by the Old Gods and the Norse Gods, and their memories were wiped away. Foretold beforehand by seers, the lords of Berengaria gave the confused Norsii a fresh start. While some settle on what is known today as Norsii Isle, the rest were spread around the region and they all took on wives and started families, and thus all inhabitants in the Dukedom of the North have a mixture of Albish and Norse in their blood. A minority keep using Norse names. Dukedom of Eastshire A Dukedom that controls the eastern coast of Albion and eastern half of Sherweald Forest. Ruled by House Blackadder from the city Durnovaria. House Blackadder is currently the richest house in Albion, by owning the gold and silver mines in the region. The valuable minerals are deep beneath the hills where the Duke and his vassals have their castles on top of. Eastshire is the most populated region in Albion. Along with Morien, this wealthy and very fertile Dukedom has been and often is the target of sea-raiders from pirates to Vikings. To the south it borders Diocletia (the Crownlands) and Westryk to the west and the region of Berengaria to the north. Dukedom of Westryk Lies on the western coast and controls western half of Sherweald Forest. Ruled by House Wincestre from Wickford. The King’s mother was of House Wincestre. Dukedom of Morien Formerly a smaller island kingdom next to Albion to the west. Centuries before the first Pendragons, they were strongly independent and fought off both raiders and invaders. Thanks to a lucrative trade with both the neighboring realms of Telmar and Paladia in the south and the lands of Narnia in the west, this island Dukedom gains wealth that rivals House Blackadder, not to mention its silver mines. Morien joined the unity of Albion when King Arthur married Guinevere, daughter of King Leodegrance of House Farlane, who bent the knee. Since then, the nobles of Morien were loyal to the kings of Albion (with the exception of tyrants, madmen and usurpers of course!). Morien is also known having the best archers in the realm, that even rivals the Elves. Its capital is the great and wealthy city of Gwron, where Castle Cameliard, the seat of House Farlane, is located. Other important cities include Aneblayse (based on the mouth of the island's river) and Italica. And it also has a colony of Sea Elves (seafaring and trading Elves) on the western shores of Morien. As for religion, the island is equally divided between the Old Gods and the New. (Morien's culture is based on medieval Ireland, Scotland and Wales) Dukedom of Diocletia The location of Camelot, the King rules as the Duke of Diocletia. This region border the south and the southeast of Sherweald Forest and also covers the entire Andredesweald Forest and the hills southwest of it. Dwarf holds of Albion While their technology is primitive compared to their mainland-kin, the Dwarfs of the isles are still masters at mining and craftsmanship. Despite being distrustful of Wood Elves, they avoid hostilities due to their pact with House Pendragon. Their capital is the subterranean city of Erebor (the Lonely Mountain) in Morien. Wood Elf realms of Albion - The Wood Elves in Albion lives in Villages in the forests of Sherweald and Andredesweald. The Great Settlements of Albion by Population: - Camelot (200,000), seat of House Pendragon and the capital of Albion and the Dukedom of Diocletia. - Durnovaria (180,000), capital of Eastshire and seat of House Blackadder. - Wickford (100,000), capital of Westryk and seat of House Wincestre. Considered the most holy city in the Kingdom. - Gwron (60,000), capital of Morien and seat of House Farlane. - Bedegraine (30,000), port-city in Westryk and the seat of House Bedegraine. - Aneblayse (20,000), important port-city in Morien. - Ravensthorpe (10,000), a Norse settlement and trading port in Diocletia. - Mercia (9,000), seat of House Mercia and a merchant city in Ironrath. - Rottingham (6,000), a trade town in central Sherweald Forest. - Italica (5,000), seat of House Formal and an import town in Morien. - Riverspring, Westryk, seat of House Sarwyck. - Diocletia Castle, Dukedom of Diocletia, the seat of House Lennon. - Plennydd, Morien, the seat of House Morgan. - Alawn, Morien, the seat of House Marston. - Anderida, Berengaria, the North, the seat of House Brightstone. - Venta, Dumnonia, the North, the seat of House Eaglestone. The world around Albion: Aeryn and Albany (http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammerfb/images/0/06/Old_Albion_1.jpg/rev...) - The island of Aeryn is about two-thirds the size of Albion and lies north of Morien, infested with Draconians, war-like decedents of the ancient Akhenaton-Emperors. It was once the seat of the great Akhenaton Empire which once ruled over all the 4 islands, before it fell apart more than 15,000 years before the start of this story. After its collapse, the island dissolved into warring clutches (tribes), each led by a Magnar (Chieftain). It's common for bands of Draconians to raid coasts on nearby islands for many things, including slaves. - Albany is a smaller island east of Aeryn and north of Albion. This island is shrouded in mists and fog and is inhabited by tribes of woad-wearing humans led by Truthsayers, druids and wise elders. (Based on the Scottish Picts and the Celtic tribes of Britain and Ireland) Leostria Leostria is a continent with many different races, cultures and nations. MIDGARD A broadly temperate area dominated by several Human nations as well as Dwarf Holds, High Elven Kingdoms, and Wood Elven Realms. There are also areas controlled by Undead lords, or marauding Minotaurs, Orcs, or Goblins. The Teutoburg Empire (German influences) Known to most as the Empire, is the largest and oldest Human civilization in Midgard. It is surrounded by massive mountain-ranges to the east, south and west, and is bordered by the Marauding sea to the north, and the Tzardom of Vostroika to the northwest. The Teutoburg Empire was originally founded at the start of the Third Age (2,310 years ago), when the Warrior-King Thodor Heldenhammer (meaning “Hammer of the Goblins”) united several tribes, and allied with the Dwarfs and the Elves, to face the greater threats of Orcs and Goblins. When he died, the Human Gods of Midgard took him in to their Pantheon and is now the Patron Deity of the Empire. There are also other important Deities such as Theldir (God of Wolves, Winter and Battle), Lenea (Goddess of Mercy and Healing), Aana (Goddess of Harvest and Family) and Phimos (God of Death and Dreams). Empire is a large, diverse country based around several large rivers: Hamburn, Terrenheim, Leotawa and Votgue. The various Provinces are each ruled by an Elector Count or equivalent, who elect an Emperor to rule for life. Despite this, the provinces have a great deal of autonomy to govern and defend themselves, and there has been centuries-long periods of civil war and contending-Emperors/Empresses. The center and north of the country is dominated by huge forests, which often house bandits, Chaos/Demon cultists, Orcs, Goblins or wild Minotaurs who prey on isolated settlements. The south of the country has a warmer climate and is dominated by grassland and extensive fields. Despite the great differences between the provinces, the people of the Empire are kept united by their "steel, magic and faith in Thodor" as well as a common language: Reikspiel. The Imperial military is comprised by infantry, knights and other cavalry units, crossbowmen, and even air cavalry units, such as the Griffon Riders and the Wyvern Corps. Its dates are measured with the Imperial Calendar, IC, the same calendar that inspired the Arthurian Calendar, AC. The capital of the Teutoburg Empire is currently the City of Reikstadt, home to both the recently elected Emperor and the Supreme Patriarch of the Faith. Paladia (French influences) The Kingdom of Paladia lies west of the Empire, across the Dugrun Mountains, and northeast of the Patriqas Peninsula. Paladia is a temperate land with a mild climate and fertile soils. In the center of the country lie the Forests of Rossomin Woods and the Leison Highland, two wild regions inhabited by Minotaurs and Orcs/Goblins, respectively. Its capital is the legendary castle and city of Escalot (originally named Astolat and Shalott). Dominated by feudal Dukedoms and ruled by a King, Paladia has a stark class divide between the wealthy knightly nobility, and the peasants who live in poverty and squalor, with very low class mobility. The nobility are supposed to follow a code of chivalry, and a small number eventually complete religious pilgrimage, becoming virtuous Grail Knights. However the majority of the upper classes are fiercely oppressive towards the peasants. The main Deity of the Paladian nobility is the Lady of the Lake (Goddess of Purity), although the peasants worship other Gods, particularly Aana and Lenea. The most well-known of the Dukedoms: - Corona - Cyntrêves - Genovia - Gaunnes - Listeneise - Lyonesse -- Corbenic, main seat of the Dukedom. - Parmenie -- Canoel, main seat of the Dukedom. Archenland A mountainous kingdom on the north of the Dugrun Mountains. It's bordered on the west by Paladia and on the east by the Teutoburg Empire. The seat of government is at Anvard, in the heart of the country, a fortified area. Vostroika (Russian and East European influences) The Tzardom of Vostroika is a cold land, northeast of The Teutoburg Empire but southeast of the savage lands of Asgard. Much of Vostroika is cold steppe, although there is an extensive taiga forest in the east. To the northwest, there is an ill-defined border between Vostroika and the Hroti Peninsula, a marshy, frigid wilderness infested with monsters. Historically, Vostroika has been inhabited by a succession of Human ethnic groups: the last one united the region. The state is ruled by Tzars (female title: Tzarina). Tzars rule over Boyars (the middle nobility) and the Druzhina (the lowest nobility). Vostroika's military is primarily composed of units of infantry and the Winged Lancers - also known as "the Riders of the Dead”, for "they are mourned as if already deceased” - as well as Centaurs. The country's recently main deity is Orses, the bear-God of Winter and Strength, and the Vostroikans seem to have a special affinity with bears. The main cities of Vostroika are Sutov (the capital), Beryonsk and Kalivgrad, which rule over the vast Oblasts surrounding them. The country's northern frontier position means that it often bears the brunt of Barbarian invasions, as Vostroikan warriors spill their blood to keep the southern lands safe. Combined with poor soil and notoriously freezing winters, this has made the Vostroikans a hardy, no-nonsense people. Out of necessity, Vostroika has retained good relations with the Teutoburg Empire, Centaur-tribes and Dwarfs: close allies against Chaos and the Vikings. The Patriqas Peninsula (Spanish/Portuguese influence) A peninsula located southwest of Paladia bordered by mountains to the east, the Great Ocean to the north and west and the Southern Sea to the south. Far from hostile factions, Patriqas is politically fractured, rival kingdoms (notably Aguirre and Bocanegra) vie against each other and neighboring Apollonia. The Patriqans take great offense at being referred to as Apollonians, or at being addressed in the Apollonian language by accident. The peninsula is renowned for its Diestros, skilled duelists who ply their skills across Midgard. Like the Apollonians, the Patriqans revere Kylena as their highest Goddess. The many Kingdoms of the Patriqas: - Alatriste -- Zaragona, the Capital of Alatriste. - Aguirre - Bocanegra - Agora Apollonia (Italian and Roman influence) It’s a trident-shaped peninsula on the southern coast of Midgard. To the north and east lies the high mountains of Balgrum, and to the south, west and east lies the sea. Due to this geographic protection, Apollonia has never had to unite, and has become dominated by rival city-states with a great wealth in trade. The most important gods in Apollonia are Kylena (Goddess of Warfare, Civilization and Honor) and Thuses (God of the Sea). Apollonian mercenaries and traders can be found across Midgard, and are famed for their skills in battle and haggling. Tilean explorers have also been at the forefront of contact with the New World (Narnia and Lustria) and the Far East. The Free Cities of Apollonia: - The Free Republic of Liberio: The wealthiest and likely the most powerful of the Free Cities. It is also the youngest of the Cities, and was founded by slaves, fleeing the grasp of Calormen. Because of that, enslavement and slave trade are extremely prohibited here. A seafaring city composed of many tiny islands, Liberio is known for its ships with purple hulls and sails, the powerful Iron Bank, and the Guild of Assassins. - The Pleasurable Principality of Asti: Well known for its pleasure houses, training slaves in the arts of love and selling them as concubines and bed-slaves. - The Mighty Principality of Castelnuovo: Known for its fine tapestries and its smiths and armourers. - The Perfidious Principality of Borgonero: A major trading port on a bay of the western coast. The city is ruled by a Prince who is chosen by the de facto rulers of the city, known as Magisters. - The Rebellious Republic of Tarquinia: A coastal city ruled by an Archon. The Tarquinians are known for their greed. Traders deal extensively in slaves and pear brandy, and Tarquinian master armor-smiths make intricate armor in fantastic shapes. - The Blessed Principality of Bovorno: The most religious of the Free Cities. The surrounding area is a land of rolling hills, terraced farms, and white-stucco villages. - The Serene Principality of Trendicci: A coastal city renowned for their master glass-crafters, intricate lace, and fine carpets. It is considered to be among the most advanced of the Free Cities, and famed for its arts and learning. - The Turbulent Principality of Gadora: The southernmost of the Free Cities, it does extensive trade in slaves, glassware and wines. The city is the oldest and proudest of the Free Cities. Gadoran Mercenaries are often recognizable by their fierce tattoos. It is not uncommon for the Gadorans to mark the faces of their slaves and servants with tattoos as well. - The Tormented Principality of Catarli: the smallest and poorest of the Free Cities. - The Decadent Pirate Republic of Tarsosa: An island and a notorious haven for criminals, harboring all manner of pirates, brigands, lawless mercenaries and anyone wanting to avoid the various legitimate powers of Midgard. Asgard (Viking influences) Far to the north of Midgard, the massive peninsula of Asgard is a mountainous and wild country that serves as home of the Norse Vikings (https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e1/bf/ec/e1bfecad33176fd11976aa72d93fd06f.jpg); fur-clad warriors and berserkers of hairy brawn who sail the seas in fearsome longships in order to unleash their devastating fury upon the south. The brutality of their raids have been felt as far abroad as the coasts of Narnia and the mysterious realm of the Zhōuan Empire, for the warriors of Asgard are reckoned to be perhaps the most adept sailors and navigators in all the world; unequaled by any in their courage and reckless thirst for conquest. The Norse are, without exception, great warriors, blessed with incredible strength at arms and fearsome demeanors. It is the dream of nearly every member of this fierce people to ascend to the ranks of the greatest warriors - to become mighty Champions of the Norse Gods, bear the marks of their favor and earn their place in Valhalla, the Hall of the Slain. In times of peace, Norsemen can be found selling furs, gems, hunted game and other such things in the great merchant cities of Kalivgrad or Verkauf, or even the Free Cities of Apollonia. Some Norse clans have also seen fit to sell slaves taken from their many raids to some Orc tribes or coastal settlements in Midgard, Narnia and Lustria. Norse slavers are also seen as far as Calormen and the Great Hindus, flooding the flesh-markets with premium stock that lesser warriors simply could not attain. They also works as mercenaries in various parts of Midgard. The peninsula was originally populated by both High Elves and Dwarfs. Humans came to this land long after them. Norse Dwarves still remain and often come into conflict with the Norse clans, but the Elves have left the land. Norse Jarldoms: - Njorda - Ullhalvoya - Vitjargrunn - Fridjord - Fornburg Verkauf (Amsterdam with German influence) In the northwest coast of the Teutoburg Empire, at the mouth of River Hamburn, lies the City-state of Verkauf, the largest and wealthiest city in Midgard. Dominated by merchants, Verkauf is culturally linked to the Empire but politically entirely independent, having bribed a past Emperor in order to secede. The Dwarf Holds of Midgard Since the foundation of the Teutoburg Empire, the Dwarfs have been its friends and closest allies. Their