You heard a click and the sound of a woman's voice.
"Hello? Who is this?", the woman asked.
Something about the sound of her voice tickled your memory.
"Uh, I feel like I should ask you the same question. I found this number on a note in a pair of jeans that someone left at my house."
There was a slight gasp. And the voice perked up.
"John? John Wallace is that you?"
"Uh yeah, it is. Who is this?"
"Ah, where are my manners. John, it's me Alice Harper."
"Alice! I knew your voice sounded familiar. Alice, why are your jeans in my house and why did you leave a note for me in them?"
"I can answer those question in a few moments John, but first, I must know. Did you try the jeans on?"
"What? I mean, uh..."
"It's OK John. I'm not going to judge you or think you're weird. I just have to know, did you try them on? And are you still wearing them."
"Yeah, I did, I mean, I am. I mean, yes, I am wearing the jeans right now. Why do ask?"
"Excellent. John this is very important. How long have you had the jeans on for? And how do you feel?"
"I don't know, I've had them on for maybe, 5 minutes? Give or take a minute or two. And I feel fine I guess. Just confused as to what this is all about."
"5 minutes? Hmmmmnnn. Then the effects should be starting to manifest shortly. John, do you happen to feel dizzy or lightheaded at all?"
"Well, now that you mention it, I am feeling a little flushed. Wait, does this have to do with these pants?"
"Yes, it does but don't worry John. Nothing bad is happening. In fact, what is happening may change the world. Can you do me one more favor for right nowI? I'm going to come over, is that all right? And while I make my way over, please don't take the pants off, no matter how you feel. I should be by in just a few minutes."
"Uh, OK. That's fine I guess."
"Fantastic. See you soon John."