Original Author: Detective Barricade
"I dreamed that I was in this wonderful little cyan bikini, you know my favorite color and all, but I was standing in the middle of the city. I have no idea how I got there, but then I felt really good. When I looked down at myself, I had boobs! Honest to goodness boobs! And then... I..." You trailed off, not quite sure how to put the next part.
Beverly continued with her slight inquisitive look, tilting her head as she asked, "And then you...what? You can't just leave this intriguing tale on a cliffhanger, Miss Megan. What happened?"
You sighed and then continued to describe your dream with, "I...started growing. Slowly at first, as I didn't notice what was happening until I started looking down at some boy. I think he might have been in his senior year, so maybe three years older than me? Anyway, once I noticed that I was growing, everyone started to run away from me as it picked up in speed. Soon I was as tall as the tallest skyscraper, and then my body started destroying everything in sight as I continued to get even bigger... And then, just before my head outgrew the atmosphere...I woke up."
Beverly's smile faded after hearing out the rest of your dream. While she was aware that you secretly always wanted to grow bigger, especially in the curves department which you sorely lacked aside from a very slight pudginess in your belly, (hours exercising your fingers on a keyboard =/= actual exercise) your maid was concerned about what were to happen should that desire become reality given the description of your latest dream. She cleaned off the table from your breakfast together earlier, (you had insisted that she have her meals with you since the first time you met her. She was like family to you, and wished for her to feel the same) and proceeded to the kitchen to attend to the dishes. You followed her, knowing that when her smile faded, something troubled her. Finally, Beverly voiced what was eating at her.
"So, you dreamed that you had become a destructive giantess. Do I have that right?"
You nodded slowly, and then responded worriedly, "Yes. Beverly, you know I would love to become a giantess, or even just a little bit taller. But never, and I mean never on my grandmother's grave, would I want to be the destructive kind. That dream scared me for what I could do like that... But thankfully, that sort of thing never happens in real life, right?"
As you discussed the matter with Beverly, you noticed that your pitiful excuse for a bra and panties were starting to feel a tad...uncomfortable. You put it off as being effectively the same bra and panties you've had since you were twelve or thirteen. What was the point in buying new ones when the old ones still fit? Unconsciously you fiddle with the straps a little, completely unaware that your virtually flat chest and backside were beginning to gain a semblance of definition. And that you had gained another inch, putting you at 5'10. "Huh, this bra fit just fine when I put them on this morning..." You mumbled.
Your thirty-five year old maid returned to her usual smile. With this development, she saw an opportunity to get you out of the house and away from your computer monitor, if only for a little while. She said, suggesting, "Perhaps it's time for you to go shopping for new clothes? By the sound of it, your old ones are on their way out, Miss Megan." Beverly then put the now clean and hand-dried dishes away where they belonged, then proceeded out of the kitchen to perform more of her duties. You decided to...