Kingdoms (Dwarf Holds) lie inside the mountain ranges that surrounds the Empire, Paladia and other Human realms, and they trade crafts, weapons, armour and minerals in exchange for food and ale (ale most of all! LOL). Dwarfen Kingdoms: - Dugrun (the mountains between the Empire and Paladia) - Gorokk (the mountain ranges east of the Empire) - Balgrum (the mountains in Apollonia Peninsula) - Dorgar (the mountain range between Paladia and the Patriqas Peninsula) The Elven Realms in Midgard The Elven realms are spread out all across Midgard. The High Elven Kingdom of Lothum-Sejh is located in a large and very fertile valley within the Teutoburg Empire, with a stream connected to the River Hamburn, thus allowing it to trade with the Provinces and Verkauf. For thousands of years they have a defensive treaty with the Empire, often aiding each other when either of them are being invaded. The High Elven Kingdom of Axoqowen is located in the Kingdom of Paladia and have long been friendly allies and trading partners. Despite the ominous appearance of the densely forested regions, the Wood Elves have a fairly advanced road network connecting their cities and villages. The Wood Elves' ancestors relied on fruit and game hunting rather than farming like many Human groups did. Therefore, the forests remain where Humans may have cultivated them into fields. Contrary to popular belief, the Wood Elves in the mainland do not build their cities in the treetops, but have cities on the ground. However, often instead of felling trees to build the buildings, they will implement already standing trees into their designs leading to minimal deforestation around their cities. Politically, they are nearly completely isolated from their neighbors with only the odd Wood Elven trader or traveler passing through to remind the nations of Midgard that they're still there. The known Wood Elf Realms of Midgard: - In the Empire: -- Kerkus -- Hamal - In Paladia: -- Sage Wood -- Emerald Forest -- Mirkwood - In the Patriqas Peninsula: -- Viridis -- Hutan Telmar (Its army is inspired from Spanish Conquistadors) Telmar is an island located in the sea between Albion, Paladia and the Patriqas Peninsula. It was originally an unstable colony of the Akhenaton Empire, the one that ruled Albion and the other isles. However, after the decay of its society and population, its political structure eventually dissolved. It was finally abandoned altogether due to subsequent centuries of disorder and, ultimately, a famine. A few thousand years ago, exiled knights, lords and adventurers from Paladia, Apollonia and the Patriqas Peninsula came there and formed different fiefdoms, battling each other for the dominion of the island. In 1998 of the Third Age, an Apollonian named Caspian came and conquered the island and became known as Caspian the Conquerer, the first King of Telmar. The Lone Islands A group of 3 islands located several miles south-west of Morien and north-west of Telmar. The Lone Islands consists of the islands of Felimath, Doorn and Avra. The main settlement is the capital of Narrowhaven located on the island of Doorn. Avra is also well populated and has a good southern harbour. The main population of the Lone Islands is concentrated on Doorn and Avra. The largest city is Narrowhaven, also the seat of the Governor. The population is mainly Humans descended from Telmar and Albion. Many Apollonians also lived on the islands. Many slaves live on Doorn and Avra, and slavers from Apollonia and the Hroti Peninsula frequents the slave market in Narrowhaven. The nobility mostly have their estates on the island of Avra. The Governor is the head of the government and their seat is located on Doorn, in Narrowhaven. While the Governor holds executive powers in the islands, legislative authority is held by the Council of the Lone Islands. The Council meet monthly and its members frequently sit on various commissions. In the last 155 years, it became notorious for corruption, lack of discipline and dubious dealings with pirates. The 3 islands and their settlements: - Avra, the smallest one of the Lone Islands. It has a good harbor on its south shore, and is filled with pleasant lands that sloped down to the water's edge. -- Bernstead, a community and a harbor located on the south side of Avra. - Doorn, the largest and most populated of the Lone Islands. -- Narrowhaven, a large settlement and trading-port that serves as the capital of the Lone Islands and the seat of its government. - Felimath, an island that's mostly uninhabited (only one village), with low hills and few trees, and covered with grass and clover. It's often described as being a lone green hill in the sea, and is used mainly for keeping sheep. Terebinthia Terebinthia is a sovereign island-kingdom located north of the Lone Islands. Galma A large island and sovereign nation located between Morien, Telmar, Terebinthia and the Lone Islands. It's a dukedom well-known for its talented sailors. Seven Isles The Seven Isles are an archipelago located west of Morien, with several miles between them. The Seven Isles consist of 2 known islands, with the other 5 largely undocumented and mostly used for farming and grazing. - Brenn, the most populated of the Seven Isles and one of only two to be documented. -- Redhaven, the fairly populous seaport capital of the Seven Isles. - Muil, the westernmost of the Seven Isles and is one of only two known to be documented. THE GREAT LANDS OF DRAENOR The homeland and birthplace of the Centaurs, the Minotaurs and the Orcs. Separated by massive mountain ranges from the Human, Elven and Dwarfen realms in Midgard, the Great Lands of Draenor is a large, fertile world dominated by vast plains, dense forests, and lush swamps. Jumanji Jumanji is a continent where the northern half is dominated by deserts and arid areas, while the southern half is dominated by both savanna plains and dense jungle regions. The deserts of the north contains the sultanates of the Araby Desert and an empire called Calormen. The lands of the south are inhabited by tribes of ebony (black) skinned humans and savage Orcs and forest Goblins. (African influence) The Sultanates of Araby (Arabian, North African and Middle Eastern influences) These human realms in the vast, northwestern sand dunes of the continent values intellectualism and scholarly pursuits. Science and magic are all the same to the Arabyans whose mages also act as mathematicians and philosophers. The Arabyans are particularly obsessed with astronomy and have star-seers trained to look at the skies and divine the future. Also famed for their harems and concubines who are trained in the highest form of lovemaking. The best known of the Sultanates: - Agrabah - Banifa - Sitraq - Ibran Calormen (Ottoman, Turkish and Persian influences) More formally known as the Calormene Empire, it’s a large country that controls arid and desert areas between the sultanates in the west and Nehekhara in the east. An aggressive and militaristic nation, its army is always either conquering more land or keeping down rebellions. The Calormenes are olive/dark-skinned, with the men mostly bearded. Flowing robes, turbans and wooden shoes with an upturned point at the toe are common items of clothing, and the preferred weapon is the scimitar. Lavish palaces are present in the Calormene capital Tashbaan. The overall leitmotif of Calormene culture is portrayed as ornate to the point of ostentation. The people of Calormen are concerned with maintaining honor and precedent, often speaking in maxims and quoting their ancient poets. The veneration of elders and absolute deference to power are marks of Calormene society. Power and wealth determine class and social standing, and slavery is commonplace. The unit of currency is the Crescent. The Free City of Liberio hold the Calormenes in disdain for their treatment of slaves. Conversely, Calormenes refer to the Human inhabitants of Midgard as “barbarians”. The ruler of Calormen is called the Tisroc and is believed by the Calormene people to have descended in a direct line from the God Tash, whom the people worship in addition to other Gods and Goddesses. Calormenes always follow a mention of the Tisroc with the phrase "may he live forever". Ranking below the Tisroc is his sons (princes), a Grand Vizier, and the noble classes, who are addressed as Tarkaan (male) and Tarkheena (female). The nobility has a band of gold on their arm and their marriages are usually arranged at a young age. Beneath them are soldiers of the empire's vast army, merchants, and the peasantry, with slaves being the lowest rung on the social ladder. The Calormene leaders are quite war-like, and the Tisrocs generally seem to have the wish to conquer the "barbarian" lands of Midgard - if it weren’t for the unbelievable numbers of Orcs and Goblins. The walled city of Tashbaan, situated on a rivermouth located on the northern edge of the continent, facing the sea between Jumanji and Midgard. The capital of the Calormene Empire is described as one of the wonders of the world. The city is a hot and crowded place, though with fine streets, magnificent palaces, and gardens. It is built on a natural slope, rising to the palace of the Tisroc and the great Temple of Tash at the pinnacle of the hill. The palace of the Tisroc is referred to as being magnificent beyond description and opens onto gardens that run right down to the river wall. Tashbaan is surrounded by a strong wall that rises out of the water and is reached by long bridges from both banks, providing the only place where crossing the great river of Calormen is possible for many miles. The banks of the river are lined with gardens and country houses. The Tombs of the Ancient Kings, believed by the Calormenes to be haunted, lie directly across the river from Tashbaan, on the edge of the desert. The Hazun Continent Best known as the Far East, it is the largest continent in the Known World and is home to the most populous realms of Men in the entire World, such as the Zhōuan Empire, the Kingdoms of the Great Hindus and the Island of Nippon. The Zhōuan Empire (Chinese influence) The largest Human empire in the Known World, ruled by an Emperor who is said to be a descendant of a Hazun Dragon. The travelers that return to Midgard from the Zhōuan Empire tell tales of great golden pagodas and the inexhaustible armies of the eastern despots. They bring exotic spices and the finest silks, gleaming gold, luxurious porcelain vases, and all manner of strange and wonderful items from the Celestial Empire of the Dragon Emperor, glimpses of the mysterious glory of the distant and rich Far East. They also bring tales of jade cities and high temples where mystics probe the movements of the heavenly bodies and the positions of the stars, and of the scholars who inscribe every word ever uttered by their divine Dragon Emperor. Many strange creatures are said to live in the land of the Zhōuan Empire, from serpentine Dragons to living stone animals which guards the Ancestral Temples of the Zhōuan people. Long ago, the Zhōuan Empire had constructed an enormous fortification called the Great Bastion on their northern border, to guard against incursions from Hobgoblins and tribes of savage Humans who dwell on the Great Steppes. Besides the Great Hindus, there is some trade with the Human nations of the Midgard and Jumanji via the sea, as well as coastal raids by the Norse Vikings. But overall, contact between the East and West is quite limited, and the Zhōuan Empire is fairly isolationist. The Great Hindus (Indian and Pakistani influences) Nicknamed “the Land of a Thousand Gods”, the Great Hindus is a large peninsula filled with dozens of kingdoms, separated from the Zhōuan Empire by a mountain range. Many are the tales of wonder told by the spice merchants returned from the lands to the east of Midgard, but few such yarns can be as bizarre as the accounts of the creatures said to reside in the verdant rainforests of central Hindus. The lands of the Hindus are rich and fertile, and ruled by aristocratic overlords from their gorgeous palaces. Yet the people are poor and superstitious, and revere a staggering array of different Gods and spirits, leaving offerings and saying prayers to them ceaselessly as they go about their day. The most famous of the Kingdoms of the Great Hindus: - Phinem - Anaral - Vadora - Misal Nippon Nippon is a vast, far-off island empire located eastwards of Zhōuan in the Far Sea of the Far East. It is an independent state of tough, sea-going Human peasantry and stern feudal overlords. It is ruled by a reclusive semi-divine Emperor, also known as the Divine Sun, but real power lies in the hands of the many feudal warlords or "Samurai", knights resplendent in brightly coloured armour made of lacquered wood that enforce a complex and rigid class system (https://media.istockphoto.com/id/537551186/sv/vektor/japanese-samurai-warrior.jp...). These warrior nobles govern large domains and command retinues with which they frequently indulge in private wars among themselves. Nippon is an island realm and a notable sea power and it sometimes happens that a Samurai war fleet is dispersed by a typhoon, scattering the ships far and wide. Should an isolated war junk fetch up on a foreign shore the Samurai commander will gather his men and march straight for the nearest representative of authority to offer his service in return for food and shelter. Sometimes Samurai Lords deliberately embark their followers into war junks and set sail towards the rising sun in search of adventure, especially if the other feudal clans back home in Nippon are cramping his style. The Samurai classes dominate Nipponese society. Their land is so vast and so often inhospitable, the Samurai so strong and the Emperor so weak, that central control has all but disappeared. Society is normally run by the Samurai, who exchange their protection for control over the towns and cities, along with taxes and the right to levy militias. As the Samurai have grown in strength, so has each settlement's need for the Samurai. The Samurai's training, devotion and continual practice have turned them into awesome fighters. Nippon abounds with diverse orders of monks, either martial or clerical. The Orders select their members at a very early age and the chosen ones devote their entire lives to philosophy, theology and the martial arts. A lifetime of gruelling study hones their bodies and minds to a very fine edge. The Nipponese are said to be intensely distrustful of outsiders - they only permit foreigners to travel in their lands rarely, and so little else is known about Nippon, though doubtless if the rest of the world is anything to go by, it will be populated by its own unique and deadly monsters and perils. The New World The "New World" is a term used to describe the western continents of the Known World that remain largely uncharted by the Teutoburg Empire and the other Human civilizations of Midgard. It includes the steaming jungles of Lustria in the south and the plentiful plains of Narnia in the north. Explorers from the Free Cities had discovered thees lands in the 10th century of the Third Age, enabling the coastal kingdoms of Narnia and Lustria to become similar to the nations of Midgard. This region is termed the "New World" because it represents the ultimate, final frontiers of Humanity as well as an homage to the original home realms of Men within the eastern continents. Narnia Home to the different civilizations of the Narnian Furries. This northern continent of the New World is similar to Midgard with many different climates; temperate, humid continental, humid subtropical, desert, semi-desert, tundra, and subtropical. The 7 Kingdoms on its east coast: Tirloch, a kingdom is known for its higher learning and for preferring diplomacy over war. - Cair Paravel, the capital. - Rondel, a major city in the kingdom, best known for the home of the Magic Academy and home to most of the master sorcerers of the kingdom and also meeting place of the sorcerers of the continent. The city was founded along with the Magic Academy by La and Elange, twin Gods of Study during their time in the continent when they were both still Apostles (Demigod warriors who serves the Narnian deities). - Beruna, a river-town. - Chippingford, a small town. - Beaversdam - Hobbiton, a farming-town populated by Hobbits. Kingdom of Elysia, a northern ally of Tirloch. Kingdom of Lamia, a kingdom that lies south of Tirloch. - Rosa - Crety, a city that's near the Romalia Mountains. - Kingdom of Sadera, the largest of the Kingdoms and it has the mightiest military on the East Coast. -- Sadera, capital city and the kingdom's namesake and largest city. -- Telta, the second largest city. -- Proptor, a major port city. -- Deabis, a heavily fortified port city. -- Bellnahgo, a major city in the Kingdom of Sadera, and is primarily known as the home of the main temple of Hardy (Goddess of the Narnian Underworld). Kingdom of Elbe: A region of