Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/209084-Looking-for-adventure
Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Action/Adventure · #209084
Four people looking for adventure, and dealing with past demons

Four people looking for adventure, and dealing with past demons

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
The year is 7084 aliens have landed on Earth and that's old news. Now four young people set out to look for adventure, or just get out of the slums that they live in and see the world.

Jace Falconer: Jace is a human, he has short reddish brown hair with brown eyes and is 23. He lives in the slums with his mother and sister Rhea. He's the leader type, always takes control and keeps a pretty cool head no matter what. He never knew his father, and is not sure he ever wants to. Jace works at a shipping company, loading and unloading, his mother works as a healer and midwife, his sister is a pickpocket.

Rhea Falconer: Rhea is a human with shoulder length black hair with brown eyes and is 18. She knows the best way to travel, the quickest way and slowest way and things like that. Rhea always looks on the bright side of things, and can find good in almost anyone. She belives that if humans had tried being nice to the lizard people instead of hunting them there wouldn't have been so much bloodshed, and she is right(will be explained in 1st chapter). She wants to become friends with Tara sort of understand her better, if you will.

Marek Moonsword: Marek is a human with short brown hair with ice blue eyes and is 20. He is a merchant and lives in the slums. He is Jaces friend. He knows how to get the best good, weaponds, food for the lowest prices and how to sell them for the highest.

Tara "The Snake" Quickclaw: Tara is a lizard person. She looks like a reptilian human. She is a mercenary, who people call 'The Snake', no one knows her real name. The only thing people know about lizard people is how they fight and the myths people have made up and they are the most hated race in the universe. She has forgotten how old she is. Her scales and hair change to show her emotion(pink: irrated, red: angry)or at will. Other than that they are black. She is one of the best mercenary even though she is blind. Her eyes are all white, if she ever got her sight back they'd be silverblue. She lost her eye sight durning the Great War. Tara has many past demons and enemies. She could get her eyesight back if she went back to her home planet, Yadar, but she doesn't because she is afraid of what her people will think of her. Lizard people are actually rather peaceful, and being a mercenary makes Tara sick.

Please, please, please GIVE ME YOUR IMPUT AND ADD CHAPTERS!!!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/209084-Looking-for-adventure