Inside the TVi studio, the television network for children, KIDZ+, was currently being broadcast to a multitude of Parisian audiences, and they were going to get quite the show today. On that channel, the competition show, The Challenge, was underway and the contestant was standing in awe before her opponent.
“I can’t believe it. I’m actually meeting Ladybug!” She cheered, jumping excitedly.
The girl, 12 years of age, had red hair woven into a braid that reached her shoulders. She was clad in green shoes with white laces and a toe cap, pink shorts running down just past her kneecaps, and a solid yellow t-shirt with sleeves covering her elbows. Her build was lean, with her arms and legs lacking much muscle, but her height was only a few inches beneath her competitor. The girl’s irises were a vibrant blue that perfectly matched Ladybug’s and her pale skin was void of any freckles, blemishes, and the like.
“Hello, you must be Katie.” Ladybug stated, shaking the young girl’s hand. “Just know that whoever wins, we’re just here to have fun.”
“Yeah, sure.” Katie replied.
Ladybug took a few gulps of the air around her, making her stomach bloat out slightly under her skintight outfit. When she felt her belly reach its limit, the insect-themed superhero caved it in, forcing the oxygen mixed with stomach gas up her esophagus and out of her mouth.
Ladybug went first, emitting a belch that surpassed the one that she’d let out at home. The burp lasted three seconds and carried a scent of sugary soda that wafted through the air, causing Katie to fan the odor away. It was also loud enough to make Katie flinch a little bit. LB smiled and gestured for Katie to go next, but was put off by the sick girl’s smirk.
The redhead copied her opponent’s technique, but took more controlled inhales, almost like she was performing from experience. When her tummy too had its fill of air, she did something a little different. Kat balled her right hand up into a fist and slammed it into her abdomen, throwing its interior into further chaos. Then, she lurched forward and let the anarchic air elevate through her chest and boom past her ruby lips.
If Ladybug’s burp was like a gale force wind, then Katherine’s was a tornado’s torrent. Her lips quivered from the force of it, her belch echoing throughout the set they were and causing the mystical super heroine to shield her eardrums. LB also had to pinch her nose shut as the young girl’s eructation brought a foul fog that quickly filled the set with the rank aroma of dissolved soda, pizza, burgers, and ice cream. Even the sheer power of Katie’s burp was not to be trifled with, as it possessed strength necessary to blow away Ladybug’s hair bands, causing her once pigtailed hair to correlate and flow in the wind, and even push her back several inches. The possibly demonic belch roared for around six seconds before finally dying, and in its wake was a giggling adolescent and a teenager who was wide-eyed in shock.
“Like you said, we’re just here to have fun.”
Ladybug simply stood there with her hair still in a blown-back shape, unsure about what just happened or what her next move was. Would she continue this contest to try and get an edge or concede victory to the sick girl and be spared any possible further humility?