great mineral wealth, with preliminary reports including large deposits of raw diamonds and gold. Thanks to those deposits, Elbe holds considerable military power and wealth. Its diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Sadera, its eastern neighbor, are tense due to many wars between them through the centuries. - Tubet, an Elbe castle located in the Tuba Mountains, near the border between Elbe and Sadera. The castle appears to to be built at the opening of a major mountain pass, with a large gate and numerous towers defending the location. Kingdom of Alguna: A small country with no special features where its economy revolves around agriculture and animal husbandry. Its military is known for having enslaved Orcines and Ursans as expendable auxiliary units. The Rho River runs through the Kingdom. Kingdom of Mudwan: A small nation whose military lacks cavalry, unlike its neighbors. The League Principality: This nation is known for having the emblem of the League Principality on top of the helmets of the military. Its ruling Archduke is a close friend of the King of Elbe. Kingdom of Toumaren Narnian regions, mountains and forests: - Range of Ice and Snow, a major mountain range in the west and the largest mountain system in Narnia. - Vorshant Forest, a massive forest near the north of the Range of Ice and Snow. - The Rho River, the longest and largest river in Narnia. - Ettinsmoor, a system of mountains that run down the eastern Narnia. -- Dumas Mountains, a major mountain range that runs west of the kingdoms of Elysia and Lamia. -- Tuba Mountains, a north-south trending mountain range located in the Kingdom of Elbe. The highest peak in the range is a volcano, Mount Tube. -- Romalia Mountains, a mountain range near the Kingdom of Lamia. Lustria The southern continent of the New World is known to many as Lustria. The majority of its landmass is covered in jungle, and in its deepest parts lies ancient temple-cities that serves as the isolated domains of the Lizardfolk. The Furries of Lustria are wise to avoid those areas. Lustria contains mighty rivers, vast tracts of unbroken swampland, arid deserts, soaring mountains and a vast and fertile plain - deep grasslands and savannas that stretch beyond the horizon. The Amazon Islands Far to the south of the Great Ocean lies The Amazon Islands. A tropical region that for the most part remains separated from the day to day politics of Midgard but has close relations with Lustria and Narnia. They house several Amazon tribes. One of which is Themyscira. These amazons have a female controlled government and often raid shipping for men and resources. However, they rarely threaten the coasts of Midgard directly, and they never attack Furries or Elves and prefer to prey on trade ships that wander too close to their waters. The Silkie Isles These beautiful and extremely fertile islands with tropical climate serves as the home of the beautiful and seductive Silk Elves. Jotunheim In the lands of ice and snow, north of Midgard and a sea away from Asgard, it is the frozen homeland of the Jotnar. Its main city is Utgard. Religions of the Know World Human Deities Human Pantheon of Midgard: The most dominant religion in most of Midgard, is simply referred to as the Faith. The Gods of the Faith are sometimes known as the New Gods to differentiate them from the older religions. Laws of hospitality are considered sacred for both the Old Gods and the New. Both men and women can be priest and priestess respectively. The figurehead is known as the Supreme Patriarch, and he rules from the Great Temple in Reikstadt, the current capital of the Teutoburg Empire. The only parts of Albion where the Faith is not widespread are the Dukedoms of Ironrath and the North, where the practice of the Old Gods (trees and rocks with carved faces, wooden figurines, rune-stones and stone circles) are still strong and is equally divided in the Dukedom of Morien. To become a knight, a squire must be anointed in the name of the New Gods. - List of Gods in the Faith: -- Major Gods: --- Utarr = God of the Wilds and Nature, the Lord of Beasts, Mountains and Forests and the husband of Aana. ---- Aana = Goddess of Agriculture, Nature, Family, Community, Well-being, Hospitality, Health, Fertility and Birth and the wife of Utarr. Also called "the Mother of Earth". ----- Thuses = God of the Sea and the Oceans, and the son of Utarr and Aana. ----- Briana = Goddess of Love, Beauty, Innocence, Hope and Inspiration, and the daughter of Utarr and Aana. ---- Theldir = God of War, Winter, Wolves and Battle, and the younger brother of Utarr. Also known as "the White Wolf". --- Phimos = God of Death, Prophecy, Dreams and Dreamers and the husband of Dimera. ---- Dimera = Goddess of Knowledge, Learning, Law and Justice, and the wife of Phimos. ----- Kylena = Goddess of Warfare, Strategy, Civilization, Revenge and Honor, and the daughter of Phimos and Dimera. ----- Lenea = Goddess of Mercy, Compassion, Charity, Comfort and Healing, and the daughter of Phimos and Dimera. --- Ramandu = God of Hospitality, the Stars and the Moon. --- Coriakin = God of Magic, Sorcery and Wisdom. --- Deros = God of Fire, Light, Heat, the Sun and Life. --- Trismegistus = God of Craftsmanship, Science, Invention and Engineering. --- Kore = Goddess of Springtime, Flowers, Blooming, the Dead and the Afterlife. -- Patron Gods: --- Thodor = The Warrior-God of Mankind, and the Founder and Patron God of the Teutoburg Empire. --- Lady of the Lake = Goddess of Purity and Chivalry, and Patron Goddess of Paladia. --- Arthur = God of Victory, the first King of Albion who ascended to Godhood after his death in 40 AC. Patron God of Albion. --- Orses = Also known as “Father Bear”, he is the God of Winter, Bears and Strength, and the Patron God of the Tzardom of Vostroika. -- Minor Gods: --- Lilliandil = Goddess of the Stars and Ramandu's daughter. --- Boeus = God of the Tides, respected by navigators who implore the God to guide their way. --- Shedos = God of Commerce, Trade and Merchants. --- Redall = God of Trickery, Luck, Fortune, Mischief and Thieves. Also known as "the Night Prowler". The Old Gods of Albion - Ned = God of Honor, Justice, Fatherhood and the Winter. -- Catelyn = Goddess of Family, Motherhood, Honesty and Peace and the wife of Ned. --- Robb = God of War, Loyalty and Bravery and the son of Ned and Catelyn. --- Sansa = Goddess of Romance, Music, Poetry, Songs and Dance and the daughter son of Ned and Catelyn. --- Arya = Goddess of Vengeance and Death and the daughter of Ned and Catelyn. --- Bran = God of Dreams, Knowledge, Prophecy and the Summer and the son of Ned and Catelyn. --- Rickon = God of Childhood and Innocence, and the son of Ned and Catelyn. -- Brandon = God of the Wilds and brother of Ned. -- Lyanna = Goddess of Love, Beauty and the Spring and the sister of Ned. -- Benjen = God of Brotherhood and the brother of Ned. - Hoster = God of Wisdom, Travel and the Rivers and the father of Catelyn. -- Edmure = God of Friendship and the Fords, the son of Hoster. - Lord Arryn = God of Counsel, Sky and Mountains. -- Lysa = Goddess of Pride, Fear, Vanity and Protection of Children, the wife of Lord Arryn and the daughter of Hoster. - Orys = God of Storms, Strength, Lust and Hunting. -- Stannis = God of Duty, Stone and Fire and the brother of Orys. -- Renly = God of Law, Charisma and Light and the brother of Orys. - Mace = God of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Ambition, the Marches and the Gardens. -- Willas = God of Intelligence, Education and Kindness and the son of Mace. -- Garlan = God of Duels and Battle and the son of Mace. -- Loras = God of Roses, Glory and Swordsmen and the son of Mace. -- Margery = Goddess of Generosity, Gentleness and the Protection of Women and the daughter of Mace. - Balon = God of Salt, Rock and the Sea. -- Alannys = Goddess of Mourning and Madness and the wife of Balon. --- Asha = Goddess of Boldness and the daughter of Balon. --- Theon = God of Archery and Redemption and the son of Balon. -- Victarion = God of Victory and Sea-Battle and the brother of Balon. -- Aeron = God of the Drowned and the brother of Balon. The Norse Pantheon: - Havi = The High One, the All-Father (King of the Gods), and the God of War, Wisdom, Knowledge, Poetry and Divination. -- Sons of Havi: --- Beowulf = God of Heroes, Battles, Victory, Justice, Strength, Lust and Power. ---- Wealtheow = Goddess of Beauty, Music, Songs, Healing and Fertility and the wife of Beowulf. --- Halfdan = Known as "Halfdan the Hammer" and "the Hammer-God", he is the God of Lightning and Thunder. --- Ubba = God of Conquest, Diplomacy and Kingship. --- Ivarr = God of Mischief, Trickery, Glory, Duels, Depravity, Bloodshed, Vengeance, Execution, Frenzy and Death. -- Wiglaf = God of Stories, Friendship and Brotherhood. -- Ursula = Goddess of Love and Hope. -- Hrothgar = God of Feasts and Mead Halls. Amazonian Pantheon: - Zaasis = Goddess of Passion and Queen of the Pantheon. -- Nevthys = Goddess of Truth. -- Cesona = Goddess of Law. -- Vilene = Goddess Of War. -- Baxdona = Goddess of Knowledge. -- Azheia = Goddess of Loyalty. -- Ralena = Goddess of Love. -- Irphy = Goddess of Music. -- Ikaris = Goddess of Poetry. -- Isone = Goddess of Strength. -- Iheia = Goddess of Soil. -- Ziella = Goddess of the Wind. -- Uthys = Goddess of Wonders. -- Ghenaris = Goddess of Mercy. -- Driheia = Goddess of Prosperity. -- Edea = Goddess of Flames. -- Dizphine = Goddess of Children. -- Oneas = Goddess of Birth. -- Neana = Goddess of Hope. -- Thatia = Goddess of the Sea. -- Krophy = Goddess of Hunting. -- Burmis = Goddess of Pleasure. -- Drumlene = Goddess of Dusk. -- Atrix = Goddess of Death. -- Ilena = Goddess of the Underworld. Arabyan Deities: - Zabium = God of Logic and Knowledge. - Xiraos = God of Life and Death. Calormene Pantheon: - Tash = Patron God of the Ruling Class. A powerful patriarch God who has a skeletal body with four arms and the head of a vulture. -- Azaroth = Goddess of War, Sexuality, Beauty, Healing and Hunting. -- Zardeenah = Goddess of Night and Unmarried Maidens. Ancestor Gods, the deities worshipped by the Dwarfs. The Dwarfs venerate their once-mortal legendary ancestors instead of worshipping otherworldly Gods like Men and Elves. Dwarfs believe that the spirits of the Ancestors watch over them, guide their actions, judge their achievements and determine if they have led worthy lives. - Ruthor = The Ancestor God of Mining, Artisans and Smiths, the Chief Deity of the Dwarfs. -- Gesgrin = The Ancestor Goddess of Home, Hearth, Brewing and Healing and the wife of Ruthor. -- Vitrec = The Ancestor God of War and Warriors and the brother of Ruthor. -- Grauken = The Ancestor God of the subterranean realm known as the Underearth to Dwarfs and Protector of the Dead. -- Zegadac = The Ancestor God of Ore Refinement and Intricate Metalworking. -- Thardad = The Ancestor God of Runesmiths. -- Orgac = The Ancestor God of Dwarf engineers. -- Durin = Also known as "Durin the Deathless", he's the Ancestor God of Mountains and the Patron God of the Dwarfs of Albion and ("Durin's Folk"). Elven Pantheon in Midgard - Ailmer = God of the Sun and Emperor of the Heavens (Chief Deity). -- Belanor = God of Knowledge, Learning, Wisdom and Sorcery. -- Talindra = Goddess of Fertility, Nature, Harvest and Bountiful Land, Protector of the Natural Order and Mother of the Elves. -- Fenian = God of the Hunt and Wilderness, Lord of the Beasts and Father of the Elves. -- Aleesia = Goddess of Love, Beauty and Magic. -- Zaleria = Goddess of Travelers. -- Chalsarda = Goddess of the Moon, Dreams, Prophecy and Fortune. -- Sanev = God of Music, Song, Laughter and Dance. -- Alok = God of Smiths and Forges. Furry Deities (No unified pantheon) Gods of Narnia: - Aslan, the Great Lion = God of Creation, Wisdom, Life, Nature and Astronomy, the Great Bridge Builder, High King of All High Kings and the Creator and Lord of Narnia. - Argai (Leonoid) = God of Honor, Law and Justice. - Aurora (Kitsune) = Goddess of Love, Romance, Beauty, Joy, Generosity, Passion, Sex and Lust. - Emroy (Pantheran) = God of War, Darkness, Death, Violence, Insanity, Crime and Execution. He's also a God of Love, because love is essential for all acts; You cannot fight without it. You cannot commit a crime without it. Love is the core of everything, of all motivation, it is what makes us alive. - Balto (Volraden) = God of Safe Travels, Fatherhood, Virtue and Compassion. - Tarzan (Leonoid) = God of Strength, Endurance, Mercy and Friendship. - Pocahontas (Mapach) = Goddess of Peace, Unity, Curiosity, Kindness, Destiny and the Wind. - Rapunzel (golden Neko) = Goddess of Exploration, Magic, Healing, Painting, Cooking and Lanterns. - Vaiana (Buisel) = Goddess of Fortune and the Sea. - Elange (Birdfolk (Luma)) = God of Knowledge, Retaining and Understanding, twin of La. - La (Birdfolk (Luma)) = Goddess of Learning, Memory, Absorption and Truth, twin of Elange. - Miritta (Leporine) = Goddess of Motherhood, Fertility, Birth, Healing and Virtue. - Mora (Holstaur) = Goddess of Sisterhood, Agriculture and the Mating Seasons. - Deldort (Satyr) = God of Covenants, Contract, Property, Business and Trade. A Covenant is a promise to engage in or refrain from a specified action (including restrictive covenant, a restriction on the use of property). - Lunaryur (Scratazon) = Goddess of Music and Songs. - Flare (Equinian) = God of the Sun. - Zufmuut (Birdfolk (Raptor)) = God of Light and Order. - Duncan (Mapach) = God of Smithing. - Wareharun (Cervan) = Goddess of Trees and Forests. - Palapon (Batfolk) = God of Revenge. - Hardy (Birdfolk (Corvum)) = Goddess of the Dead and the Underworld. Lustrian Deities: - Chel (Jaguar) = Goddess of Love, Mischief and Playfulness. - Tannabok (Jaguar) = God of Kindness, Hospitality and Rulership. - Tzekel-Kan (Jaguar) = God of Death, Dark Sorcery and the Underworld. - Orial the Dark Queen (white Lizardfolk (snake)) = Goddess of Evil. Centaur Deities (known as Lords and Ladies): - Tarva = The Lord of Victory. - Alambil = The Lady of Peace. Draconian Gods (Dragons who had ascended to Godhood, according to the Draconians): - Vermithor = “The Bronze Fury”, King of all the Dragons and the God of Wisdom and Courage. -- The Queens of Vermithor: --- Vhagar = The Queen of all Dragons and the Goddess of War. --- Meleys = “The Red Queen”, Goddess of Temperament. --- Tessarion = “The Blue Queen”, Goddess of Cleverness and Vigilance. -- Meraxes = Goddess of Mischievousness. -- Balerion = “The Black Dread”, God of Death and Destruction. -- Quicksilver = Goddess of Astronomy and Astrology. -- Dreamfyre = Goddess of Dreams and motherhood. -- Caraxes = “The Blood Wyrm”, God of Hunting and Battle. -- Arrax = God of Strength. -- Moondancer = Goddess of the Moonlight and the sister of Morning. -- Morning = Goddess of the Morning-light and the sister of Moondancer. -- Seasmoke = God of the Sea. -- Silverwing = Goddess of Charm and Intelligence. -- Stormcloud = God of Storms. -- Sunfyre = “The Golden”, God of the Sun and Fire. -- Syrax = Goddess of Beauty and Pride. The Chaos Gods, a group of malevolent deities who seeks to bring nothing but pain, destruction, madness, suffering, and disorder to the Known World: - Alrik the Barbarian = The Chaos God of War, Fire, Barbarism, Archery, Horsemanship, Brutality, Vengeance, Strength, Bloodlust, Battle Lust, Bloodshed, Violence, Cannibals, Masculinity and Murder. - Garm the Hell-Hound = The Chaos God of Monsters, Havoc, Ferocity, Insanity and Death. - Morduke the Warlock = The Chaos God of Sorcery, Slavery, Greed, Vanity, Selfishness, Envy and Lust. - Jadis the White Witch = The Chaos Goddess of Evil, Witchcraft, Power, Winter, Beauty, Arrogance, Cruelty and the Dead. The Races of the Known World Common Races (Races who are considered to be civilized): Humans Mankind, also called Men, Humans, Humanity and Humankind, are a race of intelligent, mammalian humanoids dominant in Midgard, Jumanji and the Far East. They are by far the most numerous race in the Known World and have the most varied cultures and several kingdoms while other races are far more united in their causes. They also have a high amount of sexual compatibility... being able to breed with just anything that's humanoid. Humans average about 5 1/2 feet tall. Skin shades run from nearly black to very pale, hair from black to blonde. Men are usually taller and heavier than women. Humans achieve maturity about the age of 15. The Human lifespan is 60 (on average) to 90 years - The Amazons (https://xenforum.