Author note: This option will contain futa, if you dislike this I suggest scrolling past this section, as I will put an option for a non-futa version of this. If you do not mind futa then please enjoy.
After she finished inciting the spell she was suddenly hit with a hot flash, especially concentrating on her crotch, sitting down she tried to cool off, but it kept getting worse. She got up and tried to get herself a drink, she considered taking a shower, she needed something to stop the ever increasing heat welling up inside of her. She poured herself a few glasses of water before deciding to get a shower as well, because she had still not gotten better.
She walked into her bathroom, sweating heavily, and attempted to strip, but before she could she suddenly felt something on her crotch begin to push against her dress, making a bulge which she watched in both fascination and slight sorry. The bulge continued to grow in size, Toriel could still do nothing, but watch as she was simply shocked, unsure of what to do she sat down onto her toilet. She ventured out a hand and lightly caressed the bulge, which by now was about the size of a tennis ball, this seemed to stir whatever was inside as it began to stretch further, Toriel watched in growing arousal as she saw the bulge snake down to her knee before suddenly, and violently, bucking upward causing several rips in her dress. Toriel began to rub this ever growing bulge causing it to further stiffen and point upwards, as it kept growing it continued to rip her dress further and further, stretching it to it's limit.
Suddenly her dress gave as the bulge was finally revealed as her cock, now at least two feet in length, and 6 inches in girth, began to throb. She shed the rest of her clothes as she got into the shower, resisting touching it until she could turn on the water. Once the water began running she slowly and experimentally began to stroke her powerful cock, as she did however she also realized she had grown slightly, about 5 inches taller, and perhaps going up half a cup size, the most evident changes were definitely her newly grown cock and her ass, she had quite the bottom heavy shape as her hips, ass, and thighs all grew causing her to be rather "thicc." All of this new size led to a spike in arousal as her cock responded in kind, growing another inch longer, Toriel fervently tried to service her new appendage, as she did this her melon sized balls swung heavily back and fourth, slapping her legs loudly. She continued to work her way up to orgasm-