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/uploads/wargames-atlantic/bf3j1...) Not much is known in Midgard about how this particular group of Humans came about. No archeological expedition has ever been done, or at least have the team return home with the research. What is known from the tales of those that have survived their raids, is that the Amazon women are some of the strongest, fiercest warriors on the battlefield. They also appear to make fantastic sailors, particularly on the unforgiving open seas - a feat that seems to be matched only by the sailors of Araby, and the vikings. Few survivors, so far, have been able to accurately sketch or draw the images of these strong, yet feminine women. An even smaller amount of survivors have written or verbally told tales of their passion for sex, and the amount of freedom they have in having sex, compared to the people of Midgard. Few accounts of their religion is known, but some believe that their religion is based on ancient pantheon of Goddesses, led by some kind of Goddess that fuels their passion for love and battle. Recently, few accounts of these Amazon women have reached Albion, telling a bit more about their culture on their tropical islands, and why the women seem to be picky about their sex partners. What cannot be denied, is their battle skills, seemingly able to match the Elves with their archery skills, and the elite warriors of Midgard with their ability to handle a wide range of weapons, especially the spear. The Amazon lifespan is possibly the same as regular Humans, or longer. Elves The Elves are one of the most ancient and powerful of all the intelligent races of the World. They are tall, slender humanoids who are inherently magical and live for millennia. There are five main factions of Elves in the Known World: High Elves, Wood Elves, Dark Elves, Silk Elves and Red Elves, each with different culture. A common misunderstanding is that an Elf stays young and lives forever, assuming he or she do not die a violent death or will simply grow weary of the world's troubles and lose passion for life, eventually slipping away into death. The truth is that while Elves live longer than most, they do grow old and die. They become physically mature by the age of 25 and emotionally mature at around 200. It is rare for an Elf to live past 2,000 years, but it can happen. Elves are inherently magical, and their long lives provide magically-gifted Elves more than enough time to train their skill at controlling Magic. Elves are immune to disease and resistant to physical mutations. They are also known to be the best archers in the Known World. - High Elves: (https://www.worldanvil.com/media/cache/cover/uploads/images/c1afbf171bb5c8e50707...) The High Elves are a proud and noble group of Elves, pleasing to the eye and very adept at magic, more so than their kin. Also considered to be the fairest and wisest amongst the Elves of Midgard. - Wood Elves: (https://i.ibb.co/f2W6Rbg/woodelf.jpg) The Wood Elves are naturally reclusive, but that doesn't mean that they're rare. Their Realms on the mainland Midgard maintains an isolationist view, but it's not uncommon to see adventurous Wood Elves out and exploring the World. While they're not as adept in magic as the High Elves, they can perform Fey Magic and elemental Spirit Magic thanks to their deep connection with nature. - Dark Elves: (https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-c361765d4a2d7bfcdff84a6b1d9a45d1-lq) The Dark Elves are a sub-race of Elves with caramel brown-colored skin and white or blonde hair, who seem to live in forested valleys separate from their fair-skinned counterparts. But there are still interactions between them. Are often seen in the Human realms of Midgard as travelers, bounty hunters or mercenaries. - Silk Elves: The Silk Elves are a sub-race living in the Silkie Isles north of the Amazon Islands. They are described as tall with platinum-blonde hair and pale skin, and they are very resistant to the heat of the deserts and the cold of the far north. What makes them different than their kin in Midgard is not only the fact that their females are smarter than the males and twice as many, making the Silkie Isles a matriarchal society, but that the female Silk Elves have bodies and personalities similar to the Furries of Narnia and Lustria; huge breasts, wide hips and thin waists, mischievous, adventurous and lustful. The females are often seen in the brothels of southern Midgard and in the harems of Araby and Calormen. - Blood Elves: The Blood Elves are considered to be the most evil within the Elven race. They have red skin and blue hair, prays to the evil Gods of the Underworld and are very adept to Dark Magic. - Half-Elves: Half-Elves are pretty common in many of the Kingdoms of Midgard. They're usually the offspring of Humans and Elves, and are often shunned or otherwise treated as lesser beings by both sides. The majority of them are from Human couplings with Dark and Silk Elves. They also tend to embody the best features of both sides, usually in the form of Elvish beauty, Elvish agility, Elvish magic, and often longer lifespans (about 180 years), as well as Human curiosity, Human determination, and Human strength. Dwarfs (https://media.istockphoto.com/id/1431953569/photo/fantasy-dwarf-character-with-l...) An ancient, grim, and determined race were integral in the founding of the Teutoburg Empire, the Dwarfs spend their days avenging grudges and counting gold. Dwarfs are the greatest craftsmen in the World and in addition to enjoying fine arms and armour, they implement the best heavy infantry and artillery. Dwarf armies are well suited to defensive warfare, however due to their lack of mobility they do not do well when forced to go on the offensive. Dwarfs are legendary for their ability to never forget or forgive a wrong against them, their finely crafted weapons and armour, ability to consume large quantities of ale, extreme stubbornness, mistrust of Elves and hatred for Goblins and Orcs. Dwarfs are the closest ally to Humanity against the Goblins, although the High Elves have united with the Humans as well in the last 2,500 years. The Dwarfs in mainland Midgard holds a grudge against Wood Elves. The Dwarf lifespan is approximately 400 years. - Half-Dwarfs: Hybrid humanoids born through the union of a Dwarf and another humanoid race. Half-Dwarfs of Dwarf-Elf hybridization were sometimes more specifically called Dwelves (sing: Dwelf). Biologically, Half-Dwarfs are almost indistinguishable from Dwarves, except that Half-Dwarfs were slightly taller. They were not considered a distinct race. The physical and mental characteristics inherited by Dwelves varied between individuals. This meant that some Dwelves had more Elvish characteristics and some had more Dwarfen characteristics. The lifespan of a Half-Dwarf depends on the race of the non-Dwarf parent, like if a Half-Dwarf has a Human father or mother, they will live for about 150 years. Centaurs (https://images.ctfassets.net/usf1vwtuqyxm/7wKh1fzFtstmGU0zLEFrTo/37ba97031c6e019...) The Centaurs are a race of highly intelligent, loyal and honorable creatures that are half horse, half human. They appeared human from the abdomen up to the head, while the rest of their body was that of a horse. And they also have ears of a horse. They are seen as wise prophets or sages, loyal courtiers and majestic, powerful warriors. They are highly skilled in astronomy and divination, being able to read the stars and tell of future events. They are also proficient warriors and healers. It is said in Middle Earth that no one ever laughed at a centaur and that no one who valued his life would ever saddle one (if offered the opportunity). They also have two stomachs — one human and one equine — which means they eat quantities of both human and equine food. The Originated in the Great Lands of Draenor, and when they migrated into Midgard more than 2000 years ago, they immediately became the allies of Men, Dwarfs and Elves against the Minotaurs, Orcs and Goblins. Today, the Centaurs of mainland Midgard has a wide range of careers; scholars, councilors, farmers, rangers, shepherds and soldiers. (https://previews.123rf.com/images/warpaintcobra/warpaintcobra1710/warpaintcobra1...) The Centaur lifespan is 200 years. Halflings (https://www.tribality.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/halflings-1.png) Halflings - also known as the "quick folk" amongst themselves, or the "sly folk" or "good folk" by other races – are humanoid creatures similar in shape to humans. The term "halfling" is derived from the fact that they are around half the size of Humans, but otherwise similar in appearance. They are known for their excellent produce and cooking and works on the best farmlands in Midgard. The Halfling lifespan is 150 years. Giants (https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8b/61/fc/8b61fcf7b1fd32625c37c1a68337ef4c.jpg) Living almost exclusively in Midgard, and rarely seen anywhere in the southern lands. Giants are a race of powerful, muscular and bearded creatures, having twice the height and girth of ordinary Humans (average over 10 feet tall) they are warlike but also have a fondness for mead and brawling. In myths, Giants are said to be born from the cold winds of the mountains of Midgard. Giants are generally strong and aggressive and have the reputation of being impeccable fighters. Despite their warlike culture, they too cultivate family and are not without emotions, similar to Humans. Their attitude towards other races is somewhat condescending, believing that they are the superior beings, particularly when it comes to strength and fighting. Giants sometimes pair with a female of some other race and produce a Half-giant, a very rare occurrence. - Half-Giants: Half-Giants generally take the shape of their mothers race but are extremely large, being anywhere from 7 to 8 feet tall with proportional bodies to match. While they are not the same size as their fathers, they inherit almost equal strength. They can be both male and female and any descendants tend to retain some trait of Giant blood. Medusae The Medusae are humanoids with numerous 'snake heads' sprouting from the scalp, as if they are hair as to the like of normal Humans. These 'snake heads' possess the ability to feed on the life force of a victim, as well as the ability to read minds. For this reason, they are generally feared and resented by other races and are particularly exterminated in mainland Midgard. Sirens Sirens are humanoids with bird-like feathers from their arms and heads, as well as avian-like feet. While some have arm feathers thick enough to resemble wings, they do not seem to be capable of flight.They do have the ability to use powerful wind-magic. Monarch Wings A race of winged humanoids apparently distinct from Sirens. These winged humanoids are six-limbed, having two wings growing out of their back in addition to 2 arms and legs, similar to depictions of "angels". As well as pointed ears similar to Elves. Darfellan (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EEbQYoVXUAAb46I.jpg) The Darfellan are a race of humanoids related to aquatic mammals and share similar qualities with whales. Once a peaceful tribal people, the Darfellan lived along the coasts of secluded islands located in the sea between Midgard and Jumanji. But, once the Infamous Vikings discovered them, the Darfellan race was almost hunted to extinction. Those that survived fled to the civilized lands of Midgard, and made coastal settlements in Apollonia. Now the Darfellan people harbor a deep hatred for their Viking Predators, and wander the lands in search of their foe to exact revenge for all the innocent that were killed. Darfellan have a hulking, muscular structure with broad back, powerful arms, and wide head and neck. They sport jet black skin that is hairless and completely streamlined. Their skin is riddled with white markings, which can distinct one Darfellan from another in matters of clan identification. Some Darfellan can be entirely black, or in an even more rare instance, completely white. Such Darfellans are foretold to play special roles in life, and are naturally placed in higher ranks of power or status. Darfellan hair is black, and is usually shaved bald on men or braided tightly in short ponytails for women. Darfellan tend to be secretive and withdrawn from the other races, though they sometimes may trade with friendly coastal humanoids, the city-states of Apollonia and other coastal cities in southern Midgard. They tend to look at people and judge them according to occupation and wealth, such is the remnant of their once caste-formated tribal communities. Darfellan also tend to give nick-names to people they tend to encounter often, usually based on such occupations or functions (i.e: A Human would say "I need help, Folstag!" while a Darfellan would say "Mend my wounds, Healer!"). Darfellan also tend to have one solid outlook on their past; They either resent it and wish to crusade against the Vikings, or accept the past as an unfortunate event and behave nobly no matter how dire the situation is for them. Darfellans are always born in the water and begin swimming immediately. Under normal circumstances, a healthy Darfellan can live upwards of 200 years, and some isolated communities have elders far older. Tieflings Tieflings are a humanoid race that in many ways resembles Humans with the exception of a random demonic traits. Tieflings are believed to have been created as a result of Humans and Demons or Devils mating. There is no standard form that these traits take from tails and horns to hooves. Many tieflings look like regular Humans, most retain physical characteristics derived from their ancestor, with the most common such features being horns, non-prehensile tails, and pointed teeth. Some Tieflings also have eyes that were solid orbs of black, red, white, silver, or gold, while others have eyes more similar to those of Humans. Other, more unusual characteristics included a sulfurous odor, cloven feet, or a general aura of discomfort they left on others. In many other ways, Tieflings are similar to Humans physically. Tieflings are, on average, just as tall as Humans and weigh just a little bit heavier. Tiefling skin is usually Human-like in color, though extending past normal Human colors into reddish hues as well as many other colors. Tiefling hair is also often the same color as Human hair, though dark blue, red, or purple are common shades amongst the race. The Tiefling lifespan is 150 years. Triton A race of amphibious humanoids capable of thriving in a variety environs. While similar to Merfolk they are distinct in that they more closely resemble surface dwelling humanoids. Tritons are notably shorter than Humans, averaging around 5 feet tall with a similar weight. Their skin is most commonly a deep-blue, but pearl and light green have been observed in rare cases. Their hands and feet are webbed, and they have minor dorsal fins that run from their mid-calf and end at their ankles. Triton hair colors are commonly dark blue or dark green. Triton eyes seem to vary between brilliant shades of green or blue. If seen in standard lighting (typically within 200 feet of the surface of the sea or near a typical torch), their eyes appear similar to a Human’s. In dim lighting, their pupils expand greatly to allow for better sight in the dark, sometimes turning the entire eye black. Their eyes also possess a nictitating membrane, which protects them from sudden changes or flashes in light. All of this allows for them to have normal vision even up to depths of 1,000 feet under the sea, though the Triton are known to be able to safely swim down to 3,000 feet. The Triton lifespan is 200 years. Pooka A red-skinned humanoid species known for their skills in commerce. While native in Nippon, a few are often seen in large cities in other continents as businessmen and hotel-owners. Furry Races The Furries are a collection numerous and varied races of anthropomorphic animals living in the different continents of the Known World. All Furries are mammals, avians and reptiles. The males are known to be strong and handsome, and the females are strikingly beautiful with their voluptuous bodies. That's why many are often targeted and taken by slavers and reavers to be sold off to the highest bidder. The act of lovemaking is considered an important and even holy skill. Prostitution is a respectable profession, practiced even by the high-born Furries (which is why there are seen in many brothels in Midgard). The Furries respect their elderly, and mourning customs include celebrating the dead with wine and lovemaking. Be warned though that Incest is not uncommon among them. Their diet consists primarily of crops, vegetables, fruits and fish. All Furry bastards (called natural born) are appreciated and even have rights to inherit. The lifespans among the Furry races varies between 150 and 200 years. Kitsunes The Kitsunes are fox-like in appearance, with light builds and sharp fangs. Few of them are born with magical abilities and are naturally intelligent, rivaled only by Corvums. However, where Corvums are studious, Kitsunes are more creative. They enjoy the arts and the pursuit of leisure. Some devote their lives to mastering an art form; learning sculpture, poetry, or refined swordplay. Even though Kitsunes come from every walk of life, they also have a reputation for being snobbish and looking down on others. All Kitsunes have a natural connection to the magic of the woods in the World, though they channel it in specialized ways. The right look from a Kitsunes can bewitch or terrify, and Kitsunes who are truly skilled can command an entire room through sheer force of presence. Kitsunes learn from a young age that they are of two natures: the sophisticated and the savage. While sophistication and elegance are generally preferred, it is considered common sense that vulpins should know when to keep their fangs hidden and when to bear them. They have a variety of fur-colors; red, white, black, gold, etc. Are native in Nippon and Narnia. Voralden The Volraden are tribes of Furry wolves who hail from the vast Vorshant Forest near the Mountain of Snow and Winter in the north of Narnia. They often serves as mercenaries all across Narnia. Tabaxi Tabaxi, also known as cat-folk or cat-people, are races of feline humanoids. - Nekos: The Nekos are a race of Furry cats. Compared to their Leonoid cousins and the other Tabaxi, Nekos are naturally weak, which makes them easy to enslave.They also have this cuteness about them that attracts people to buy them in the slave-markets. Male and female Nekos are often seen as either sex-slaves or exotic pets in places where slavery is allowed, since they are easy to domesticate. Are native in Narnia, Araby, Calormen and the Hazun Continent. - Pantherans: Pantherans are Furry black panthers. They have jet black fur all over their bodies, save for their underside, which is usually grey, and they have golden eyes that glows in the dark. Male Pantheran bodies are highly muscled, though reasonably toned so they aren't hulking masses. Their lithe bodies allow for ease of movement, as well as bursts of strength when the situation dictates. Female Pantherans have huge breasts and wide hips which they often use to entice lustful males into their beds. Like other Tabaxi, Pantherans are equipped with sharp claws and teeth. - Tigerfolk: A cat-folk who are native in the Hazun Continent. Tigerfolk are amongst the tallest of all Tabaxi, and are some of the strongest. Tigerfolk, no matter their fur color, can stand over 7 feet tall, and usually weigh more than 200 pounds. Tigerfolk are muscular, showing clear definition along their fur-lined bodies. Tigerfolk body fur is thin and fine, and their heads are shaped like that of a tiger. Also their footwear never cover their clawed toes, and they have tails. Tigerfolk traditionally wear clothing with colors that correlate to their surroundings and environment. Leather and hide are common, as well as covering their faces with dust and dirt to better camouflage themselves. In terms of colors, Tigerfolk prefer wearing the greens and browns of the woods, all the better to appear in nature. - Leopard-folk: A tabaxi that resembles a lithe, graceful, athletic Human with a feline-like head and a tail. They have beautiful spotted fur coats that range in color from light yellow to brownish red and white with black spots. They have sharp teeth and retractable claws, which are their primary weapons in combat. Leopard-folk eyes are slit-pupilled and are yellow. On average a Leopard-folk stands just a little taller than a Human but not over 7 feet. They tend to weigh slightly less than the average Human of similar heights. - Jaguar People: A Tabaxi-race native to the jungles of Lustria. Jaguars are as tall as most Humans at six to seven feet. Their bodies were slender and covered in spotted fur. Like most Tabaxi, Jaguar People have long tails and retractable claws. Jaguar fur color ranged from light yellow to brownish red. Jaguar eyes are slit-pupilled and usually green. Jaguar People are competent swimmers and climbers as well as speedy runners. They had a good sense of balance and an acute sense of smell. Leonoids The Leonoids are Furry lions who are native in Narnia and Jumanji, and they make up a majority of the rulers of the Narnian kingdoms. Leonoids resemble humanoids with the head of a lion. Their bodies are covered in short, golden or yellow fur. Male Leonoids grow manes as they age, leading to the eldest having the most majestic manes. Male Leonoid also cut an imposing picture with broad and muscular physiques, and much like a lion they have claws although they are rarely used in combat. Female Leonoids are seductive by nature and will not hesitate to use their voluptuous bodies to entice males of any race to mate with them in order to get impregnated. Ursine Sometimes known as bearfolk or mountainwalkers, the Ursine resemble bipedal bears who resides in the woods and mountains of Narnia. The Ursine are bear-like humanoids with white, brown, or black fur and grayish-black skin beneath. They have a large and muscular build regularly standing between 5 to 8 feet tall. Making full use of their physique they can run on all fours or on their hind legs. Their facial fur is particularly long and shaggy, occasionally giving them the grizzled beard appearance. Their eyes are usually a dark color such as brown. Covered in coarse fur, ursines are most at home in cooler climates and thin atmospheres such as higher altitude forests. They live in tribes and are barbaric in nature, warriors who are born for battle. Often seen adventuring around the continent, and often serves as mercenaries in the kingdoms of Narnia. Holstaurs Native in Narnia. Cattle Furries that has the characteristics of a cow, and a peculiar black and white fur. An all-female race (males are an extreme rarity) who chose the path in life to live by obeying males. They have a gentle personality and almost never attack people. However, they're not deep thinkers, and they're spaced-out much of the time. Other than when they eat or have sex, they mostly sleep. A wild Holstaur is always looking for a male to become her husband, and once she's found a male she likes (Furry and other races), she lives with him in his settlement, or nearby area (like farms). A Holstaur will often press her huge, lactating breasts up against her husband as an expression of affection. If he responds by rubbing her breasts, it'll be considered a return of affection and she'll be extremely pleased. If she presses her breasts up against him more firmly than normal, it's a sign that she's interested in mating. On a fundamental level, they respect the will of their husbands, so even if you turn her down, it won't be a problem. However, while they may be docile, they're still monsters that possess an inhuman amount of desire. Continue to ignore them for too long, and eventually, they won't be able to take it anymore. If this happens, these docile monsters will turn ferocious and assault their husband, forcibly having intercourse with him, and they won't become docile again until all their pent-up sexual desire has been satisfied. Even if they haven't given birth, they can still produce milk from their breasts. Not only is this milk highly nutritious and delicious, it also has a stamina-boosting effect. Demand is high among Furries and other races, so it's a fast-selling commodity. They mostly just eat, sleep or have sex, but if living with a Holstaur, the milk alone will be sufficient to support a couple's lifestyle. Rabbits/Hares Native in Narnia. What you readers should know is that there are 3 subtypes of Furry rabbits/hares; Leporines, Hobbits, and the Warrior Bunnies: - Leporines: The Leporines lives on the agricultural parts of kingdoms. They also work as prostitutes in the brothels of Narnia and Midgard, and female Leporines make up the majority of priestesses in the Cults of Aurora and Miritta. - Hobbits: The Hobbits are short-sized bunnies whose head-height (excluding their ears) reaches the waist of a Human. Like Leporines, They too live in rural parts of the kingdoms and traditionally dwell in homely underground burrows which have windows, built into the sides of hills, though others live in houses. Hobbits are depicted fond of an unadventurous, bucolic and simple life of farming, eating, socializing and mating, although capable of defending their homes courageously if the need arises. They would enjoy six meals a day, if they could get them. They claimed to have invented the art of smoking pipe-weed. However, the females still outnumber the males. And the males often prefer perform mating "once-in-a-while", so the female Hobbits would often either team-up and forcefully mate with a male Hobbit, or look for a male of another race and have him fill them to the brim with litters of baby Hobbits. - Warrior Bunnies: Mostly female tribes of warriors who lives on the plains of Narnia. They are known for super-Human agility, reflex and speed as well as highly skilled warriors and assassins. Their big bunny-ears also enable them to have enhanced hearing in which they can hear sound and conversation at a very far distance. They also possess superhuman strength; an average Warrior Bunny is capable of sending a muscular human flying a fair distance from a single kick. They also have impressive regenerative capabilities. Warrior Bunnies can find their targets in the dark due to their innate night vision are very good. They're enviable arm strength, which could easily draw a bow to hit a target within 200 meters. Warrior Bunnies are very prolific and fertile (like the other bunny races), with each female capable of bearing several babies per pregnancy. Even then, the male to female ratio is extremely low, to the point that males of their species are incredibly rare. Nonetheless, Warrior Bunnies are able to breed with other races, both Furry and non-Furry. When they find a male that interests them, they would stay with him until they get bored or the relationship cools off. Due to this, the concept of couples and families are alien to them and they raise the children communally, as women of the tribe. The few males that are born are chosen as family men in order to father a pure-bred female that would eventually become the Queen. For long, they have been regarded as a cruel, violent and debauched subspecies. For the most part, this is true. In the plains, the tribes would hunt their most hated enemy, the Minoboars. Minoboars (https://images.bigbadtoystore.com/images/p/full/2021/12/b0ea45a2-0792-465f-b4e0-...) A race of pig-like Furries with tusks out of their snouts. They have a warrior-culture and savagery similar to the Orcs of Midgard. The Minoboars are in constant conflict with the Warrior Bunnies. Are native in Narnia. Cervans The Cervans are a versatile deer-like folk who make their homes in small, intimate villages inside vast forests throughout Narnia. More insular than other Furries, Cervans often reside deep in the most ancient parts of Narnia’s vast forest, in tree stands and groves. Cervans have a robust physique and are rarely sick. Though their wariness has earned them a reputation as timid, cervans are cautious because they remain active and alert, and generally prefer practice to contemplation. Cervans like to pursue skills independently in order to give themselves a sense of purpose. This striving is what propels some Cervans to positions of great import throughout the woods. A happy Cervan is one who is hard at work. One of the reasons Cervans form such close-knit communities is a mistrust of outsiders, especially towards Warrior Bunnies and Orcines. These times have long since passed, but Cervans still possess a wariness that makes it hard for others to gain their trust. Many Cervans continues to live by the Old Ways. However, some Cervan villages have since started to contain the odd family of Jerbeen, or a few lone Hedges. Even under such circumstances, Cervans have maintained positions of leadership and delegated responsibilities to make sure that villages are run in accordance with the old Cervan teachings, ensuring that work necessary for survival in the most remote villages is accomplished, so that all its inhabitants may be kept healthy and happy.The ability to balance their innate caution with practical considerations is one of the Cervans’ greatest strengths. Cervans teach that the best means of survival in any situation is to remain calm and weigh one’s options. The best Cervan leaders favor this approach. Cervans have a unique ability to bounce back and survive a physical shock that might kill others. Occasionally, Cervans who survive such traumas are granted mystical visions. Sometimes these are flashes of insight into the world around them, sometimes portents of doom, and other times visions of a far away future. Known among Cervans as “The Sight”, this phenomenon is elusive, and out of the control of mortals. Cervans who have seen visions in this way are known as “The Sighted”, and after this initial event, some will suddenly find themselves receptive to visions of the past, present, and future. A Cervan whose Sight has been triggered is encouraged to hone it, so that they might take on the role of a seer within their village. However, these efforts aren’t always met with success. The Sight will sometimes visit a Cervan only once in their lifetime, with no amount of training granting a glimpse of such visions again. This is believed to be for the best, as Cervans acknowledge that those who are truly Sighted carry knowledge that can be both a blessing and a curse. - Pronghorns: While it’s not unusual for some Cervans to have small antlers or buds visible on their heads, only rarely is a Cervan born who can grow a full set of antlers. These Pronghorns are thought to be specially blessed by the Goddess Wareharun, who watch over all Cervans. The arrival of a Pronghorn Cervan is an event to celebrate, as it can occur only once in a generation. Satyrs Furries with the features of goat (male) and sheep (female). Are Native in Narnia. Scratazon A Scratazon is a Furry with the features of a squirrel (incl. tree squirrels and chipmunks). Incorrectly believed to be an all-female race. Are Native in Narnia. Lizardfolk Furry reptilians who are native in Lustria and Jumanji. And while they can vary greatly in size, strength, colors and just looks in general, they often live in the jungles and marshes. Those who live in isolated tribes are usually fairly primitive and have savage tempers, something that's not to be underestimated considering they often come in large numbers. (Lizardfolk culture is often based on Aztec, Mayan and similar cultures) - Subek: Crocodile-headed and overly-muscled Lizardfolk that dwell along the banks of great rivers in Jumanji. - Tortle: The Tortles are a race of intelligent tortoise-like Lizardfolk. Tortles have little tolerance for cold, and usually migrate away from temperate areas when winter approaches. Birdfolk A collection of Furry birds with different appearances such as swans, swallows, macaws and thrusts. Are native in Narnia, Lustria, Jumanji and the Hazun Continent. - Gallus: The Gallus commonly dwell in small, familial communities. Gallus have a deep respect for nature and a love of gardening unmatched by other Birdfolk. They value their social bonds above all else, and are always ready to help their neighbors and promote the common good. They are polite but have little patience for deceit and rudeness. The Gallus are a varied folk, resembling as many different varieties of wildfowl as there are trees in the forests. Some are pheasant-like, others are grouse-like, while some resemble chickens or turkeys. There are dozens of variations of feathers, colors, and patterns even between gallus of the same sub-race. The Gallus are proud of their appearances but not to the point of vanity. Maintaining good grooming is akin to keeping a knife sharp and shows a level of respect for oneself. Birdfolk are generally welcoming to other races, but the Gallus are particularly well-known for their willingness to include virtually anyone in social or familial groups. In Gallus culture, it is customary to always offer your seat at a table to guests. This is seen as the basis of a popular and hilarious children’s story about a meal growing too cold to eat as the gallus continually give up their seats to late arrivals at a party. - Lumas: A race of polar opposites when it comes to their role in perch society. They are as often shunned for their eccentricities as they are celebrated for them. Lumas are smaller than most Birdfolk, and resemble either doves or pigeons. Many have ruffs of feathers that shine with unique iridescent colors, something which can be seen as either alluring or unusual. Most fledgling Lumas approach social situations with hesitation, until a time when society inevitably labels them an outcast or a notable figure, and the individual naturally adapts to the role. To most, Lumas seem perpetually disorganized and distracted, which has lead to a belief that they are of low intelligence. In truth, Lumas have a unique perception of the world. They are able to interpret information in an uncommon way, allowing them to see possibilities others cannot. These inherent talents, sometimes dismissed as luck, can be improved upon with training and study. Pairing their natural gifts with magical education, powerful Luma wizards and radical scholars have been at the forefront of magical innovation for some time in Rondel. While most Lumas find their peculiar nature to be a hindrance in society, some make use of their gifts to climb the social ladder. These individuals inspire curiosity and have an air of authority about them. This divide in social standing among Lumas can make for curious and strained relationships among families and friends. Other Lumas find it difficult to exist in the larger society of Birdfolk cities. It is said that this is a main contributing factor for the close-knit, and exclusive Luma districts in larger cities. Lumas tend to keep to themselves, preferring the company of those who understand them rather than those who pass judgement. - Strigs: Strigs are the most imposing of the Birdfolk races. Resembling owls, their thick feathers, solid bodies, and broad wings have earned them a reputation as the most powerful of the Birdfolk races. They value strength and endurance, traits they believe crucial for survival in the Wood. Although they are not necessarily prejudiced against those who are weaker, Strigs are quick to call out when someone is not doing their best for the common good. While many Birdfolk rely on their prowess or intelligence for superiority, Strigs use their immense strength and stamina to endure even the most punishing assault. They make mighty warriors, and whether defending their perch (a roost for a bird) or braving monsters, Strigs never shy away from a fight. Strig culture is largely based on principles of strength and endurance above all, but not necessarily for the purposes of combat. Protecting and providing for others in hard times is considered just as impressive, if not more so, than winning a fight. Strigs, more than any of the other Birdfolk race, are most at home in the wild. Their mottled feather patterns, though not as bright or beautiful as others, allow them to easily hide in the forest. Due to this inherent advantage, along with their speed and power, strigs make excellent hunters and rangers. Strigs prefer the relative simplicity of the forest to the machinations of society and politics. Despite these individualistic tendencies, they are capable of forming familial and community bonds that transcend a permanent or single physical home. - Raptors: When the Birdfolk think of hunters or rangers, they picture a Raptor. Resembling small hawks, eagles, and other birds of prey, they have sharp talons and agile builds that help them effortlessly glide through the canopy. These Birdfolk are swift and strong with an uncanny knack for tracking. They are rarely prey, and are quick to turn the tables when finding themselves hunted. Given their heightened senses, often Raptors appear to be distracted or deep in thought. In reality, they are processing the wealth of sensory information they receive from their particularly keen eyes and sensitive ears. While many folk are only ever aware of what goes on directly around them, Raptors have an extremely wide field of awareness. Raptors are adept at living off the land. They are skilled hunters, usually leading the harvesting of meat and skins for their perches. Raptors are especially well versed in stalking prey from great heights, lining up impossible shots that their prey could not predict. While many of the Birdfolk races are culturally communal, Raptors don’t have a great sense of connectedness, nor do they tend to create their own perches. They are more likely to adopt a transient lifestyle, moving from perch to perch, or to simply live in the vast forests of Narnia. Though typically quiet, Raptors are not averse to forming relationships with other Birdfolk. Despite their reserved nature Raptors value personal bonds more highly than societal or even familial ties. - Corvums: A crow-like race with dark feathers and sharp minds. Their reputation in Birdfolk society is nothing short of villainous, and they are regularly cast as the antagonists of any given situation. It’s hard to say whether the Corvums are distrusted because they behave the way they do, or if they behave the way they do because they are distrusted. It is widely believed that Corvums only look out for themselves. Sometimes this presents as flexible morals, and at othertimes it simply means they follow a personal code instead of subscribing to general law. Either way, Corvums are a crafty race and they tend to get what they want, one way or another. Corvums are typically found in positions with a modicum of power, such as advisors or minor officials. The stigma they face usually prevents them from attaining too prominent a position in Birdfolk society, but Corvums are adept at working behind the scenes, spreading their influence subtly and to great effect. Corvums are commonly accepted, sometimes begrudgingly, to be among the smartest of Birdfolk. Keen observers, they trade in information the way others trade goods. They are hungry for knowledge and leverage it to further their goals whenever possible. Their undeniable skill in matters of logistics and planning make them valuable to councils and powerful individuals alike. - Bucerot: The Bucerot are a hornbill-like race that originates from the Rainforests of Lustria and Jumanji. Hard-headed both in personality and physicality, they can be a frustrating folk to deal with. These hefty Birdfolk live in the rainforest canopy, rarely going to ground. Much like their floor-dwelling neighbors, the Orill, they are feirce defenders of their home. Of all the Birdfolk, the Bucerot may be the most difficult to deal with. They are not unfriendly, but have no interest in points of view that differ from their own. Though long-lived, they are a dwindling race that reproduces rarely. Fearing any negative impact that change could bring to their already declining population, they have chosen to anchor in their existing habits and hope for the best. While this mentality has prevented any significant improvement in their situation, it has also ensured they've not seen any great decline.With their large builds and imposing casques, they have remained largely unchallenged in the canopies. Those that tried to encroach soon discovered that the Bucerot casques are for more than just decoration. Unfortunately, use of this natural weapon wears it down over time. The eldest of the species rarely have more than a nub. The Bucerot have lived within the Rainforests as long as anyone can remember. Through hard work and dedication they slowly became the dominant Birdfolk of the canopies. At that time their population boomed, driven by the vigor of expansion. Since that time, they've become complacent but have managed to maintain control of the regions. Dealing with the Bucerot can be a frustrating experience for outsiders. Those that have had the pleasure find them stubborn to a point of immovability. But, those that resist the temptation to argue will discover a pleasant demeanor. The Bucerot may have no interest in making changes for themselves, but they are happy to assist others. Jerbeens Small mouse-like folk with long, furred tails that help them balance. In proportion to the rest of their body, a Jerbeen’s legs are long and powerful. Jerbeens can be found in a variety of places across the New World, usually forming their own communities within Birdfolk perches and Furry villages and towns. Seldom do they live alone. A Jerbeen’s home can contain several generations, including extended family and cousins living together under one roof. Jerbeens have a strong sense of family and like to surround themselves with good company wherever they rest. While they are quick and nimble, and possess an affable attitude, they are not very strong, brave, or powerful on their own. When they stand with a group, Jerbeens are emboldened: the presence of others reassures them, granting them the courage to face even the largest threats head on. They excel in team strategies, helping one another solve problems that could not be surmounted alone. The communal slant of Jerbeens stems from more than just their love of good company: Jerbeen are kind and considerate creatures, known for their joviality and charm. Being small (nearly 5 feet tall) and not particularly strong gives them a perspective that allows them to easily empathize with others, like the Hobbits, though not all Jerbeens share this compassionate outlook. Some respond to the dangers outside their community by becoming insular and fearing all non-Jerbeens. Jerbeens value privacy, but true isolation from friends, families, or loved ones is considered to be the worst possible fate a Jerbeen could suffer. Ysoki Ysoki, also known among others as Ratfolk, are Furries who resemble humanoid rats. They are closely related to the Jerbeens. Standing just under 6 feet tall, Ysoki have whiskered snouts and long, scaly and partially prehensile tails that help them keep their balance just like common rats. Their keen noses often allow them to identify threats long before they're a problem. The average Ratfolk typically has short brown or black fur that is kept very clean. Ratfolk vary considerably, however; even a single family group can exhibit substantial variation in hair color, eye color, or size. Male and female ratfolk are easy for other races to tell apart, as they have different body types. Mapachs Naturally curious, Mapachs are a raccoon-like race native in Narnia. They are crafty, hearty, and tough, but their true strength lies in the potential they see when looking at the world around them. Mapachs have incredibly light hands and a great degree of fine motor control that doesn’t diminish with age. They are also adept at climbing and sneaking. This, combined with their love of trinkets, has earned them an undeserved reputation as thieves. While there are exceptions, most Mapachs are quite good-natured, if a little eccentric. Mapachs are adept at surviving tough woodland conditions, and at intuiting the right course of action when faced with a problem. They are also inveterate opportunists. Some may consider them brash, but Mapachs know that opportunities rarely present themselves and are quick to act on them. Mapachs are alert and have a keen awareness of their surroundings. Only the truly foolhardy among them are taken in by obvious traps. One of the traits Mapachs are most well-known for is their ability to find a use for just about anything. This knack for creating functional or useful items out of debris, junk, or on-hand materials is known as “scrounge-craft”, and is a cultural staple among Mapachs. This activity is considered an art form among Mapachs, on par with the high art of other peoples. Scrounge-crafting demonstrates creativity, ingenuity, and resourcefulness, but is misunderstood by outsiders who see it as primitive or crude. Genius ideas created by Mapach hands frequently began as scrounge-craft prototypes. Many who have built such interesting or unique creations achieve celebrity status among Mapachs, going on to showcase their skills in loosely-organized scrounge-craft fairs in the Narnian cities. Mapachs are often loners, but when they do establish communities with other Furries, they have a habit of fostering innovation wherever they go. Batfolk Furries with the features of a bat. They are nocturnal, can see in the dark, and mostly lives in caves or dark forests. Are native in Narnia, Lustria, Jumanji and the Hazun Continent. Madra The Madra are a collection of Furry dogs divided in different breeds (incl. poodles) and are native in Narnia. Like the dogs they resemble, Madra are loyal, and integrate eagerly with other races, making themselves useful any way they can, and delighting in others’ approval. Most Madra prefer an ordered existence with some consistency, either in daily routines or the company kept, and many become distressed without it. Few Madra live alone, and they cohabitate with others of their kind or anyone else who will take them in. Sub-races: - Hundr Madra: The powerful Hundr resemble mastiffs, bulldogs, or other larger breeds of dogs. They have a reputation for loyalty and aggression. They are frequently employed as guards, soldiers, trackers, or shepherds. - Koer Madra: The Koer resemble tend to be gregarious or neurotic in nature, and cut a far less imposing stature then the hundr, which they make up for with natural allure. They are frequently employed as bards, dancers, and jesters. Hedges The most diplomatic and good natured of all the Furries, Hedges like to live quiet lives in villages throughout Narnia, or within the safety of cities. They resemble hedgehogs, although the quills that cover their backs are far tougher, hard enough to repel blades and sharp enough to pierce the solid hides of monstrous creatures. Despite their sturdiness, Hedges are sensitive and emotional creatures, who display meekness more than bravado. Their meek demeanor and deference in social situations has earned them a reputation as cowards in the eyes of outsiders. But rather than being born of cowardice, their behavior stems from a desire to respect the feelings and sensitivities of others, something considered to be of utmost importance in Hedge-society. Hedges have an incredible capacity for empathy, and tend to view all creatures, from the smallest beetle to the largest beast, as being equally deserving of respect and dignity. They are known across the World for being excellent conflict mediators, and usually find themselves acting as diplomats or emissaries between Narnian factions trying to broker an agreement. Hedges feel most at home when everyone gets along. They are one of the few Furry races who truly understand that conflict is not an evil force but simply represents an imbalance which must be resolved. This is not to say that Hedges have never known strife, only that their proactive approach to mediation, coupled with their deep respect for the dignity of all living creatures, results in fewer occasions for conflict. Yet, when a serious conflict does arise, Hedges who feel they have been truly and deeply wronged can close themselves off from the rest of their society, sometimes resulting in splits in a community. One of the reasons Hedges display such deep empathy and compassion towards others is due to the intensity of the emotions they feel. The strength of these emotions applies as much to positive feelings it does negative, meaning emotional wounds run deep with hedges. Gifted with a unique connection to the 8 Magics, Hedges are tied into the natural world in a fashion similar to the connection possessed by some Gallus. This has granted Hedges special magical gifts, such as the ability to speak with the smallest ground-dwelling creatures in the forests, and the power to cause flowers to bloom. It is quite common for Hedges to have a variety of animal friends who share their home. Hedges who dwell outside of the cities prefer to live in individual burrows under the great roots of trees. Communities of hedges enjoy living surrounded by nature, near clearings within the forest or lone copses. Central meeting areas and communal gardens can be constructed in the spaces between burrows. Hedges love gardening, and tend to keep a few small gardens wherever they live. Hedges need special consideration when wearing clothes, and favor loose tunics, baggy trousers, flowing robes, and other clothes which fit easily over their quills. When not actively flared out, these tough quills naturally flatten, becoming smooth to the touch. However, if suddenly frightened, their quills reflexively flare out and stiffen, an accident which can ruin a hedge’s clothing. Adventuring clothes made specifically for Hedges are available in nearly every major city in Narnia, and tailors throughout the World are familiar with making alterations to suit a Hedge’s needs. Opsu Also known as the Opossumfolk, they are a race of several nomadic tribes that roams the continents of the New World. The Opossumfolk live in nomadic families of 6 to 12 members, and make their livings wherever the weather is good and the food is plentiful, preferring woodlands and jungles. Often erroneously thought to be bearers of disease by folk, Opsu are actually clean and fastidious creatures. As their family travels, they will bargain for food and lodging in exchange for honest labor, an enterprise an entire family learns to pitch in with not long as soon as they can walk. Opsu are efficient climbers, and so many become carpenters, lumberjacks or other work that takes advantage of their natural talents. Female opsu have a pouch on their abdomens that they use to carry their young until they are mobile enough to get around on their own. The pouch is roughly 6 inches wide and 4 inches deep. Some Opsu keep important and personal items, such as keys in their pouches, while others frown on this practice and consider it unsanitary. Buisel The Buisel are a group of creatures that decided the best way to keep themselves safe from the dangerous monsters and threats of the world is to keep moving as much as they can. They are often a nomadic people who wish only the best for their families and tribes, making sure that they stay as safe as possible, but will often help out those in need or if it benefits the tribe. The Otterfolk have a long tradition in voyaging and sea travel, making them one of the races that can be found on almost every corner of the World. The Buisel have the characteristics similar to common otters. All Buisel have a set of whiskers surrounding their nose and mouth. They usually have varying colored furs, ranging mostly from dark browns to even those who have a mostly white fur. Most Buisel have large black irises and pupils, but rare cases tend to have lightly colored irises for some unknown reason. Buisel tend to wear practical clothes, preferably material that is water repellent or water proof as to make it easier to swim and travel. However, they will often accessorize themselves with sea shells, shiny trinkets, or any other items they might have found or traded. Most Buisel have one concern that drives them to be part of their tribe, family. While they might play tricks and pranks on those around them, Buisel deeply love and care for the ones that they call family and will help them in their goals and in their times of need. Despite not wanting to be part of society and focus more on a nomadic lifestyle, Buisel do care about others who are in need. Whether they be the injured of the nearby human settlement who’ve suffered a devastating avalanche or an elven ship sinking and in need of rescue, these small creatures will more often than not help them. Many tribes tend to stick to their nomadic and voyager traditions, only a few tribes having permanent settlements, and even fewer living among the same settlements with other races. Most tribes travel through the winding rivers of the land or the vast oceans in search of new land and places to set temporary camps to care for the needy and raise the young. Once in a few generations, a group of young Buisel will say their farewells to their home tribe and set off on their own, charting their own paths and creating new tribes in order to help keep their traditions and sense of family alive. In the rare cases that Buisel assimilate into a settlement, they will often be the premier cartographers or traders, due to their excellent sense of direction and ability to travel long distances. Oftentimes when an Buisel sets out for the adventurer’s path, it's to help their tribe or any other humanoid in their time of need. However, there are cases of natural curiosity and a call to adventure that stirs an Buisel ’s desire to voyage. Badgerfolk Badgerfolk are small Furries that resemble a variety of different badgers. Badgerfolk are humanoid, bipedal badgers that are slightly shorter than Halflings. They have elongated weasel-like heads with small ears, standing on average at 3 to 4 feet tall, and weighing between 40 to 50 pounds. Badgerfolk have rather stout bodies, with short legs, large and well-muscled arms, and fingers ending in hard claws 2 to 3 inches long ideal for burrowing. While most pictures depict them with the same stripes as the common honey badger, this is untrue as their fur and stripes come in a variety of colors that vary by subspecies. Badger-folk constantly emit a musky odor that some find offensive. Within the Badgerfolk race there exist a variety of sub-races, each with a unique appearance and traits. - Grizzlesnouts: The most formidable of the Badgerfolk they have black fur with a single white stripe from snout to tail. They tend to also be on the larger end of the spectrum and have slightly larger claws than their cousins. They have a tougher skin and an even tougher constitution with a natural resistance to many poisons. - Bookpaws: These Badgerfolk typical fur colors a more varied than their cousins with brown, black, gray, and white being common colors with spots of black or brown on their paws and on their face. They are in the middle of the averages for height and weight. Bookpaws are known for being exceptional burrowers with shorter ears than their cousins. - Quiantails: The iconic Badgerfolk that most would interact with they have white fur with spots of black on their paws and on their face. Their size and weight varies the most of the other Badgerfolk, but their coloration is the most consistent. Unique to them is they are born with an unusual access to arcane ability not seen in the other subspecies. Loxodon Loxodons are an elephantine Furry, bearing the elephant’s distinct trunk, ears, leathery skin, and other cosmetic features. They are formidable warriors who make up the majority of the professional soldiers in the armies of the kingdoms of Narnia and Jumanji. Equinian The Equinians are a race of horse-like humanoids living in the continent of Narnia. They are very sociable. In the Plains, they create herds, where there was a prime mare and stallion, yet either of them had to remain single. The Equinians are mostly farmers and they worship Flare, the Narnian God of the Sun. Gnoll A hyena-like race native to Jumanji. They are known to the World as civilized but obsessive desert dwelling clans. Some Gnolls make their way to Human cities and live as shady merchants and slave traders. They have greenish-grey fur and are usually between 6 and 7 feet with the females being significantly shorter. They use armor made of horn, metal plates, and leather, and large weapons. Faery Races The Faeries, also known as Fae, are a collection of magical creatures of the Known World. They live both in this world, and in their own dimension that's permanently connected to the Known World. The females are always pictured with immaculate skin, perfect bodies and enormous breasts, and the males always muscular and handsome, with noticeable, great manhoods. However, only 1 in 20 are born male. As a species, the Fae were perilously fearing extinction, and required Human men to breed with. However, this causes jealousy and envy from the Human women. It is known that some Fae lives in the woods of Albion and the waters around it. Merfolk Merfolk are aquatic humanoids with the heads, torsos, and arms of Human men and women, and long fish tails below the waists. They most often live in small enclaves in the ocean depths. They can live on the surface for about a week at the time. And while on the surface their fish tails transforms to two legs. Few choose to live on the surface permanently. At the very beginning, they were first believed to malevolent creatures who lured sailors to their deaths. But the truth is that Merfolk would often help sailors away from danger. And the Mermaids are always happy to help the sailors to "release their stresses", often ending up having babies as a result! Fauns Fauns are creatures that appears part human and part goat, and who are loyal, noble and kind creatures. They are described as being short, with the upper body showing the appearance of a Human, from the waist upwards, but with two horns on each side of their foreheads. Their lower bodies, however, show the appearance of a two-legged goat, with full furry legs, a tail, and cloven hooves. Fauns were similar in appearance to Satyrs, though Fauns have Human faces rather than the Satyrs' goat faces. They enjoy dancing happily around bonfires with them, along with Dryads and Naiads, at night, and playing on their musical instruments, usually pipes, when they dance. Fauns also have a long life-span, about the same as Centaurs. Gnomes Gnomes, or the Forgotten Folk as they are sometimes known, are small (3 feet) humanoids known for their eccentric sense of humor, inquisitiveness, and creativity. Gnomes are very long-lived, often living as long as elves, which means living over 3 centuries is not uncommonly rare and 5 centuries is not unheard of. Succubi The Succubi (https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/16ba7581-d40f-45a6-ad9...) are an all-female race of former Demons who were purified by the Fae-races, and are now considered as Fae. The Succubi live in a realm named Makai. A Succubus have bat-like wings protruding from the sides of their heads (instead of horns like the Demons) and their backs. Humans trusts them, as long as they have the purification tattoo (proof of the purification of their ancestors). Other Known Fae races: - Pixies - Nymphs (Tree, Water and Mountain) - Harpies Dark Races (Races who are viewed as evil or barbaric in nature) Draconians (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-QrWLlwIbgCQ/Uvalsqp9UsI/AAAAAAAAn1Y/XXG5the_cqw/s1600/...) Draconians (or Half-dragons) weren't exactly their own race in most of the Known World. They are the child of a dragon and another (usually intelligent) race. Although really, any person or creature with dragon features are referred to as Draconians whether they are truly half-dragons or somewhere in between. Draconians retain features of their dragon-ancestry. These features can vary from case to case: full-body scales, patches of scales, claws, vestigial wings, slit eyes…etc. The more dragon blood one has, the more dragon-like their features. The Draconians of Aeryn became their own race during the time of the Akhenaton Empire, after centuries of inbreeding. Their lifespan is on average 300 years. Minotaurs (https://64.media.tumblr.com/741f4e162e1f0d3514c3c3ac7bbf5bfc/tumblr_noh9mnZ6cr1s...) The Minotaurs are a race of intelligent but aggressive humanoids, with the head, tail and rear hooves of a bull, but with the body and erect posture of a Human. Minotaurs are basically described as appearing half Human and half bull. They are huge creatures, covered in fur that come in a variety of colours, and are powerfully built, which gives them incredible strength. They have the head of a bull with large horns, a tail, and walk around on two legs, but with hooves instead of feet. They do have hands, but theirs only have three stump-like fingers on them, which are two massive ones and one small one. They have vast strength that, when paired with their ill-tempers, makes them powerful enemies. When shown proper respect, they can make fantastic allies. They are also known to be, as well as being amongst the strongest soldiers and mercenaries in Midgard, almost limitlessly brave and the most resourceful. Their race is described as being a warrior culture. During battle; while a Minotaur's front is heavily armored, their back is left free of armor. They do this because to wear armor covering their backends implies that they would even consider retreating from the battlefield, which is shameful to their warrior ways. Together with their great strength, they also fight with a variety of weapons: battle-axes, falchion swords, khopesh swords, and flails. Battle-axes are, apparently, their more favored choice of weapon, as most Minotaurs are seen fighting with them. Orcs (https://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/vortexshadow/pics/kickassOrc.png) Orcs are brutish, usually ferocious humanoids living in the Great Lands of Draenor. A shamanistic people cultivating a primitive clan-based society, the orcs are battle-hardy warriors who usually have green skin, muscular bodies and tusks. It's not unusual to see Orcs as mercenaries in Midgard. Orcish society has always been characterized by hardy and rugged living. As a result, they are staunch pragmatists, and never shy from killing if it will protect the future of the Orc or his or her clan. All Orcs, regardless of gender or station, are expected to pull their own weight and weakness is considered a grave liability. The weakness of one contaminates the strength of all, and it is punishable by the greatest humiliation an Orc can receive: exile. Each clan have their own personality. Yet regardless of their clan affiliations, Orcs prize honor over all other things in life - first to bring honor to their clan and secondly bringing honor to the self and to their sense of self-worth as an individual. Likewise, hospitality is considered one of the greatest honors that can be bestowed. There is no discrimination between genders in Orcish society. Women (https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fhere-is-some-fe...) are able to pursue the same career choices as men, rise to positions of power and are even expected to answer to the call for battle just as men are. Strength (both physical and mental), courage, initiative and independence are prized traits in all Orcs. Traditionally, children are seen as children of the parents, but are raised as children of the clan. One tradition of the Orcs on Draenor was a ceremony for newborns of the clan. The infant's parents would stand in a body of water near the encampment with the entire clan observing from shore. The mother would hand the baby to the father, who would then raise the child to the sky and proclaim the child as his, through himself and his father, and present the baby for the clan's blessings. The clan chieftain would then hold the baby and declare the infant under their protection, with the hope that they bring honor and glory to the clan. The chieftain's heir would then give a blessing. Finally the Elder Shaman would ask for the blessing of the elemental and wild spirits, and the hope that the ancestors would watch over the newborn. In some clans, if the child appears sickly or frail, they will instead be drowned, likely by the father. A common expression of scorn is that an Orc "should have been drowned at birth". This is likely the reason that the parents would stand in the water when presenting a newborn. To an Orc, blood was the ultimate tie. It bound oaths, commanded allegiances, and marked the true warrior in combat. To taint a blood bond was one of the worst crimes imaginable. Orcs in general have muscular physiques and on average, female orcs are around 6' to 6'6" tall while male orcs tend to reach 7 feet in height. Males often have very long and unusual facial hair. Females tend to have eclectic hair styles and unusual piercings. Orcs have an acute sense of smell, so much so that they can distinguish others without the need for visual confirmation. The average lifespan for an Orc is 90 years. - Half-Orcs: Half-Orcs are usually the offsprings of Humans and Orcs, but they could just as well be the offspring of Orcs and other beings. They're also usually beings shunned from the societies of their parents as a result of being neither fully one or the other, and thus inferior in the eyes of both. What they do share are usually some of the better traits, which, in the case of Human and Orc offspring, is usually increased strength compared to humans and increased intelligence compared to orcs. Having the combined physical power of their Orcish ancestors with the agility of their Human ones, Half-Orcs are formidable individuals. Though they are often shunned in both Human and Orcish society for different reasons, Half-Orcs have proven themselves from time to time as worthy heroes and dangerous villains. Their existence imply an interesting back story that most would not like to dwell on. Goblins (https://cdn.dribbble.com/users/409307/screenshots/2100106/open-uri20150610-11-1o...) Goblins are short, squat humanoids who rival Humans as the most numerous race in the World. They have grey or green skin (or somewhere in between) and are known for being ruthless and violent. They're carnivores and when food runs short will often cull their own kind for food. This cannibalistic nature has become a stigma on Goblinkind and rarely are they welcomed willingly into Human society. Because of this, Goblins often stick to small tribal settlements that dot just about every region in the world. Despite their savagery, they're strangely progressive terms of gender equality. A female Goblin (https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.905142799.2776/bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,750...) will have just as many opportunities within their own tribe as long as they're capable enough and female Goblin Chieftains are nearly as common as their male counterparts. They're also quite dexterous; often being able to use their feet just as skillfully as their hands. On top of that, they're quite skilled at climbing and can find climbable surfaces that other humanoids wouldn't be capable of traversing. - The Hobgoblins are a distinctive sub-species of steppe-dwelling Goblins that are found only within the lands of the Far East, in the rolling, untamed plains of the Great Steppes north of the borders of the Zhōuan Empire. Kobolds (https://www.wargamer.com/wp-content/sites/wargamer/2022/07/dnd-kobold-5e-red.jpe...) Living in Aeryn and the mountains of northern Albion, Kobolds are a race of aggressive, insular, yet industrious small humanoid creatures and are amongst the great enemies of the Dwarfs. They are noted for their skill at building traps and preparing ambushes, and mining. They are distantly related to Dragons. A kobold is a reptilian humanoid, standing between 2 and 2.5 feet (60–75 centimeters) tall, weighing 35 to 45 pounds (16–20 kilograms), with scaled skin between reddish brown and black in color and burnt orange to red eyes. Their legs are sinewy and digitigrade. They have long, clawed fingers and a jaw like a crocodile. Small white or tan horns protruded from their head, and they have rat-like tails. They would often smell of wet dog and stagnant water. Kobolds like to wear red or orange garments, which were usually ragged. Kobolds are resentful of their short stature and hates members of other races who poked fun at them for this. Most felt as though they ought to compensate for their small size in other ways, such as humor or aggression. They would naturally tend to hate larger creatures, and although they would show respect and obedience if required, they always looked for ways to display their resentment. The ultimate goal of the kobold race was to conquer as much of Albion as possible. It never happened due to the unification of the island and the Dwarfs stubbornly defending their holds. Where other races considered heroes to be those who enact great feats of strength or military prowess, kobold heroes were those who showed great prowess in trap setting, torture and ambush. A pregnant female would lay her egg within 2 weeks. About 1 in 10 pregnancies led to 2 eggs. An egg needed incubation for about 2 months, but the newly hatched kobold could walk in just hours. The eggs were particularly sturdy, and the young inside could survive even if the egg broke as much as 15 days early. Kobold young matured quickly, having reached young adulthood in 6 years. Kobolds used their cunning and sheer weight of numbers to defeat enemies. They preferred to lay traps or ambushes, and would only engage a foe directly after it was weakened. If their numbers were diminished such that they had less than a two-to-one advantage, the group would usually flee. Kobold traps included spike pits, tripwires, flaming oil, and poisonous vermin. They dislike Dwarfs to such an extent that they would attack on sight. Kobolds lives in the dark, ideally inside mountains, in tribal societies. Their lairs were often overcrowded, although when one tribe became too numerous, it split into numerous smaller ones. The overcrowding eliminated the concept of privacy, so Kobolds slept in communal areas where nudity was not regarded as shameful or offensive, even to the opposite sex. Kobolds wore clothing for function or ritual, but not to prevent nudity. The common overcrowding often led to conflict, and two Kobolds would fight to settle their differences, although these fights were not usually lethal. This led to a lack of deep-rooted divisions or grievances in Kobold society. They are respectful of authority figures, and would obey diligently, especially if they're Draconians. Kobolds are similar to Dragons, but while Dragons had warm blood, Kobolds are cold-blooded. Due to this, they are susceptible to cold, especially if it was brought on quickly. Kobolds do not maintain monogamous relationships, and due to the importance they placed on propagation, they chose mates by practical measures rather than love or other emotions. Mating was an impersonal act for Kobolds. Kobolds are talented miners. Kobolds often created their lairs by mining them from the rock. Mining was a meticulously planned and conducted process where nothing was left to chance. Divination magic was used to locate ore and mineral deposits. A high proportion of a kobold tribe were miners. Each family group was expected to cut its own room, the walls of which they would adorn with a pictorial history of the family. The greatest art for Kobolds is trap-making. The use of invention and cunning in traps was the mark of a good trap-maker. The other art form was the pictorial representation of the tribe's history, created on the walls of a specially created room in every lair. Kobolds enjoyed making jewelry from the gems and precious metals they encountered while mining. They could be possessive about their personal jewelry collections, and much effort was put into crafting beautiful jewelry, unlike other items, which were functional rather than aesthetically pleasing. A Kobold can live up to 135 years. Vampires (https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/9/98/Soulblight_Gravelords_Co...) A Vampire is an undead creature. A humanoid can become a Vampire, and looks very much like it did when alive, but with paler skin, hardened and feral features giving them a predatory aspect, and red eyes that were hard to forget. Their hands are clawed. A new Vampire is created when another Vampire drains the life out of a living creature. A Vampire retains all the abilities it had in life, and gains the ability to drain blood and life energy, and to dominate other creatures with its gaze. A Vampire can also command rats, bats, and wolves, or take the form of those creatures. They also become superhumanly strong, can heal quickly or even regenerate, and can turn into a gaseous form. They do not cast shadows and have no reflections in mirrors. Jotnar (https://ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/web01.ho-sting/videogamesartwork_com/public/...) The Jotnar are a barbaric race of blue-skinned humanoids who are nearly as tall Giants and are descendants of Jadis, the Chaos Goddess of Winter, Evil and the Dead. The chances of a Jotunn being born with Magic are high, and some becomes shape-changers who could take on any form. Beast Races (Animals, magical beings, monsters and such) Dragons (https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/monster/images/3/3c/68185247-BAAD-4E7C-BA78-C2...) Dragons are large, intelligent, fire-breathing (or ice…or lightning…or many things other things!) and incredibly dangerous. On top of their brawn and brains, they also have a lot of skill in magic. They start quite small at birth, but can grow nearly indefinitely. The largest of dragons can threaten whole kingdoms with nothing more than their gargantuan size. Fortunately, their greed and lust means that they typically get slain before they can become that large. They often hoard money and harems and are infamous for it on top of their dangerous nature, they also have the capability to breed with just about anything and can use magic to disguise themselves if they feel like being subtle (which they rarely do). However, unlike demons, they don´t have an off switch. This means that half-Dragons are common in regions infested with them. Dragontypes: - Fire Dragon = Hot-tempered and intolerant beasts whose flaming breath and ready rage have long since passed into legend as being synonymous with Dragonkind. Most are shades of red. - Forest Dragon = Dragons that are known to live mostly in forested regions of the world and to breathe soporific fumes instead of fire. - Frost Dragon = Creatures of winter that dwell in frozen climates. - Storm Dragon = Rarely seen, for they live in the rolling storms high in the atmosphere. They shoot bolts of lightning as a breath weapon. Related races: - Wyvern = Similar to Dragons in many ways, but smaller, lacking forelimbs, and far less intelligent. Dragons admit some level of kinship with Wyverns. Also, Wyverns are incapable of breathing fire like their larger cousins. In the Teutoburg Empire's Wyvern Corps, Wyverns are used as mounts and trained to swoop down on enemy troops and attack with their claws and teeth, as well as allow the rider to impale enemies on their lance. - Hazun Dragon (https://assets.stickpng.com/images/580b57fbd9996e24bc43c03a.png) = Serpentine, golden-scaled and bejeweled dragons who live in the far-off Zhōuan Empire. Demons Demons aren’t so much a race as they are manifestations of an idea. Usually this idea resolves around sowing chaos and corruption. They’re inhumanly powerful and fast and typically are adept at magic. They come from the Abyss (Hell) and most of their motivations involve power plays, or simply alleviating their boredom. Many of them have the ability to change their form and have the capability to reproduce with just about any race... although they rarely see any use in such a task and can alter their bodies to be fertile or infertile depending on what they wish. Pegasi and Unicorns - Pegasi (singular Pegasus) look like magnificent white draft horses with elegant feathered wings. Their coats sparkle under the sun in a manner reminiscent of light playing over new-fallen snow. Pegasi are wild beasts, capable of staving a soldier’s head in with a well-placed blow from one of their hooves. While they seldom take to the ground, preferring the sky, when they do they are swift runners. Pegasi that haven't been battle trained are far more likely to fly away than fight, except when their foals are in danger. Though the Pegasus looks much like a winged horse, it is cunning and intelligent beyond the measure of any ordinary steed. They are social beasts that live in great herds, and can most commonly be found in the mountains. They are also a prolific race, and there are herds scattered across the four corners of the world, where they prefer to nest in high plateaus and mountain ranges. They are some peculiar offshoots of their kind that are worth further note, such as the Dark and Radiant Pegasi. Pegasi are primarily sought after as steeds for noblemen and sorcerers, for they are loyal beasts that seem to anticipate their master's every move. Wizards often seek to bind Pegasi to serve as either beasts of burden or scouts. When properly commanded, a Pegasus can cover vast distances at great speed, and whilst it lacks the voice to communicate that which it has seen, there are many simple cantrips that allow a wizard to share his servant's vision. - Unicorns are magical horses of great intelligence who possess a single horn growing out of their foreheads. They are renowned in the stories and songs of the Known World for their elegance and grace. They are sometimes used as mounts by the most morally pure and righteous mortal female magic-users of the High Elves, the Wood Elves and the Grail Damsels of Paladia. The unicorn is an innately magical creature, but its selfish nature means that it tends to feel no kinship with creatures that were summoned or created through sorcerous means, despite their common origins. If anything, it pities such beings for their misfortune at having been created as anything other than a unicorn. Unicorn ivory is a much sought-after prize in certain corners of Paladian society, and many a gallant knight has met his end pursuing a unicorn deep into the magical forests. Just as the brave warrior thinks he has cornered his prize, the creature disappears without warning. Curiously, unicorns are drawn to female wizards as moths to a flame, and find the taste of magic intoxicating. Most Spellsingers and Grail Damsels find this an acceptable situation, as a tame unicorn makes for an excellent steed. Furthermore, the beast's nature protects its rider against hostile magics, with a devastating spell often resulting in little more than a slightly inebriated and emboldened steed. Hippogryphs and Griffons - A Hippogryph is a hybrid animal that has the head winged features of a predatory bird, the forequarters of a mountain lion and the rear end of a horse, complete with tail. The Hippogryph species inhabit the upper reaches of the mountain range that’s forming the border between the Teutoburg Empire to the east and Paladia to the west, occasionally prowling the green lands below for prey such as sheep and cattle, although they have also been known to hunt humans, orcs or just about any creature that cannot quickly hide from its vision. Being a predatory animal, Hippogryphs are savage and highly aggressive in their nature and would attack anyone or anything with very little to no provocation or warning. As you might expect, the Hippogryphs species are unnaturally bloodthirsty animals who would wantonly slaughter every animal on sight, not necessarily for food but as a simple act of pure aggression. In fact, a Hippogryphs desire for warm flesh is so great that those around them can literally sense their terrible hunger. Survivors of a Hippogryph attack often keep a sharp lookout skywards for years afterwards. They are unrelentingly territorial and will fight to the death against any creature that strays into their chosen domain. - A Griffon is a combination of a giant bird of prey and a big cat, such as a lion, or tiger. Griffon’s have massive feathered wings, and beaks which are hooked and can easily sever a man’s limb. Their claws, which are reminiscent of a hawk’s talons, are kept sharp by regular scoring against stone. They are voracious predators, flying out for miles to hunt from their mountain lairs. Griffons then swoop down on their prey, screaming war cries as they come. The cry of a Griffon is often enough to send enemies running. For the Griffon, this is an ideal situation as it prefers its meals on the run, and alive. They then continue to attack until no opponent is left moving. Survivors of the griffon attacks often have dreams of being hunted down and rent limb from limb for years afterward. Despite being large and monstrous creatures, Griffons have reputations as noble beasts. This is in part due to their proud and regal bearing - Griffons are not ravenous and frenetic like Manticores (creatures in the underworld). Instead a Griffon strikes with swift and precise grace, its motion poised and controlled. Yet this elegance in no way undermines its deadliness, for a Griffon is more than capable of using its talons and razor beak to rip a foe apart. Skilled and efficient fighters, Griffons do not kill indiscriminately, although they show no reluctance when hunting or protecting their territory. They are fierce and merciless, but never cruel. Griffons prefer their meat raw and screaming, though they’ll scavenge if no other prey presents itself. This is fairly rare though, as their hunting grounds tend to range for miles around their chosen mountain aerie. Their eyesight is as sharp as raptors and they can see motion from miles away. As a result of a Griffon’s possession of a noble temperament and an impressive intelligence, they can be trained as loyal and deadly mounts. For anyone to have the slightest hope of mastering a Griffon, the beast must be capture and trained while young, forging a bond that only death can shatter. Griffons are prized for their sharp claws and powerful beaks. A few Griffons in Albion lives in the southern half of Ynys Wydryn (the Frozen Teeth) in the north. Cyclopses Cyclopses are one-eyed giant-like creatures native to Midgard and are deadly enemies of the Giants. Their heights range to at least 10 feet tall. Trolls (https://dorokai.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Iron-Studios-Cave-Troll-Statue-00...) Trolls are evil, malicious Humanoid creatures native to Midgard and are known for their extreme unintelligence and bulky, Human-like appearance. Ogres (https://assets.mycast.io/actor_images/actor-ogre-247679_large.jpg?1627385133) An Ogre is a large creature native to Midgard. In many ways, they are similar to Trolls and Cyclopses, as they share their low intelligence and massive size. Yet, Ogres appear to be bigger and more intelligent than both. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There’s a lot of information, but there’s always room for improve and add more. The last thing i want to do is to stifle your creativity. This is hardly a comprehensive guide to Midgard and there is plenty of room for more races and lands than just what’s listed here. The things here are listed here, because that’s what has been set in stone through my stories and the stories of other writers. Feel free to come up with new ideas as long as they don’t conflict with the information above. So, after reading everything you still want to continue. Great! I do have one request though. If you want to add a whole adventure in, try to have good idea of where you want it to begin and end. Inspire your creativity and see it through until the end. I highly encourage anyone who wishes to write a large number of chapters to mail me and we can have a discussion. You can start a parallel story or a whole new story. Chapters that leave off at court, waiting for a crisis or other major event to happen is a great place to branch the story off. Likewise anytime there’s a new ruler or an heir is born is a good time to start a larger story with a new ruler. If you still feel oppressed, I can always use help developing the sexual encounters. I don't have particular confidence in mine and i always feel like they can use more options and interactivity. Other than that, I hope you enjoy reading and i certainly hope things meet everyones expectations. And please, PLEASE add chapters. (And as usual: reward of 1,000 GPs per chapter) |